Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1 (Unofficial FO2 Expansion)

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Tony Brasco said:
Templayer said:
And another thing i wanted to write when i was checking the 2.0 thread - are you planning similiar project for Fallout 1 ? If not, could somebody of the coders make for me a mod, that would COMPLETELY REMOVE the time restraints in Fallout 1 ? Like until the water gets to null, and the mutant attack ...... i have not been able to finish F1 because of that. I seriously mean it. I know that msot of you will just say "You can do it, there is worry, the time is enough" but thats ?censured?, i was trzing for several times and was unable to do so. Because i am spending all the game time exploring and doing all the stuff... like leveling. (Hunting rifle and leather armor killing mature deathclaw on hard BTW), the same i am doing in F2... lvl 23, with leather/metal on me and my team, with hunting rifle, assault rife + desert eagle/.223 pistol :D.

If you have installed the official Fallout 1 patch, then the mutant invasion timelimit is already removed. In the original version, mutants invade the vault in 500 days, but no more in the patched version.

If you mean other invasion timelimits, such as mutants invading the necropolis, you can stop that from happening if you destroy the Master.

Also, you can edit the file vault13.gam in the data folder of Fallout 1. You can edit it with any text editor. But I do not know if those changes apply to ongoing games. The correct directory is fallout1\data\data\

The file has different variables, such as


which means that it gets invaded 110 days after the beginning date of the game. Although necropolis gets invaded 30 days after you kill the mutants in the watershed.

Well, i was meaning the water in vault 13 and the time limit to it. It makes me wonder, in the file you mentioned, is the a variable to change that ? (I dont have F1 installed at the moment ... so i cannt check) Another question - what to set it to be forever ? (minus) - 1 ?
Templayer said:
s meaning the water in vault 13 and the time limit to it. It makes me wonder, in the file you mentioned, is the a variable to change that ? (I dont have F1 installed at the moment ... so i cannt check) Another question - what to set it to be forever ? (minus) - 1 ?

Oh, you mean, timelimit to find the waterchip? I think it is either of these:

DAYS_TO_VAULT13_DISCOVERY :=180; // (9) // How long before the vault is discovered?
VAULT_WATER :=150; // (10) // How long for the water supply :=0; // (see below)

The file is well commented. You cannot set the limit to infinite, since Fallout engines have hardcoded limits, but if you set the date high enough, you will certainly have enough time to max out your levels and examine every location thoroughly.

But, actually finding the chip gets rid of the problem :). It is intended that you find it, and then go on with the story to the mutant problem.

You might find the vault13.gam file somewhere on the internet, and thus can read it, if you don't have it currently on your computer. Or perhaps you can read it from your Fallout 1 CD without installing the game, look into the data folder or search for it.

But lets keep this thread about Fallout 2 restoration project, this conversation should be moved to Fallout 1 thread.
all right! great job - i finally registered after lurking since 2006, :)
anyway, down to business.
something that's been bother me. in Klamath, when everyone refers to the canyon of walking spirits/ghosts (where Torr) runs off to - they all refer to the canyon as east when it is west.
i know the first time i played the game when it first came out i explored on the overworld map a bit because there was no exit/entrance grid on the east side of town! lol
everyone that speaks of it says east instead of west.

also, i've never ran into these bugs until yesterday (when i finally did a clean install - i used to just install the unofficial patches over each other and then the RP on top of that *shrug).
in the temple of trials i ALWAYS used to be able to disarm the trap behind the door that you blow up, no longer with this install. also, i engaged Cameron in combat and when i did so his name and damage values from and to did not appear. not a big deal, but it's never happened to me before and has not happened to me since. i know it happens. just thought i'd mention it.
sorry for the verbosity, the canyon thing is really the only thing riding me
Someone posted before but then it was never resolved. I Uninstalled and Reinstalled FO2 (humongous), installed 2.1.1, but every time I try to start a new Character I get the message "you have overwritten the RP DDraw.ini file revert back immediately before its too late" in red over my character whenever I pan around. Ive uninstalled/reinstalled Several times but it stayed the same. If it matters I'm using Windows 7 64 bit. Is there any fix to this? : / Ty ahead of time, I can't wait to play this, I've been waiting months now, so excited! XD
Sorry for disturbing but I still can`t save the game. "Error saving game! Unable to save game" window appears. What should I do? I try to look into technical wiki and bug report wiki, but I don`t find this problem...

I have Windows XP SP3, fresh install of Fallout (from Interplay Collection, English version) and RP 2.1.1

P.S. Everything is ok now. I solve my problem. Thanks, killap, for your project!!!
Now i did really get p*ssed off. My car problem - it IS a bug. :falloutonline:

I checked on (because i really want to play..) :postviper: the game files, the car of my save is on the Vault City map. But if i get there, i dont see it. I think the 2.1.1 patch screwed the variable for tile location, thus is somewhere.. i dont know where and the gvar i writed before is screwed.

Now the worst part of this bug - Could you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me the correct 633:GVAR_CAR_PLACED_TILE for Vault city ??? PLS i have been waiting for this and now i cant play and must wait some more... :D :D :shock:

Somebody? :look:
Xellos said:
BTW, news on the main site anytime soon ?
If you mean my site, yes, I will finally be updating it to reflect the 2.x release line of the RP.

The_Postman said:
Sorry for disturbing but I still can`t save the game. "Error saving game! Unable to save game" window appears. What should I do? I try to look into technical wiki and bug report wiki, but I don`t find this problem...

I have Windows XP SP3, fresh install of Fallout (from Interplay Collection, English version) and RP 2.1.1

P.S. Everything is ok now. I solve my problem. Thanks, killap, for your project!!!
Glad you got it sorted out. This problem is usually the result of the master.dat file not getting patched during the install process. Not sure why it doesn't work for some people. Everyone with save game problems needs to check that their master.dat file was modified the same day they installed the RP.

Menzak said:
Someone posted before but then it was never resolved. I Uninstalled and Reinstalled FO2 (humongous), installed 2.1.1, but every time I try to start a new Character I get the message "you have overwritten the RP DDraw.ini file revert back immediately before its too late" in red over my character whenever I pan around. Ive uninstalled/reinstalled Several times but it stayed the same. If it matters I'm using Windows 7 64 bit. Is there any fix to this? : / Ty ahead of time, I can't wait to play this, I've been waiting months now, so excited! XD
This happens if the version of sfall in your F2 directory is different than the one that ships with the RP. Did you install a different version of sfall? Do you see ddraw.ini and ddraw.dll in your main F2 directory? Are the following lines found near the top of ddraw.ini?
;Ensure that the RP ddraw.ini file is being used

Also, what version of sfall does it say at the top of ddraw.ini?

Templayer said:
Could you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me the correct 633:GVAR_CAR_PLACED_TILE for Vault city ???
The value you want is: 28899

I'm not sure why this issue happened to you. There is no reason why 2.1.1 would alter where your car is.
I am not sure either..... i did think it was my fault until i checked the location directly, in files and in game...the map changes should not do this because i was in vault city before... the only thing i could think of the source of this car problem could be the F2se automatical repair of wrong values, i dunno if it rewrites values like this.. (i mean - the car is supossed to be in Vault City, maybe theRP changes the koordinates, and the editor "repairs" them to the default............ or something like that).. maybe some game files or scrips......... oh i give up, i dont get HOW could that bug happen.

THX killap for the solution, i will go apply it now !
killap said:
I'm not sure why this issue happened to you. There is no reason why 2.1.1 would alter where your car is.
Maybe the high resolution patch is culprit. If someone already use high resolutions and then install RP + HiRes patch again with default values, can't be the car place affected somehow? :look:
(just idea)
;sfall configuration settings

;Change to 1 if you want to use command line args to tell sfall to use another ini file.

;Uncomment and point to a file to get alternate translations for some sfall messages

;Change to 0 to remove sfall update check

;Ensure that the RP ddraw.ini file is being used

Thats the top from Sfall version to what you said, both there. Is there anything I can change to fix this? Also, I noticed Fallout2 installs to the "program files", where most programs go to "program files (x86)" by default. Sorry Im semi computer noob and dont know if that matters :/
Menzak said:
Thats the top from Sfall version to what you said, both there. Is there anything I can change to fix this? Also, I noticed Fallout2 installs to the "program files", where most programs go to "program files (x86)" by default. Sorry Im semi computer noob and dont know if that matters :/
ugg, you installed a game into program files... :?

I'm going to guess you have UAC trouble, probably a copy of ddraw.ini has ended up in the virtualstore and sfall isn't able to tell them apart. Clear out the bad copy, or better still reinstall fallout somewhere more sensible.
XD Ah sorry, I just put everything into where it wanted to go. Where should I install to? Ill try it and see if it solves itself.
Applied the value for the car, THX its working !!!

Now, before i forget it, has been the too many items bug on map fixed? Fully fixed? Just asking, so i would know if i want to pack stuff in my car ......
Templayer said:
Now, before i forget it, has been the too many items bug on map fixed? Fully fixed? Just asking, so i would know if i want to pack stuff in my car ......
Yes, the too many items bug should plague us no more.
killap said:
Templayer said:
Now, before i forget it, has been the too many items bug on map fixed? Fully fixed? Just asking, so i would know if i want to pack stuff in my car ......
Yes, the too many items bug should plague us no more.


Are you sure that all the vannila bugs are fixed ? otherwise they will be planning revange !!
Installing it on a dif hardrive and not in prog files just made it worse. Still got the message "you have overwritten the RP DDraw.ini file revert back immediately before its too late"

In response to Killap again, on the ini it says 2.10, and " ;Ensure that the RP ddraw.ini file is being used
ModifiedIni=42 " is indeed a few lines down.

Is there anything I can do to fix this? I didn't install anything but Fallout 2 and the 2.1.1 full. In game, that little rock says everythings alright.
Menzak said:
Installing it on a dif hardrive and not in prog files just made it worse.
How was it worse?

Menzak said:
Is there anything I can do to fix this? I didn't install anything but Fallout 2 and the 2.1.1 full. In game, that little rock says everythings alright.
Though the rock says all is well, what does it say in the right hand corner of the main menu of the game? I bet it doesn't say anything about the RP.

I really don't know what to say. Hopefully someone who runs Vista/7 can lend a hand here.
killap said:
I really don't know what to say. Hopefully someone who runs Vista/7 can lend a hand here.

I'm running 7. I need to install the new RP anyway, so give me a few and i'll get back to you.

Edit: Everything worked fine for me (Props on the installer Killap, works very well). Installed onto my second drive that manages all my app installs and i get RP 2.1.1 on both the rock and menu screen.

I'd recommend disabling UAC For it if you haven't. I don't know if it was the issue here but it caused problems regarding modifications of this nature in another game i've played.
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