Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.3.3 (Unofficial Expansion)

Sounds like sfall is not working properly.
Have you checked out the Restoration Project technical wiki link from the very first post in this thread?
Scroll down to the section about "GOG Mac edition" and read that. Might be something useful there. You might also want to glance at the WINE section, something about setting ddraw.dll to native... That's the main component of sfall.

Hey, thanks a lot for replying!

I've been perusing the page you sent me and I'm so grateful that you did that. I had no idea it even existed.
However, I've still got some lingering questions about the instructions.

I've accessed the registry editor on wineskin and found the location of the "Layers" entries under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" and "HKEY_CURRENT_USER" but the instructions tell me to delete the 256COLORS entries.
How exactly do I find them and delete them from here?
Is it telling me to just delete the "Layers"?


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Screen Shot 2017-09-29 at 5.10.35 PM.png
Not Layers itself, but the Fallout 2 entry in it. At least that's the impression I got after reading this GOG discussion.
Maybe that entry is a fix for the bad 256 rainbow color problem, and that's what is meant by the technical wiki?
As you can probably tell, I don't really know anything about Wine or Wineskin, so I can't really do more than wish you good luck.
Windows native version works fine for me on mac:
cd ~/games/fallout2
LC_ALL="es_ES.CP1252" WINEDLLOVERRIDES="ddraw.dll=n" $wine fallout2.exe > ~/games/fallout2/wine.log 2>&1
Does anyone have/know a mod loaded for Fallout 2 that can work without having a damn Patch000.dat file?
Are is there a way that The Restoration project could include a section for modding the Highwayman?
I mean if we are "restoring" couldn't we restore the Highwayman with a coat of paint? ;)
I wonder, have you ever thought of melding the Klamath/Arroyo expanded mod to your magnus opus? I remember playing it years ago, bit it was pretty good. Gave a very dark light to the possible outcomes within Arroyo as well as Klamath.

What was the name of said mod? Just Klameth/Arroyo expanded mod? Because I cannot find it.
It's because sfall fixed Bonus HtH Damage perk to make it work in the same way as Bonus Ranged Damage. The +2 damage now applied on the damage roll rather than Melee Damage derived stat, so you don't see max damage value of your melee/unarmed weapons in the inventory increased.

If you want to see the bonus damage from perks displayed in the inventory, you can update sfall to 3.7 or newer and set DisplayBonusDamage=1 in ddraw.ini.

Dear NovaRain, I have problem with swap file ddraw.ini from sfall in instalation folder and do not damege to game(and RP2.3.3), some easier way?
PS: I try also add line with "DisplayBonuseDamege" in ddraw.ini in steam folder - unfortunately it also does not work.
Dear NovaRain, I have problem with swap file ddraw.ini from sfall in instalation folder and do not damege to game(and RP2.3.3), some easier way?
PS: I try also add line with "DisplayBonuseDamege" in ddraw.ini in steam folder - unfortunately it also does not work.
You could try a diff/merge tool like WinMerge or Beyond Compare if you don't want to open two notepad windows side by side.
And it's DisplayBonusDamage, not DisplayBonuseDamege.
You could try a diff/merge tool like WinMerge or Beyond Compare if you don't want to open two notepad windows side by side.
And it's DisplayBonusDamage, not DisplayBonuseDamege.
Thx for advice!
I solved this problem basic way.

I needed to copy/swap ddraw.ddl file and and add to ddraw.ini file two phrases:
additional I added "BonusHtHDamageFix=1"
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Playing on wine, on xubuntu zezty 64 bits, and this happens when I enter The Den. The map is just black, and I can't exit it or do anything. Here https://files.catbox.moe/0ofsrj.zip is my savegame just in case, even though I am sure it's not a save-related issue.
As for instalation, this is the gog version, I didn't want to deal with wine's app menu shanenigans so I used unnoextract to get the gamefiles, if it maters any, and the game is running from a NTFS partition so I think capitalization in the file paths shouldn't mater.


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Something yet I do not understand with BonusHtHDamage.
Let's say I have one perk Bonus HtH Damage +2 to dmg.
With RP2.3.3. and my changes with BonsuHtHDamge from sfall 3.8.4, unarmed min and max dmg increasse (in basic version F2 increase only max but not show).
I noticed also melee weapons have this same rule but not all - like Sharpened spear(in this case increase only max dmg).
Someone have specification of BonusHtHDamage changes?
That's because DisplayBonusDamage works in a kinda tricky way:
  1. For "ranged" (range > 1) melee weapons like spears and sledgehammers, their displayed min damage = (weapon's min damage + Bonus Ranged Damage), and displayed max damage = (weapon's max damage + Melee Damage + Bonus HtH Damage + Bonus Ranged Damage).

    For a character with ST 10 (Melee Damage 5), Bonus Ranged Damage lv1, and Bonus HtH Damage lv2, the displayed damage of a normal spear (weapon's damage 3-10) is:
    min: 3 + 2 = 5
    max: 10 + 5 + 2 + 4 = 21
    (both BonusHtHDamageFix and DisplayBonusDamage are enabled.)

  2. For normal melee weapons with 1 hex of range, their displayed min damage = (weapon's min damage + Bonus HtH Damage), and displayed max damage = (weapon's max damage + Melee Damage + Bonus HtH Damage).

    For the same character above, the displayed damage of a combat knife (weapon's damage 3-10) is:
    min: 3 + 4 = 7
    max: 10 + 5 + 4 = 19
    (both BonusHtHDamageFix and DisplayBonusDamage are enabled.)
If you disable DisplayBonusDamage, both spear and combat knife will be the same 3-15 in the inventory.
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That's because DisplayBonusDamage works in a kinda tricky way:
  1. For "ranged" (range > 1) melee weapons like spears and sledgehammers, their displayed min damage = (weapon's min damage + Bonus Ranged Damage), and displayed max damage = (weapon's max damage + Melee Damage + Bonus HtH Damage + Bonus Ranged Damage).

    For a character with ST 10 (Melee Damage 5), Bonus Ranged Damage lv1, and Bonus HtH Damage lv2, the displayed damage of a normal spear (weapon's damage 3-10) is:
    min: 3 + 2 = 5
    max: 10 + 5 + 2 + 4 = 21
    (both BonusHtHDamageFix and DisplayBonusDamage are enabled.)

  2. For normal melee weapons with 1 hex of range, their displayed min damage = (weapon's min damage + Bonus HtH Damage), and displayed max damage = (weapon's max damage + Melee Damage + Bonus HtH Damage).

    For the same character above, the displayed damage of a combat knife (weapon's damage 3-10) is:
    min: 3 + 4 = 7
    max: 10 + 5 + 4 = 19
    (both BonusHtHDamageFix and DisplayBonusDamage are enabled.)
If you disable DisplayBonusDamage, both spear and combat knife will be the same 3-15 in the inventory.

You're a storehouse of knowledge - thank you again!
About Kaga:
The 5 Kaga encounters occur as follows:
  • 1st encounter: Most likely to get this in the ocean - Arroyo - Klamath area, also the Klamath - Den trade route.
  • 2nd encounter: Player level greater than 4. Likely encountered in Bandits Pass and areas around Modoc.
  • 3rd encounter: Player level greater than 8. Most commonly found in areas patrolled by the Raiders.
  • 4th encounter: Player level greater than 12. Most likely found in the NCR area.
  • 5th encounter: Player level greater than 16. Found in areas around San Francisco and trade route to Redding.
That mean for example when I'm 14lvl, I can still meet Kaga near Raiders?
Playing on wine, on xubuntu zezty 64 bits, and this happens when I enter The Den. The map is just black, and I can't exit it or do anything. Here https://files.catbox.moe/0ofsrj.zip is my savegame just in case, even though I am sure it's not a save-related issue.
As for instalation, this is the gog version, I didn't want to deal with wine's app menu shanenigans so I used unnoextract to get the gamefiles, if it maters any, and the game is running from a NTFS partition so I think capitalization in the file paths shouldn't mater.

I'm also having this issue with areas loading black screens with just the character. I'm running the Restoration Project in Wineskin on my MacBook Pro 2017 MacOS High Sierra using the Windows GOG copy of Fallout 2. The Den doesn't load, Broken Hills, or any of the new areas when using control 4 at the title screen or in game. Any help would be appreciated, can't seem to find anything that has helped through all my searching.
I've already tried this method:
  • Entire city area is loading as black screen. Nothing can be done. (Wine running on Mac OS El Capitan, Fallout 2 GOG, RP 2.3.3, Hi Res Patch 4.1.8) (other locations work without issues)!!!NEW!!! Wine-Mac OS X 10.7.5, Fallout 2 GOG, RP 2.3.3, Hi Res patch 4.1.8., faced the same problem, tried to move map-files (DENBUS1.edg//denbus1.map//DENBUS2.edg//denbus2.map//DENRES1.edg//DENRES1.gam//DENRES1.MAP) from folder ../Fallout2/Data/Maps to folder ../Fallout2/Data. Just moved those map files there and it worked, i don't know why, but Den is loading ok now.!!!UPDATE!!! Do not move denres1.* files, because you won't be able to finish church mission.
It worked for the Den, but it didn't fix the issue when trying any of the new areas.
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really annoying bug i have here. All aimed shots with rifles to the eyes or head hit for 0-1 damage wth is going on? :( im having to use a h&k to snipe with!
About Kaga:
The 5 Kaga encounters occur as follows:

    • 1st encounter: Most likely to get this in the ocean - Arroyo - Klamath area, also the Klamath - Den trade route.

    • 2nd encounter: Player level greater than 4. Likely encountered in Bandits Pass and areas around Modoc.

    • 3rd encounter: Player level greater than 8. Most commonly found in areas patrolled by the Raiders.

    • 4th encounter: Player level greater than 12. Most likely found in the NCR area.

    • 5th encounter: Player level greater than 16. Found in areas around San Francisco and trade route to Redding.
That mean for example when I'm 14lvl, I can still meet Kaga near Raiders?

No, at level 14, You're more likely to meet them near NCR.
Hi there,

I recently installed the mod and its been great so far, however I just reached Vault City and met Cassidy. I thought i disabled the Cassidy talking head and voice but its active. Is there any way to disable it, at least the voice, post installation?
Are there any plans to restore
Master's Army mobile fortress,

Area 51? I just found about them on Fallout wikia. They seem like pretty cool places to visit.