So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

- On current playthrough, i talked to the BOS guys at NCR and the Den and both have a single line in which they tell me to go to another bunker. I recall that they had more lines. They were aware of your quest and you were allowed to choose a question. Is there a requirement to get those dialogs ?
- Merk was a bit unclear on what he asked me, and now, his only dialog is *Is it done?*. There doesn't seem to be a Pipboy update either. I dunno if he want me to prove myself or if he wants me to do the first quest.
- I read that you could challenge Lenny, the super-mutant, but there is no info about how. The guy only has floating lines, no open dialog. And the basement is always empty.
- Hoss challenge can start, but the guy never give up, even if crippled and barely any hit point, or even unconscious. I can close combat but not have him aknowledge defeat. I don't want to kill him and get Tandi wrath.
- I did the complete brahmin drive for Duppo, without a car, and the way back was like i had a car, until the first encounter. If i don't have the car, i shouldn't be able to move like i had one.
- I still haven't seen Kaga.
- Merk was a bit unclear on what he asked me, and now, his only dialog is *Is it done?*. There doesn't seem to be a Pipboy update either. I dunno if he want me to prove myself or if he wants me to do the first quest.
- I read that you could challenge Lenny, the super-mutant, but there is no info about how. The guy only has floating lines, no open dialog. And the basement is always empty.
- Hoss challenge can start, but the guy never give up, even if crippled and barely any hit point, or even unconscious. I can close combat but not have him aknowledge defeat. I don't want to kill him and get Tandi wrath.
- I did the complete brahmin drive for Duppo, without a car, and the way back was like i had a car, until the first encounter. If i don't have the car, i shouldn't be able to move like i had one.
- I still haven't seen Kaga.