Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project Discussion (ideas/suggestions)

Try setting combat control 'distance' to "Charge!" and burst fire NPCs will usually run in close before shooting.

Simple solution is to hit the 'a' key and go into combat mode when passing the children. They won't steal from you ever, and it takes far less time than talking to them ever would - at least until you follow encinodude's advice and look for a way to get them off the streets permanently. :)
I have decided to incorporate Lexx's girl critter into the Restoration Project. This means that little girls in Fallout no longer look the same as little boys. My question for everyone is whether this should be a seperate option in the installer or just part of base RP files. I am leaning towards base, but it is possible there are some who may not want it and I should just leave it an option...but I leave this open for debate.
I agree about making the mod that makes it possible to tell the gender difference among kids incorporated as base, just for the sake of variety.

Oh, and about that digging graves for party members who die in combat feature:

How about this, if a party member dies in combat and the bad guys are all dead, than you could have the dialog option of saying things like, if for example Myron died:

"Oh god, not Myron!! He may have been an irritating brat at times, but he didn't half to die like this. The least we can do is give him a proper burial".

He gets buried and, with every other party member saying some last words for the fallen party member, like Marcus(The bastards who did this will pay), Sulik(De spirits will guide this soul to the valley of chosen souls), and so forth. Dead party members grave site will be marked as "Marcus's Grave" on the map, and maybe random bystanders will stop by the grave site and leave money or something.

Or, if your an evil character, you can be more dastardly. You could just say something along the lines of "What a useless fat bastard Vic was. Well, him being gone was just one less piece of useless dead weight that these god-damn wastes are full of. Let's move out gang!"

Or maybe, if you have a good enough skill with melee weapons, you could cut up the dead corpse and sell it to any random brahmin dealer/slaughter house and the can give you money for your recently aquired meat. I mean, this is a world in which anarchy is prevalent, so why not add in anarchic things in, like selling people meat? It could even be a negative karma title, "human butcher". This tag could give you a melee weapons boost, and a negative karma modifier that makes some people not talk to you since your such an evil looking guy, do to you butchering people all day.

Maybe Lexx's little girls could be a seperate option but checked by default? BTW, killap, did you see my PM? :oops:
BarbadosSlim said:
...Oh, and about that digging graves for party members who die in combat feature:

How about this, if a party member dies in combat and the bad guys are all dead, than you could have the dialog option...

I like those ideas. However, good ideas are useless if they can't be implemented. A dialog box shouldn't just come up automatically giving the player options. What if the NPCs were carrying some important items for you? The player will need a chance to loot the corpse. (Although, I think there is a script function to allow all items to be removed from one inventory and placed in the player's inventory.) Maybe it would be best to have the dialog box with all the options come up once you try to loot the body of the dead NPC.

But, the critical issue is still this permanent location issue. To loot the body, say a few words, bury or cut up the corpse, etc. are all relatively easy to implement. But, having the ability to return to that spot that has been marked as "Marcus's grave" is a part that I don't know can be done. Now, if someone knew how the engine remembered the car on the worldmap and was able to hack it...
RE: Gravesites,
How does the game remember where it puts 'Cafe of Broken Dreams' or other special locations that are different every time we play? I know they're generated randomly, but then they stay where they were found.
Morticia said:
RE: Gravesites,
How does the game remember where it puts 'Cafe of Broken Dreams' or other special locations that are different every time we play? I know they're generated randomly, but then they stay where they were found.

Thank you! I knew somebody here would point out something blatantly obvious to me that would help to figure this out. I'll look into that one.

Found it. Special encounters... just set lock state to off. Duh, I knew that, since I have tampered with that before. Ok, part of the problem solved. Now, just have to devise a way to call the burial map. Here's the thing: you are starting off on a map that is not saved (i.e. random encounter). You need to be teleported to a different map that is saved (i.e. Myron's grave) and stays at the same location on the worldmap. The teleportation could be achieved through a dialog option... easy. Still, I don't know if this will completely work, though.
I'm all ready a dialog writer for the Mutants Rising mod, so I might be able to write some or most of the dialog for this mod. Orr at least, once I figure out how to get this damn FMF Dialog Converter to work.

I think that this mod has potential, like for example, if Marcus dies in combat and a gravesite for him is created, some former super mutant and ghoul/human friends could come to his burial and weep, and they might do a military 10 minigun salute or something. Just an idea.
BarbadosSlim said:
I think that this mod has potential, like for example, if Marcus dies in combat and a gravesite for him is created, some former super mutant and ghoul/human friends could come to his burial and weep, and they might do a military 10 minigun salute or something. Just an idea.
No. You and your party are walking/driving around in the middle of nowhere, a party member dies, you try to find a suitable location for a quick funeral. You don't have time to organize a big one, invite friends etc. Then you might as well have all of them in Golgotha, but that just would not be very practical.
This might be a little bit too involved, but perhaps have the possibility of grave robbers, and giving you the chance to use your outdoorsman skill to track them down for a little exp, and kill them for a little extra loot they may have stolen from other graves.
Omegawolf said:
This might be a little bit too involved, but perhaps have the possibility of grave robbers, and giving you the chance to use your outdoorsman skill to track them down for a little exp, and kill them for a little extra loot they may have stolen from other graves.

That raises the question about the Gravedigger title. It's worthless and has no consequences. Maybe you stand a chance of being haunted by spirits or something? It could be made to work like the Jinx perk, a positive and negative effect...
encinodude said:
Omegawolf said:
This might be a little bit too involved, but perhaps have the possibility of grave robbers, and giving you the chance to use your outdoorsman skill to track them down for a little exp, and kill them for a little extra loot they may have stolen from other graves.

That raises the question about the Gravedigger title. It's worthless and has no consequences. Maybe you stand a chance of being haunted by spirits or something? It could be made to work like the Jinx perk, a positive and negative effect...

Yeah the perk itself has no consequenses, you just lose karma every time you dig up a grave. Chances are if someone's a regular grave digger, they're not worried about negative karma too much. The positive, of course, would be the loot. That's how it is now, anyway.

Maybe the spirits could be driven away with the Brain's symbol? heh. Nah. Maybe some interactive nightmares for your character with a condition to escape it, or suffer some form of penalty upon failing this little side game, perhaps once a month. Perhaps these nightmares could be dependant on what type of character you're playing. Taking on an enclave member armed with a pulse rifle with your bare hands, gunning down several 999hp spirits, maybe running away from them with only one movement point per turn... just throwing ideas out there. Negotiating with someone threatening to kill the elder...

Edit: Ah, perhaps you could go back to Hakunin or the primitive village shaman to get rid of the spirits for awhile.
I feel this whole burying and gravedigging thingy is way off topic of what RP should be.

Bounty hunting - maybe getting clues in the places we visit? Better than the Morton Bros. :)

Megamod is where these wonderful new ideas should be suggested. That is where they belong, and should be considered.

No, I ain't trying to play Mother Hen and tell you guys what to do, just saying that you should read the "read me" and understand what killap is trying to do. All of your comments and suggestions are going to be neglected because RP is not the place for them.
True, but I do like the idea of bounty hunting. It'd be a refreshing change to doing caravan runs and brahmin drives for money.
How about a neat little easter egg? Maybe if the player gets to the year 2277, there'd be a special encounter with the Fallout 3 character "The Lone Wanderer" and be able to talk or kill him?
rocketman00 said:
How about a neat little easter egg? Maybe if the player gets to the year 2277, there'd be a special encounter with the Fallout 3 character "The Lone Wanderer" and be able to talk or kill him?
As much as I like the idea, I doubt this will be implemented. The Restoration Project runs off (mostly) design ideas by Black Isle that were never put into Fallout 2 before it was released - cut content. Fallout 2 has enough Easter Eggs anyway. :wink:
There are 2 new special random encounters in RP 1.3 (that I know of) – one is a thank-you to all of the people who put in their time and effort into building RP and in my opinion completely justified. The other is homage to one of the greatest sci-fi movies ever made, and because it looks very nice, is in my opinion again completely justified (but everyone will have their own opinion). But let’s drop all of the extra Easter egg nonsense, most are cheap and unnecessary.
Omegawolf said:
True, but I do like the idea of bounty hunting. It'd be a refreshing change to doing caravan runs and brahmin drives for money.

with alot of work this could be done with sfall force_encounter,you pick a Bounty Hunter perk at level up,then (leaning twards once a week) a random check is done and if it passed,forces an encounter that has a generic bounty object critter with some lacky's for xp and some loot,script the critters to vary stats according to player level,could be done,i like it and may make a mod with the idea(if you dont mind)

.Pixote. said:
There are 2 new special random encounters in RP 1.3 (that I know of) – one is a thank-you to all of the people who put in their time and effort into building RP and in my opinion completely justified. The other is homage to one of the greatest sci-fi movies ever made, and because it looks very nice, is in my opinion again completely justified
Would killing the Lone Wanderer be justified to you? :wink: I wasn't aware that extra random encounters were added, from things said by other people it seemed a lot like the old "Too many Easter Eggs, don't need more" argument. But yes, enough of this Easter Egg discussion...

Mind if I ask which movie the second encounter mentioned is a homage to? Or is it a surprise? (If it was mentioned somewhere, I didn't look for it :wink:) I better roll a high luck character and try to find out when 1.3 comes out, if yes. :P