Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

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killap said:
It was part to of the overall map atmosphere improvements that Pixote brought in. I know that he had gone through the maps (after initially modifying them) and made the number of posters less abundant. I'll have to look through it one more time and see if there are still too many.

It may sound lame, but I am just not the kind of person that enjoys that kind of stuff. Its more of a personal issue. If it can't be fixed, I suppose I can find a different game to play, no biggy. But thanks for being willing to take a look anyway. Oh, and good to hear your back!
killap said:
Sigh, I suppose my credibility has gone out the window.

Oh, killap. You've practically single-handedly (with some third party contributions) created an expansion pack's worth of content, complete with a massive patch fixing every possible bug in the core game. A minor timetable setback is a non-issue.

Have an eBeer.
A timetable setback is a non issue indeed.
The RP is such a great expansion (and free!) it'll be very stupid to think otherwise.
Have two eBeers on me :D
Trust me killap. You are beloved. No one would get mad at you for being a little late on something, and if they do get mad, fuck 'em.

You made this game not only (more) playable but what it was supposed to have been, more or less.

Thank you so so much.
Haven't checked this thread as often as I used to, but I'm happy as long as I know yet another version is still coming. : )

And when it does, I'll be among the first ones to play it!
Everybody knows I was joking, right? Killap is a hero in the Fallout community. As I've said before, once the update is released everyone will forget all about the time and praise he who is known as Killap. :notworthy: He takes his time on this project because, well, he has a life and a day job. Also, he wants to make it right.
Have no fear: Killa' P is on the job, friends. Enjoy the holidays for now, and if we're good, maybe we'll get a late present. Just remember that Killap is only a *bit* like Santa: he gives us new toys for free, but unlike the jolly old elf, he doesn't get to spend an entire year at a time making them, so we'll just have to be patient little helper-elves for now. ;=)


p.s. If it weren't so darn prohibitively labor-intensive, it would be a funny easter egg / holiday mod to turn all the kids into elves and the other characters into Santas, snowmen, reindeer (the brahmin), etc. :D
I just finished my first Fallout 2 playthrough using Restoration Project...very enjoyable. I'm surprised and glad that another release is coming, I'll be sure to play it when it's here. Wish more games had free expansion packs of this caliber. :clap:
Added two reports to the wiki:
- a bug on entering Arroyo bridge map from wasteland (I entered on same square as an NPC, so both characters were standing on the same square until the tribeswoman moved) - I suspect this is Vanilla
- added some grammatical/punctuation corrections to the dialog with Mynoc

Ugh. Good catch on "led" and "wary."

I went with He-Who-Can-Not-Be-Named simply because that also happens to be the name of a song by one of my favorite bands, and it's the name of a guitarist in another of my favorite bands. I wouldn't mind if it got altered though, as it wasn't exactly meant to be a reference or anything.
Dravean: that's cool. I think that name originally must have been an allusion to Lovecraft. By the way, I also enjoyed the Terminator reference at the end of Mynoc's Kaga description: that made me laugh. Then I couldn't stop hearing Mynoc's dialog in Michael Biehn's voice, which was even more amusing. :-)

I'm sure there are tons of minor text problems and script or engine bugs that I noticed in previous gameplay over the years but never bothered to note until now. I can recall one or two times when I was able to open a locker through a wall when standing behind the locker in an adjacent room; wish I could remember where that was. (I see that's reported on the wiki but needs confirmation; if I stumble across it again, I'll post a savegame.)

Just posted another spelling (wrong word) error to the wiki: when you detect the trap on the door in Vic's place (Klamath), it says that you found a trap in the door "jam" rather than "jamb".


[Edit] Another possible issue; comments requested: During the dialog with Jenny in Sally Buckner's bathhouse, you are able to ask Jenny if she's seen anything labeled "Vault-Tec". However, I don't think the PC has seen or heard that name before. Am I mistaken? -m
memetics said:
I can recall one or two times when I was able to open a locker through a wall when standing behind the locker in an adjacent room; wish I could remember where that was.

I think we have got them all fixed in the next release, but with hundreds of thousands of things in the game, these little things often slip through the net. :roll:
acreo1 said:
It may sound lame, but I am just not the kind of person that enjoys that kind of stuff. Its more of a personal issue. If it can't be fixed, I suppose I can find a different game to play, no biggy. But thanks for being willing to take a look anyway. Oh, and good to hear your back!
It's understandable. This has been brought before. To some extent it adds to the atmosphere, but it can also be a bit of a surprise. I'm definitely going to go over it again. Really I think at most there should be 1-2 of these posters in New Reno, and that's it. I'm not personally attached to having them either way, but the fact that people don't like them and those that do don't really seem to care about them means that it is worth rethinking it.

Hah, thanks for the kind words. It's great to see people still interested and excited about the RP. Definitely the motivation I need to push out a release for the New Year.
killap said:
Hah, thanks for the kind words. It's great to see people still interested and excited about the RP. Definitely the motivation I need to push out a release for the New Year.
Oh, you deserve it, you big bear. :)
killap said:
acreo1 said:
It may sound lame, but I am just not the kind of person that enjoys that kind of stuff. Its more of a personal issue. If it can't be fixed, I suppose I can find a different game to play, no biggy. But thanks for being willing to take a look anyway. Oh, and good to hear your back!
It's understandable. This has been brought before. To some extent it adds to the atmosphere, but it can also be a bit of a surprise. I'm definitely going to go over it again. Really I think at most there should be 1-2 of these posters in New Reno, and that's it. I'm not personally attached to having them either way, but the fact that people don't like them and those that do don't really seem to care about them means that it is worth rethinking it.

I think the new posters are awesome and fitting. How can anyone that enjoys playing a game with slavery, prostitution, excessive violence, etc. be offended by a few tiny pixelated images of tasteful classic-era pinup models? It blows my mind.

More than that--it makes me angry. Not that I love those pictures and can't live without them, but that we (or at least I, in the good ol' USA) live in such a backassward's society where violence is fine but a naked person is EVIL.

Have you really gotten that many complaints? I've noticed two on this forum over the past few years. And even if you reduced the posters to one or two in New Reno it sounds like the latest complainer would still be turned off from the game, so is it really worth the trouble of removing them?

Besides, Pixote took the time to make them. They look great in the game, they fit in flawlessly and they make complete sense in the setting.

I'd rather not see the game altered because of one or two vocal weirdos. Unless you've been receiving a lot more complaints via private message or email--I wouldn't bother. But that's just me.

Disclaimer: My viewpoints in no way represent killap or the entirety of the RP team. They're simply my own.
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