The Dark Templar of the New Brotherhood of Steel
Tony Brasco said:Templayer said:And another thing i wanted to write when i was checking the 2.0 thread - are you planning similiar project for Fallout 1 ? If not, could somebody of the coders make for me a mod, that would COMPLETELY REMOVE the time restraints in Fallout 1 ? Like until the water gets to null, and the mutant attack ...... i have not been able to finish F1 because of that. I seriously mean it. I know that msot of you will just say "You can do it, there is worry, the time is enough" but thats ?censured?, i was trzing for several times and was unable to do so. Because i am spending all the game time exploring and doing all the stuff... like leveling. (Hunting rifle and leather armor killing mature deathclaw on hard BTW), the same i am doing in F2... lvl 23, with leather/metal on me and my team, with hunting rifle, assault rife + desert eagle/.223 pistol.
If you have installed the official Fallout 1 patch, then the mutant invasion timelimit is already removed. In the original version, mutants invade the vault in 500 days, but no more in the patched version.
If you mean other invasion timelimits, such as mutants invading the necropolis, you can stop that from happening if you destroy the Master.
Also, you can edit the file vault13.gam in the data folder of Fallout 1. You can edit it with any text editor. But I do not know if those changes apply to ongoing games. The correct directory is fallout1\data\data\
The file has different variables, such as
which means that it gets invaded 110 days after the beginning date of the game. Although necropolis gets invaded 30 days after you kill the mutants in the watershed.
Well, i was meaning the water in vault 13 and the time limit to it. It makes me wonder, in the file you mentioned, is the a variable to change that ? (I dont have F1 installed at the moment ... so i cannt check) Another question - what to set it to be forever ? (minus) - 1 ?