kafoaai said:Hi!
Let me introduce myself here! I am a very new guy around, but not for fallout(1,2)! I have been playing this game for ages, and not long ago I have decided to try this mod. The very first mod for me in fact.
I really like all the things that have been done in the mod. But I am sure, I havent seen it all.
My latest caracter turs out to be a 'big gun'-er. I remembered that in plain old fallout 2 I wasnt very sucsessful with big guns, and I thought, "heck maybe now!". And it looks like I was wrong.
Thus far I have a light support weapon, wich is quite good for some lowlife enemies, but when I try to take on, some guys with combat armor, they actually dont die!(I have bonus ranged damage (2)).
They suffer big time tho, so it isnt an issue - considering it is a light support weapon.
My problem comes with the flamer. useless to say the least. I have red the YAAM readme, and I was like, "woohaaa, the flamer will rock!" ... then I try to hit a deathClaw and I pet a pitiful 8-11 damage( I also tried to hit a guy in combat armor, whith the same "success".
So I wonder if somone could explain what is wrong with the flamer? and big guns in allI happen to damage more with the HK SMG (dont know the name exactly) with JHP ammo then with the light support weapon :\
Hi kafoaai,
After seeing your difficulties against Deathclaws with the Flamer, I've tried to crunch some numbers. There are several different types of Deathclaws in the game, but the only type of Deathclaw that suffers anywhere close to the fire damage you wrote is Grunthar and the Deathclaw Mother (Fire Threshold of 12, Fire Resistance of 60%) -- were you attacking them by any chance? Even then, with normal Flamethrower Fuel, you should be 10-24 damage on them under YAAM rules. As a comparison, if you stuck with vanilla damage, you would only be inflicting 5-12 damage. If you have the Pyromaniac Perk, then add +5 to all the damage figures listed above.
This leads to me suspect that maybe YAAM is not active in your installation -- YAAM is included with the RP, but note it is not activated by default. Please open up the file ddraw.ini in your main Fallout 2 installation folder, and look for the "DamageFormula" setting (text search would do it). It should be set to 5 if YAAM is active.
-- The Haen.
PS: If you have any further questions/concerns/comments about YAAM, please post them in YAAM's thread. You can find the link in my signature below. Thanks.