Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.3 (Unofficial Expansion)

- On current playthrough, i talked to the BOS guys at NCR and the Den and both have a single line in which they tell me to go to another bunker. I recall that they had more lines. They were aware of your quest and you were allowed to choose a question. Is there a requirement to get those dialogs ?

- Merk was a bit unclear on what he asked me, and now, his only dialog is *Is it done?*. There doesn't seem to be a Pipboy update either. I dunno if he want me to prove myself or if he wants me to do the first quest.

- I read that you could challenge Lenny, the super-mutant, but there is no info about how. The guy only has floating lines, no open dialog. And the basement is always empty.

- Hoss challenge can start, but the guy never give up, even if crippled and barely any hit point, or even unconscious. I can close combat but not have him aknowledge defeat. I don't want to kill him and get Tandi wrath.

- I did the complete brahmin drive for Duppo, without a car, and the way back was like i had a car, until the first encounter. If i don't have the car, i shouldn't be able to move like i had one.

- I still haven't seen Kaga.
- On current playthrough, i talked to the BOS guys at NCR and the Den and both have a single line in which they tell me to go to another bunker. I recall that they had more lines. They were aware of your quest and you were allowed to choose a question. Is there a requirement to get those dialogs ?
Your level needs to be less than 5 (for Joshua in the Den) and 10 (for Luke in NCR) to get more dialog from them; otherwise you only get the "go to another bunker" response.
But killap actually switched the conditions in UP/RP script source, looks like he didn't include the updated scripts in RP. The scripts in UP are the updated ones.

- Hoss challenge can start, but the guy never give up, even if crippled and barely any hit point, or even unconscious. I can close combat but not have him aknowledge defeat. I don't want to kill him and get Tandi wrath.
Try putting a gun in your hand, see if he would back off. There's a chance that the timed checking procedure in Hoss' script didn't run as it should. I had the same problem when I beta-tested RP 2.3, and killap tweaked it to make it work a bit more reliably, but look like it still doesn't work reliably enough for everyone.
Might be very possible that my levels are higher than usual. I tend to do the pacific option, and then the violent option, for double reward, when possible, in this current playthrough.
- Not sure it is a change, a bug or my memory betraying me, but wasn't Dr Henry supposed to be more open about his Enclave background ?

- There is some bugs with Cassidy dialogs about Myron. Seems that all his dialogs about this topic have the first half unvoiced. (he says the second half, which comes up weird)

- Dex, Kitsune and Cat say that they are teaching you something, but the familiar fade to black is missing.

- I've read on the walkthrough that Kitsune can use any kind of weapon. It is actually the opposite for me. No matter what kind of weapon i put in her inventory, when i click on *best weapon*, she will put none in her hands. And she isn't crippled. She can punch enemies, although (very few damages). Also, she doesn't seem able to wear the leather jacket or the bridgekeeper robe.

- About the EPA, not a bug, but i find the requirements for MrChemmie a bit weird. I would rather have some EPA currency than those recipe... (and it would fit with the lore associated to the place. children should be able to use that thing) Also, the fruit flies were a bit too easy to beat for the only creatures with a RP exclusive new skin (at least, so far). They didn't left a big impression... Is it me or there is a new kind of spore plant as well ? I didn't recall two colors in my previous vanilla playthrough...

- Does the Environmental armor still exist ?

- Am i wrong, but was there some guy at the surface of the EPA at some point ? Can't seem to find him...
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- Not sure it is a change, a bug or my memory betraying me, but wasn't Dr Henry supposed to be more open about his Enclave background ?
No, there's no change to Dr. Henry's dialog. killap only fixed two dialog conditions so that player don't ask about cyber-genetics again if the cyber dog has already joined.

- I've read on the walkthrough that Kitsune can use any kind of weapon. It is actually the opposite for me. No matter what kind of weapon i put in her inventory, when i click on *best weapon*, she will put none in her hands. And she isn't crippled. She can punch enemies, although (very few damages). Also, she doesn't seem able to wear the leather jacket or the bridgekeeper robe.
Have you checked her weapon preference setting? And I have no idea why she doesn't wear those two armors in your game.

- Does the Environmental armor still exist ?
Not in the game anymore, unless you cheat with F12se.

- Am i wrong, but was there some guy at the surface of the EPA at some point ? Can't seem to find him...
The one you remembered is the Doctor in old RP 1.2. EPA has been completely overhauled in RP 2.x.
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Where's killap?
killap was last seen: Jan 31, 2016
I think at this point someone should make a fork of RP and continue without him (unless he decide to return). Source code is available...
There are a lot of bugs (not game breaking though) to fix and some balance changes are in order. Also let's not forget about Lujo's game progression changes, which were really thought out.
Have you checked her weapon preference setting? And I have no idea why she doesn't wear those two armors in your game.

Thank you. She did have unarmed as weapon preference. It escaped my perception check (i did change the combat setting and i missed that. Yet, she shouldn't have refused to use the power fist or the spiked knuckles) Now she register the *use best weapon* command.

Not in the game anymore, unless you cheat with F12se.

Killap last connexion doesn't seem so long ago.

The one you remembered is the Doctor in old RP 1.2. EPA has been completely overhauled in RP 2.x.

Do you know why they removed those ? Especially the armor ?

PS: Killap insisted that he would be the one to update the RP, or at least release the updates even if other make them.
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Do you know why they removed those ? Especially the armor ?
I don't know. I'd guess it's because the armor uses character animations converted from Tactics, and those animations originally rendered in 8-direction don't look good when porting them to FO1/2's 6-direction setup. The difference in art style between FO1/2 and Tactics could also be a factor to not implement the armor.
Few bugs on the caravans going from Redding.

- The Redding-Vault City Cavaran never appear on the 1st of any month.
- When you leave the map after an encounter (happen for sure on successfull ones), you end up on the same encounter once (with dead bodies and all), then leave it for good the second time you leave that encounter. It happens with all encounters of those two caravans. I don't think this bug happens when you leave the encounters of the unique caravan leaving NCR (the one given by Duppo) but i am not quite sure.

- Unrelated. On the three autodoc from the EPA, the line that leaves the dialog only says *error* instead of *leave* or *logoff*.
I don't know. I'd guess it's because the armor uses character animations converted from Tactics, and those animations originally rendered in 8-direction don't look good when porting them to FO1/2's 6-direction setup. The difference in art style between FO1/2 and Tactics could also be a factor to not implement the armor.
That's exactly the reason we decided to remove it.
- Once i visited Nikki and Juan, and accepted the first task from AHS-7, i cannot save in the hubologist map. I can save somewhere else, but each time i want to go back there, it crash and corrupt the file.

- Also, and that one might be intended. If i, somehow, manage to kill Juan unseen (without killing Vikki), through planting explosive in his inventory, i cannot talk to Vikki again without her becoming hostile. I guess it is because they only have one script for two. (i tought that it would allow her to hook up with Dave Handy. She seems to implie that she would if Juan wasn't around)

- Don't think it is specific with the RP. If you are still married, you can't infiltrate Navarro because they refuse to let you enter if you have followers. And you can dismiss your spouse. You have to choose between your couple and infiltrating Navarro. It feels a bit random... I guess there will be a shortage of personnal at Navarro.

- I finally met Kaga. First encounter happened near San Francisco. He didn't last long... Poor thing...
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In San Francisco, too beat dragon or the other one, we are suppose to beat 5 of their followers to prove yourself. It suppose not to kill them.

However, if I end hostile when the opponent has given up, I am stuck inside the ring unless if finish (kill) him off.

Is it what suppose to be? Or is there anything I have done wrong?
I almost forgotten. I was scanned by the hubologists at NCR, i joined the hubologists in SF, i accepted their quest to kill the shi emperor, i did no quest for the Shi. The random shi in the street and the doctor talk to me like shit. First time i encounter the emperor assistant, and he says he trusts me enough to see the emperor, while tasking me to find the vertibird plans. When i bring back the plan, there is no dialogs to give them to the guy, but he has no problem giving me fuel when i ask it. I don't see options to acquire said fuel from the emperor. I got it from Dave Handy at the hubologist HQ, who conveniently also accept to erase all the hubologist database.

This migh be a glitch, but so many people tasking me to do stuff they don't care if i do them or not, and trusting me with their big secrets a bit too easily.
I almost forgotten. I was scanned by the hubologists at NCR, i joined the hubologists in SF, i accepted their quest to kill the shi emperor, i did no quest for the Shi. The random shi in the street and the doctor talk to me like shit. First time i encounter the emperor assistant, and he says he trusts me enough to see the emperor, while tasking me to find the vertibird plans. When i bring back the plan, there is no dialogs to give them to the guy, but he has no problem giving me fuel when i ask it. I don't see options to acquire said fuel from the emperor. I got it from Dave Handy at the hubologist HQ, who conveniently also accept to erase all the hubologist database.

This migh be a glitch, but so many people tasking me to do stuff they don't care if i do them or not, and trusting me with their big secrets a bit too easily.
Did you talk to the tanker captain before that? I guess only after talking to him, the option to direct fuel to the tanker from the Emperor unlocks. Or maybe talk to Badger as well - I usually talk to them both right when I enter the tanker for the first time (after robbing them for weapon, of course:)). And of course, you should have enough Science skill to even understand the "Fuel and Deryvatives" or whatever-it-was-called dialog section with the Emperor. Under this section, there should be an option to direct fuel to Poseidon tanker. But if you did it via Hubologosts already, then perhaps this is the reason you don't get this option from the Emperor.
- I talked to Badger and rescued his girlfriend.
- I did nothing for the Shi, but the Emperor Assistant (Ken Lee) authorized me to see the Emperor anyway and specifically tell me that the computor will allow me to redirect fuel.
- The computer don't show that fuel option, no matter if i did the shi quest or not.
- After i did the shi quest (acquiring the vertibird schematics), there is no dialog option to tell it to Ken Lee. So i can't get any reward or proceed further into Shi questline (the quest for killing the hubologist boss).
- Ultimately i decided to ask Dave Handy to redirect the fuel. (didn't want to pay an hardened power armor to the scientist, or risk Badger being assassinated by shis). So it didn't have redirected the fuel before. Refuelling & repairing the tanker and disabling the submarine were the last actions i did before reaching the Enclave stronghold.
You should bring the Vertibird plans to Dr. Wong, not Ken Lee. Dr. Wong is in the second room on the left from the entrance, the corner one, along with 2 other scientists.
About the Hubologists: usually, the second thing I do after going to the tanker, talking to Captain and Badger (I usually clear out the lower deck at this go too), and stealing gauss or two, I go testing out that gauss on Hubologists (of course, I upgrade 2 power armor sets beforehand, and get back my cash from the corpse) and wipe them all out. And I still have the option to give Vertibird plans to Shi, if I didn't do it already. Dr. Wong is your man for this - and as I remember, Ken Lee tells you to give plans to Wong, when you approach him with those plans for the first time (looks like for the first time only).
I'm having a problem with the martial arts fights. I get in the ring, and the fight doesn't start. If I knock the guy unconscious or kill him, it doesn't say I win nor does it let me leave the arena. If I chlallengeLo Pan to the death, it works just fine. I didn not have this problem the last time I played the restoration project.

Also, when I try and sneak aboard Vertibird in the dessert, the game freezes (with no companions) or the base turns hostile with no chance of being taken to the commander's office (with companions)