Killap,i have encountered very strange bug.
I was doing mission for Marcus,he asked me to spy on Chad and find a proof about stealing money.
I found briefcase in Chad house and i try to convince Chad to give me 1000 money and then to let him go.
I was talking with Chad in Broken Hills and dialog screen is stuck on my screen after i press DONE.
When i press DONE. we are suposed to enter combat and fight each other,but screen is stucked.
I can move and travel and enter my inventory,but dialog screen is stucked all the time.
I must quit game and then enter it again and everything is working fine until i talk to Chad again.
Picture of bug while traveling:
Pictures of our dialog:
Try to select dialog in this order and you will see bug,trust me.
Is there some way to fix it ?
i have clean Fallout 2 humonguous install and RP 2.1.1
Sorry for my long post and bad english,i try to explain best i can.
I was doing mission for Marcus,he asked me to spy on Chad and find a proof about stealing money.
I found briefcase in Chad house and i try to convince Chad to give me 1000 money and then to let him go.
I was talking with Chad in Broken Hills and dialog screen is stuck on my screen after i press DONE.
When i press DONE. we are suposed to enter combat and fight each other,but screen is stucked.
I can move and travel and enter my inventory,but dialog screen is stucked all the time.
I must quit game and then enter it again and everything is working fine until i talk to Chad again.
Picture of bug while traveling:
Pictures of our dialog:
Try to select dialog in this order and you will see bug,trust me.
Is there some way to fix it ?
i have clean Fallout 2 humonguous install and RP 2.1.1
Sorry for my long post and bad english,i try to explain best i can.