Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.2 (Unofficial Expansion)

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Ah, yeah, i recall that Tribal guide that you could talk to, certainly something worth remembering, thanks! That might do it for me, since i tagged speech, outdoorsman and small guns. Loosing the loot is certainly a shame, since if i go to NCR now ill be broke from just one good gun or piece of armor, but i can usually make up the losses withnessing a fight between two factions in the random encounters. If the survivors are too tough to tackle i can usually loot the farthest bodies non the less. Getting 20 throwing knives and 5 wakisashis is still a decent loot, and the danger factor is way lower.

And i wouldnt call any advice uncalled for, since in a hardcore game i can certainly use every piece of it. I was hoping to finish EPA to get that last point of AGI for the beautifull 10, but again, the wanamingo floor is fraught with danger, altrough at least Marcus has a flamer, wich means less friendly fire and more damage to those bastards. In the meanwhile buffouts are doing the trick for me, all ive had to do is wait out some addictions.

BTW, its worth mentioning how insanely usefull the quick pockets perk is in this mode. You can switch guns, heal, buff and reload all for 2 AP.
Oh, yeah, you asked about Marcus' trigger discipline. Careful with him. As you may have already discovered, he's nearly as bad as Ian from Fallout 1, which is somewhat compounded by the fact that Ian wasn't able to use any weapons that weighed more than the player character. If you're serious about taking him along, I'd give him a punchy single-shot if you can afford it. The RP adds armor for him to up his survivability, too. Check the Abbey, IIRC.
Im tagging him for now as a wanamingo counter measure, since they dont have good defenses against fire IIRC, and if he does not kill them with the flamer, well, he can sure hold them off for a while. As far as ive noticed, even Cassidy set at "Absolutely sure you wont burst at me" has a tendency to burst his HKCAWS through me (40 points of damage of my measly 91 HP) to kill a mutated rat with 3 hp left, so yeah, i think ill be staying away from burst weapons once i get enough sniper rifles. I might change Marcus for the medical ghoul, ive heard that he heals you during fights, and i could hardly think of something more usefull in a Hardcore play... I burn stimpacks to stay at full HP every round of a menacing fight, but that still implies quite a bit of danger, specially if you were the one that started the fight,with some of them getting 2 turns in before you have a chance to heal.

Once i get some pot from the Mr Chemie, i plan on having Cat, Cassidy, Vic, Marcus and the Ghoul/Myron. But ill need to raise my science over 100 for that, so i either camp at vault city for books or get 2 or 3 more levels before that.

[spoiler:f5e1569d83]Also, it seems i hadnt been to EPA without power armor of some sort before. The fumes from Mr Chemie room brought me to 1 HP before i could reach the vents! Luckily i had lots of antidote and lots of stimms and managed to make it out of the room, but i didnt dare coming any closer to the vents.[/spoiler:f5e1569d83]
Sulik' Sister Bug

Hello !
First sorry if my english is not perfect :)

I play F2 (again) with the RP 2.2, and i want to save Sulik' Sister from the slavers in the slaver camp.
I killed all the slavers, i found the key on one of them, then i went to the jail, i opened it, Sulik' sister start dialog with me, then sulik become angry (:p) so i said "we gonna killed them all !"...
But they're already dead... and sulik sister continue to ask me "is it safe ?" but my only answer available is "no i come again when they will be all dead"... So i can't finish the quest :( too bad !

Anybody know how i can do ? Or anybody have the same bug ?
It would mean that either one or two of the slavers are alive still, check entire area just in case, there's bound to be some patrolling/guarding slightly remote areas of the slavercamp. There is also the peaceful solution to trick the slavers into giving you the key, if you keep having issues with finding the last slavers to kill.
Maybe the dog?

Also, a question:

Is it possible to get more than 2 bottles of cure for Jet? Since im playing hardcore being able to get those 2 extra action points can make the difference between life and death.
Thanks for the answer !
I have checked the entire area, there was no one... Strange.
Finally, i have loaded an older savegame, then redo the job and this time it was ok. I don't know what was this bug but now i continue the game :)
Svankensen said:
Maybe the dog?

Also, a question:

Is it possible to get more than 2 bottles of cure for Jet? Since im playing hardcore being able to get those 2 extra action points can make the difference between life and death.

GangstR said:
Thanks for the answer !
I have checked the entire area, there was no one... Strange.
Finally, i have loaded an older savegame, then redo the job and this time it was ok. I don't know what was this bug but now i continue the game :)

I think someone else mentioned seeing something like this. IIRC it might be caused by an insta-kill on a slaver. An engine bug, basically, and one that you solved by redoing the area.
ok i'm having trouble installing restoration 2.2. I have the game on steam. and it's telling me that its not installed in the right folder. how do i install it into the correct folder?
nevaraon said:
ok i'm having trouble installing restoration 2.2. I have the game on steam. and it's telling me that its not installed in the right folder. how do i install it into the correct folder?
Sigh, yes sorry this is an installer error with 2.2. The next version will correct this.

To get it to work, just install Fallout 2 to another directory besides the default Steam directory under program files. It should be easy to change this path when you install the game. I don't recall the exact steps off the top of my head, but it should be a few clicks from the dialog that comes up when you install the game through Steam.
Mirak said:
Svankensen said:
Is it possible to get more than 2 bottles of cure for Jet? Since im playing hardcore being able to get those 2 extra action points can make the difference between life and death.


Be a Sweetheart and tell me how to get more cure for Jet.
Svankensen said:
Mirak said:
Svankensen said:
Is it possible to get more than 2 bottles of cure for Jet? Since im playing hardcore being able to get those 2 extra action points can make the difference between life and death.


Be a Sweetheart and tell me how to get more cure for Jet.

I think that you get 2 antidotes, when dr. Troy manufactures it.
After that, it also becomes available for sale in San Francisco, though I imagine that probably doesn't help much if you're looking for a confidence booster to help you punch through to NCR.

(Actually, I'm not sure whether it was fixed in the current RP build [I know there was talk of it], but in the vanilla game the antidote would show up for sale in S.F. regardless of whether you'd done the quest to help discover it. Good old Shi ingenuity, I guess.)
Yamu said:
After that, it also becomes available for sale in San Francisco, though I imagine that probably doesn't help much if you're looking for a confidence booster to help you punch through to NCR.

(Actually, I'm not sure whether it was fixed in the current RP build [I know there was talk of it], but in the vanilla game the antidote would show up for sale in S.F. regardless of whether you'd done the quest to help discover it. Good old Shi ingenuity, I guess.)

Ah, but it does, I mean, its not like you are gonna need Jet too many times. Thing is, if you have only 2 uses of it, and no refills possible, it would be somewhat uneconomic to do so. However, if i can get more afterwards, i can use what i have now, and worry about getting more later. So, to NCR i go.

BTW, didnt ever find the damn raiders camp, and my perception is 7 and my outdoorsman is at 100 withotu counting the motion sensor. Somethings, off, but i dont mind much ATM. With the Sniper and the BBgun i can make 2 awesome aimed shots per round (bonus rate of fire). Im worried that it will run out, altrough i recall seeing some bbs for sale in the NCR. I Had never used the Red Ryder before, it owns the Magnum completely, i bet ill use this until the gauss ones become available.
Hey Killap

I have a question... Now that you are planning on fixing the few bugs left on the restoration project.
I´m playing restoration project 2.2. I have problems entering dialogue with Harry in vault city. It crashes every time I click at one of the dialogue options. It seems to be the only problem I´ve got, in this great game you´ve made so much better..;-)

Should I send you a savegame of it, or anything else?
Hello !!!

I bought Fallout 2 from GOG for my Mac (Mavericks) and wanted to install the restoration project by following the procedure from there : http://falloutmods.wikia.com/wiki/F2RP_Technical_Info

for the GOG Mac edition (fallout_2_1.0.0.14.dmg).

After the installation, I started to play but it was impossible to save.

So I did what was precised by the previous link :

If you are saving the game for the first time with the RP and you see the following message: "Error saving game! Unable to save game." this means the master.dat file was not properly patched during the install process. First, make sure you have the master.dat file in your main Fallout 2 directory. Second, make sure that the modification date on the file is around the same time you installed the RP. If you do not have the file, find your installation disk and manually copy it over. If the modification date is not correct, then download the manual install of the RP and follow the instructions in the readme for applying the "batch" files.

But the game still can't save.

Is there a secret trick ???

Thanks !
Svankensen said:
BTW, didnt ever find the damn raiders camp, and my perception is 7 and my outdoorsman is at 100 withotu counting the motion sensor. Somethings, off, but i dont mind much ATM.

I don't think that you can find Raiders camp on your own, you have to get that location either from map or you have to follow raiders' scouts to the caves. (From VC)
Mirak said:
Svankensen said:
BTW, didnt ever find the damn raiders camp, and my perception is 7 and my outdoorsman is at 100 withotu counting the motion sensor. Somethings, off, but i dont mind much ATM.

I don't think that you can find Raiders camp on your own, you have to get that location either from map or you have to follow raiders' scouts to the caves. (From VC)

Oh, and how do i find those scouts? Not that it matters now, since i got the plans the violent way, but still good to know.


[spoiler:487a6a2034]I tried to use the poison you get from the guy that created the plant zombies on a guy on the tanker, the one with the Gauss Rifle in the bar, but he didnt take any damage from it whatsoever. Im guessing the poison you get from the Mr Chemie wouldnt do anything as well, so i dont know what use is Mr Chemie making poison if it only works for quests, wich give you the poison anyway.[/spoiler:487a6a2034]
It's because NPC critters are not effected by normal poison & radiation, only specific ones have scripted reactions for the poison item being used on them. Since not all players can pass the steal check for Doc Jubilee's shelf (stealing poison), I guess it's fine to have Mr. Chemmie making poison for you.
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