…As usual, the Chosen One, hero or villain of the Core Region, travels the wastes with their friend(s). They stumble upon a caravan who likely has some useful goods to trade, little did the Chosen know that its caravan master was harsh.
{Regular, possibly if not have Cult of Personality}
Caravan master: Wait a minute! I've heard of you. You're the do-gooder that's running around saving and helping people. (Disable trading)
Chosen One: Yeah, why not?
Caravan master: We don't trade with your kind, piss off!
Chosen One can say either of these things…
(Retaliative): You don't like me making folks happy? How do I make *you* happy?
(Peacefully): Fine, have it your way.
(Agression, possibly combat): Either trade with me anyway, or gimme your goods…or I'll take your blood! [Speech check? Strength? Charisma? Party members? Power armor check? Weapon and respective skill checks?]
(Caravan master, if said the retaliative line): Well, I dunno! Kill a kid?
(Did not frighten the caravan master): Hell no!
(If frightened): *Shudder, an expression of fear on their face*… Ooo-kay, take what you want and go away! (Barter at a discount because of fear)