Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

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Dravean said:
killap said:
Expect an update (2.1.2) to be released in a few days. There is a nasty crash bug with the NCR Lenny fight that I want to patch up. Once this update is released, I'm taking a hiatus. I need a break from modding.

Will the update incorporate any other fixes to recently reported bugs?
All reported bugs to date will be addressed in the update. Better post people! ;)

Dravean said:
Anyway, enjoy your coming hiatus. You've sure as hell earned it.
Thanks. Work is leaving me pretty tired at the end of the day, which leaves little willpower to mod.
Oh, another thing,

Having a quickie with Karl in the Den doesnt remove your 'Virgin of wastes' reputation.

Also, is the picture depictings the Wanderer reputation the same as Shield of hope reputation? In my game they are the same. I will post a sample save later on when I am finished working

Expect an update (2.1.2) to be released in a few days. There is a nasty crash bug with the NCR Lenny fight that I want to patch up. Once this update is released, I'm taking a hiatus. I need a break from modding.

one advice: wait for some time (if you can of course) to take a break, i noticed there arent many bugs reported about the areas close to the end of the game, there must be something in there, hiding......

chenw said:
according to Per's guide, the high Unarmed skill is the only requirement (Skill and stats wise), but his guide also implies that having your ears bit off is also a requirement (which requires you having your HP to be 115 or lower. He didnt mention whether thats current HP or Max HP)

I have not heard of any other requirements

The Vault wiki says that one must be a berserker, which is something I hadn't heard previously, and the wording in Per's walkthrough leaves me a little uncertain. If anyone has the time and means to check the script, I would very much appreciate it, as I'm curious as to just what exactly the prerequisites are (and if it's a general critical or a head-targeted critical).

On a more on topic note, I would like to give my much overdue thanks to Killap for all his hard work on this wonderful project. Enjoy your much deserved hiatus in a few days.
the holodisk you get from one of the families safes in New Reno ( Bishops is it? ) also dissapeared from my inventory when I "used" it..
Reference Obscura said:
The Vault wiki says that one must be a berserker, which is something I hadn't heard previously, and the wording in Per's walkthrough leaves me a little uncertain. If anyone has the time and means to check the script, I would very much appreciate it, as I'm curious as to just what exactly the prerequisites are (and if it's a general critical or a head-targeted critical).

First the masticator has to have bitten off your ear.
To do that the masticator makes a roll_vs_skill check, (his unarmed skill - your maximum hit point stat).
As his unarmed skill is at 125, that means that the highest your maximum hitpoint stat can be is 124, which would give him a 1% chance to pass the check.
After that there is a check to see if the roll was crittical as well. If it was you lose your ear.

Then for you to bite the masticator's ear off... you do a roll_vs_skill check, (your unarmed skill - his maximum hit point stat).
He's got 150 in maximum hit points so your unarmed skill needs to be 151% to give you a 1% chance to pass the check.
This role also have to be critical for you to bite the ear off.

I'm not sure how the critical roll is handled here. Maybe it's checking against your critical chance stat, which would explain why a high Luck would help (indirectly). I saw nothing about being a berserker or not.
ColJack said:
the holodisk you get from one of the families safes in New Reno ( Bishops is it? ) also dissapeared from my inventory when I "used" it..
Yeah, that's possible. When I fixed the issue wit the 5th holodisk from the Military base, I also made sure the same problem wouldn't happen with any other holodisk, etc.

Felipefpl said:
one advice: wait for some time (if you can of course) to take a break, i noticed there arent many bugs reported about the areas close to the end of the game, there must be something in there, hiding......
I don't plan on releasing 2.1.2 until near the end of next week. Sfall should be updated by then, so we'll get a nice set of fixes from that update as well.
killap said:
ColJack said:
the holodisk you get from one of the families safes in New Reno ( Bishops is it? ) also dissapeared from my inventory when I "used" it..
Yeah, that's possible.
Is it? I can't reproduce it...
Is the issue with the MB5 holo that you use the map that gets removed just before the holo which causes the holo to also be removed?
Using Bishop's map just before his holo does not remove it...

Anyway I have a suggestion for the tribei2 script, it crashes when used while in combat.
procedure use_p_proc
	if not combat_is_initialized then begin
		start_gdialog(1517, self_obj, 4, -1, -1);
		call Node001;
I suppose you could do the same for "procedure pickup_p_proc" though I'm not sure if that is ever used here.
Darek said:
Is the issue with the MB5 holo that you use the map that gets removed just before the holo which causes the holo to also be removed?...
Yep, that's the issue. I assumed that if you used any item that gets removed before using an items that shouldn't get removed, the latter would also end up getting removed.

Darek said:
Anyway I have a suggestion for the tribei2 script, it crashes when used while in combat.
Ah, good call. Fixed.
I don't plan on releasing 2.1.2 until near the end of next week. Sfall should be updated by then, so we'll get a nice set of fixes from that update as well.

i see, that's good to know, thanks for all your work in this project and why there isnt a donation button for ya? ;) with all your work in this project you surely deserve it. :clap:

too bad some p p l in this thread wont post or send through email a DAMN SAVEGAME to save their lives if needed, they could make your life easier considerating all you did for us.
Felipefpl said:
I don't plan on releasing 2.1.2 until near the end of next week. Sfall should be updated by then, so we'll get a nice set of fixes from that update as well.
why there isnt a donation button for ya? ;) with all your work in this project you surely deserve it.
I've considered putting one up, but decided against it. I don't do this for money, but as a hobby. Maybe I'll silently put one up and see what happens. ;)
I don't plan on releasing 2.1.2 until near the end of next week. Sfall should be updated by then, so we'll get a nice set of fixes from that update as well.

Could you put your current fixes somewhere, for example, in some kind of temporary folder in your site? That way, an ongoing game could use those fixes. This would be especially useful if a player has not yet been in those locations, since the fixes won't take effect unless it's the first time being there. You would not need to support those fixes in anyway, just put them in some directory and advanced users can download and install them.

Those would really be "hot" fixes :).
Random crash bug?

Hi, I've been following this project for a year or so, and have been enjoying a clean install with 2.1.1 recently. The only issues I encountered were seemingly random hangups and crashes, some of which would freeze up the whole computer and force me to hard reset!
It happened about 5 times, randomly, sometimes during conversation, sometimes just walking around, and once in combat. 3 of the 5 crashes I just alt-tabbed out and relaunched F02, but the last two froze my laptop completely and I had to manually shut down and restart. Unfortunately, I didn't think to post before I reinstalled, so I don't have any savegames. But FWIW, here's my setup:

F02 humongous, RP2.1.1
HiRes patch at 800x600
Sfall 16 bit color
Windows 7 32 bit
run F02 as admin, no compatibility options

I know it's vague and may be of no use at all, but I thought I'd post anyway just in case. Fantastic work on the project, it's been excellent to play!
1. please rename "kitsune" to CHUN-LI, the strongest woman in the world !!!!!! FYI, Kitsune is not a chinese name....

2. how do the human cannibals in EPA live so long? the robots feed them? the holograms feed them? the cannibals eat on themselves... bring back centaurs and etc... no more cannibals in the petting zoo..
joochian said:
how do the human cannibals in EPA live so long? the robots feed them? the holograms feed them? the cannibals eat on themselves...

bring back centaurs and etc... no more cannibals in the petting zoo..

Centaurs were a creation of the Master and make no sense in a pre-war facility.

The human cannibals were care-taken by the facilities automated systems, but in recent years those broke down and they've since resorted to cannibalism.
joochian said:
please rename "kitsune" to CHUN-LI, the strongest woman in the world !!!!!!

FYI, Kitsune is not a chinese name....

This has been discussed here at least once, in the old threads, answer is that Kitsune story-she is a double agent or something like that.
Dravean said:
joochian said:
how do the human cannibals in EPA live so long? the robots feed them? the holograms feed them? the cannibals eat on themselves...

bring back centaurs and etc... no more cannibals in the petting zoo..

Centaurs were a creation of the Master and make no sense in a pre-war facility.

The human cannibals were care-taken by the facilities automated systems, but in recent years those broke down and they've since resorted to cannibalism.

agreed to no centaurs.,.. but humans surviving after 2077 till 2242 ? cmon... eating human meat or becoming a cannibal will let you live up to 165 years?
@ joochian,

It's her codename, not her real name.
Also, stop double posting, there is an edit button you know.

Oh, and for those humans at the EPA, who has said anything about them living for 165 years? They might have gotten kids and all. Hell, there might even have been a breeding program for them.
The problem I have with them is that I don't get what they are doing there in the first place. Who the hell put them there and why?
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