Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

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Ah, was wondering if it was bugged. I have another question. I'm assuming that it was intended for merchants to clear old and restock brand new each time, but is that supposed to happen for the money as well? With a low barter low str char it becomes such a hassle to trade when the merchant only carries ~4k of cash in san fran each time I go in.... and whenever I trade him more cash he'd just lose it all the next restock...

Also, the heart pills made in the EPA, are they supposed to be consumed when you use it on Cassidy? All I get is a floating text comment, but it says that it did nothing in the action dialogue.

I have a problem with the restoration patch (or maybe the NOP from Killiap's).

In first I just put the RP, and I had two big problems that made the game crash. The first was on Broken Hills (Les collines brisées) when I want to proove Chad was taking money for him, I go on his house (after learning how to pass the door) and every time I click on the chest, the game crash. Okay, I let it, happily I can take Marcus with me without this quest.

But when I arrive on the enclave base, I just can't get down with the stair. Every time I used them, the game crash. And it's the only way to acces down until my peaple.

So I erase everything, but juste fallout2, play a complete game, and then I put the NOP and the RP, and start a new game, praying that work at the end because it's frustating to arrive at the enclave base and be unable to finish.

But !

Unitl I put both patches, I start two different games. The first one was to check the end work, so I just create a stupid boy (less than 4 in intelligence), so the brotherhood man will prepare the boat for me (you can win the game in something like 10 min).

The orther game was with a perfect girl (using a savegame modificator), so I will be able to discover every part of the new RP.

But both have the same problem. After I leave the village, I start traveling, the first one to SF, the second to Klamath. And every second, the travel stop, I'm on the desert, but nothing is attacking me ! I have to go to the exit part, and travel again, but le travel stop, and again and again. After five minutes of that, I was not out of the second square around the village.

I have not seen bugs like that, so I think is coming from my own computer.

So anyone here can help me please ?

PS : I appologize for the faults, I'm french, and my english is a little rustly
No official patch and Restoration project are mutually exclude so you must install only one(that's why you probably get those errors).
Besides Restoration Project contains everything that No Ofiicial Patch have.
Okay, so I'll erase NPO and start a new game. I'll see if I have again the bug with the enclave and the one with the Chad quest.

I hope no ^^

Edit : I don't know for the bug, but the problem is still here ! I stop every second. Stressfull lol. So the problem come from the RP. What can I do ?
Also, is there a bug with Chris at the Navarro gas station?
I fooled him into thinking I was a recruit, yet his dialogue triggers every single time when I get near him, and now for some reason the only option I end up with is saying he lied to me about navarro being down in the south so combat always triggers.

Also, does anyone know if the lootable armor mod works with the RP 2.x versions ?
Yokebed said:
Edit : I don't know for the bug, but the problem is still here ! I stop every second. Stressfull lol. So the problem come from the RP. What can I do ?
The symptoms you're describing sound like a faulty RP installation. What OS are you running? You are using the latest RP (2.1.2b), yes?
Tora said:
Also, does anyone know if the lootable armor mod works with the RP 2.x versions ?
Well.... You cant finish several quest. Especialy in BH = cant hire Marcus...In Den residential and so on..
killap said:
The symptoms you're describing sound like a faulty RP installation. What OS are you running? You are using the latest RP (2.1.2b), yes?

I'm on Windows 7. And I'm using the last one.
I don't know if this is handful but just in case in Windows Vista and 7 it is reported that installing the game under Program Files folder cause numerous issues. Secondly if you have problems with graphics and music there is manually switch in ddraw to fix that and another just in case :) official patch 1.02d also causes different issues with RP(1.02d patch is too with RP installer) and RP must be installed to a clean 1.0 version only.
I don't know if this helped in any way but I just though I'll place this just in case.
Well it could be helpfull, but my folder is not in program file (not even in the principal disk, but in an other one).
For the graph, hapily the new RP allow to change the 8bit in 16bit, so I don't have problem anymore (before it was not a big problem, but whites where bad).

I'll try to completly erase the folder and reinstall fallout 2 + the RP only. Because I didn't have the problem the first time I play with only the RP (just the bugs, but one thing by one thing).
Okay, sorry for the double post, this is the new chapter of my adventures.

After 8 !!!!! installation, the game deigned to wor correctly (meaning it's not an english version). I put the RP only and the travel is ok, I was able to go to SF with only 5 stop and every stop was for a good reason (something bad was waiting for me).

I go on SF and cheat to quikly have the plans and the boat ready (just have to be stupid when you give the plans). I take the boats, but I still have the bug, but it became strange. Let me show you this screenprint :


The stairs 1 work but if I dare to walk on the stairs 2, the game crash. I'm gooing to see if it's the same with the bugs I've met already (the one with Chad I discribed, and one I forgot to tell, with the kid in the den (La Fosse), who is abused by his father).
So I wiped out the Navarro base, down to the last man (even the cook!) yet I'm unable to to use the vertibird to get to the oil rig. Is there some sort of trigger I was supposed to activate before wiping out the base, or did I have to do it without alerting the base or something?
Tora said:
So I wiped out the Navarro base, down to the last man (even the cook!) yet I'm unable to to use the vertibird to get to the oil rig. Is there some sort of trigger I was supposed to activate before wiping out the base, or did I have to do it without alerting the base or something?
It's no longer possible to fly vertibird to the oil rig in RP 2.x. You probably read the old RP 1.2 walkthrough or didn't notice what the readme said.
Ah, that would explain it, I skimmed the readme, but it wasn't listed under navarro so I missed it.
Me too.
.Pixote. said:
NovaRain said:
It's no longer possible to fly vertibird to the oil rig in RP 2.x.

It's a shame, I thought it was a nice feature...

Btw.Found some Fallout logic error-how come in Ghost Farm Slags don't have the same items with them on surface as they have underground?

Another thing are the encounters for example patrol unit with some dogs subduing slavers. They never cooperate resulting in my fight with slavers alone when the dogs get killed.
The same thing goes for example Slavers defending against some molerats and wolfs-those two don't cooperate either. And so on....

And another bug - Marcus(in metal armor) is passing through some buildings walls in Broken Hills-is he some sort of ghost ;) :D. I know I must post savegame to this. Will do with others....

Ohh-one more logic error regarding EPA-it is good as it is but it should be better. Well- at EPA we have crayoned npcs waiting before the war (so the base was abandoned very long ago-at least some time after the war+vault dweller life and his children) and at epa we have some humans with implanted personalities(wow that makes them real old-they are like 200 to 500 years old :D hey-they are better then Adam and Eve :D)
Arf, the bugs are still here (the boy on the den and Chad on the broken hills), but for the first time I was able to make a screenprint on time before the crash. Here is the message :


It's strange I'm the only one with these bugs no ? Can they come from my computer ?

By the way I have a question : with the RP, when I travel, it's very very very slow (better than stops every second). I think it can be changed in the fallout2.cfg but I'm not sure about the line I must change and the number I should put. Does anyone have an idea ?
read the RP tech wiki, to be sure you have the RP installed correctly.
Maybe I'm wrong, but that problem you have described seems like a non-english game issue:
There are also problems with non-English Fallout versions, but both US and UK (without children) work fine. If your version was non-English, you needed to apply certain post-processing to Fallout after installing the Restoration. According to killap's readme: "For non English users, you need to rename the: \BlackIsle\Fallout2\data\Text\English folder to whatever language you are using, such as German, in order to play. **This is only needed if your language was not an option in the installer or all the new NPCs are giving "ERROR" dialogues.**"
And the travel speed - such things can be adjusted through the sfall. Open the "ddraw.ini" file.

I made it (putting \BlackIsle\Fallout2\data\Text\English in \BlackIsle\Fallout2\data\Text\French)

You were right, the bugs are ok nom, but... my game went back in English !!! After my 8 needed installation to have the game in frech, everything is lost. Why can't I have the game in french and only the extensions in English ? I understant RP was not already translated but my game should still be in frech for all the normal part no ? Even the personnal ship is in english.

Edit : I try to modify the ddraw.ini, I was not sure about what I have to change, I changed the speed :

;The speeds corresponding to each slot in percent. (i.e. 100 is normal speed)
and changed that :

;Set to 1 to use the fallout 1 code to control world map speed

;Controls the world map speed if WorldMapFPSPatch is 1. Higher values cause slower movement

I travel now in normal speed, which is slower than without the RP (because I had a patch probably, can't remember, but the travel was very fast, and also the fights movements)). I can survive with that.
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