First of all I'd like to thank killap for making Fallout 2 an even greater game through the RP. I haven't played Fallout 2 in a little while, but I have used RP 1.2 (liked it too!), and was quite happy to find out that even more "lost" content has been restored.
There are a few possible bugs I would like to report, possibly related to the Restoration Project.
Since I had RP 1.2 before, I uninstalled and completely removed anything related to the old Fallout 2 installation. I then installed a North American version of Fallout 2, resulting in a clean 1.0 installation (placed at E:\Fallout2\). Nothing else was added beside the new RP 2.1.2 installation. I chose to install all of the additional content
except Missing Children FRMs, 14mm/.223 pistol sounds from Fallout 1 and YAAM.
I loaded character stats from a .GCD-file, and started a new game (no old savegame used). I decided to travel around a bit, to check out the new world map and visit places (i.e. San Francisco) that has been changed. I found what is possibly a minor graphical glitch in San Francisco, outside the Hubologist compound.

Direct link:
Check the tarmac along the right edge of the screenshot, and the sidewalks above and below the fold in the driveway. Maybe this is a way to add the view of the bridge? I don't think that there is something wrong with my installation. I normally run at 640x480 resolution, and this looks the same in 640x480 as it does in 1280x960. I tried several graphics modes with the same result.
My next find is a bit more complicated. After walking around the world map I eventually ended up in Vault City. There I recruited Cassidy, and headed off for The Den. Between Modoc and The Den I ran into a caravan attacked by highwaymen. I stepped aside and patiently waited for them to fight each other, to be able to loot the corpses afterwards.
I am aware that saving while in a fight is discouraged by some, but this occurred without any save or load. The caravan consisted of one caravan master, one guard, and two slaves. The highwaymen were four in total. One of the highwaymen is wielding a 10 mm pistol, and is shooting at the caravan master (constantly missing, hitting another highwayman instead). She suddenly hits the female slave, the female slave walks up and starts attacking with her fists, but the highwayman does not fight back and instead run to the left edge of the map.
This is a screenshot from the savegame I did after observing this strangeness:

Direct link:
Far left is the female highwayman (with a crosshair and -43% hit chance marker). To the right of her is the attacking female slave. The highwayman was completely unharmed (as far as I remember) before the female slave started attacking her. I downloaded F2se and added Awareness to my character, revealing that the highwayman currently have 37/55 HP in this savegame. She also have two rounds left in her 10 mm pistol, but she will just stand there being slowly beaten to death 1-2 HP's at a time. If I go any closer the highwayman will run south, but will not fight back against the pursuing, unarmed, female slave. Neither will she attack me if I start shooting at her.
Another strange thing about this fight is that I can hit the leftmost female highwayman every time, armed with the HK P90c, firing single shots. With a -43% hit chance I'd expect critical failures rather than scoring two hits each turn. The other targets (with hit chances -22%, -28% and -34%) are virtually impossible to hit. Burst firing with the P90c does not generate hits, neither am I able to score hits with the combat shotgun in the given conditions. Only single shots from the P90c work for those highly unlikely hits.
I tried killing off the other two highwaymen, the female slave, ended combat and walked up to the formerly malfunctioning highwayman. She now fired her last two rounds at me, and switched to unarmed attack afterwards. She did not run away this time, and bit the dust soon afterwards.
I can provide the savegame, it's about 1 Mb in size. I'm just not sure where I could publish the ZIP-archive.
If I load this game, and do not attack anyone (just choose to end my turn), Cassidy will start attacking me within a turn or so. These "companion attacks" have happened to me before when saving in a fight and not starting to attack someone after loading, possibly also in unmodified Fallout 2, can't really remember. Not a huge problem, but still a bug I think.
There seems to be lots of different kind of pots everywhere! I am absolutely sure that several of them wasn't there before.
The formerly inaccessible table (in the lower right corner, by a window) in Red 888 Guns in San Francisco now seems to be completely gone.