Fallout 2 mod Fallout 2 Restoration Project Discussion (ideas/suggestions)

RP 1.3 will in fact contain only 1 added random encounter. As was mentioned, it is a big thanks to all those who helped make this project possible. The 2nd encountered mentioned, though extremely awesome in terms of graphical quality, will not be included. It might be available as an extra, but we'll see. More on this later.
@rocketman I would rather like to see for instants at the second level of SAD all the robots in charge towards the player if he is not managing to disable them ( high science skill necessary) at the computer near the elevator i mean the ones were all the good stuff is located.
In the vanilla game they really do nothing when the chosen one enters the door..
killap said:
I have decided to incorporate Lexx's girl critter into the Restoration Project. This means that little girls in Fallout no longer look the same as little boys. My question for everyone is whether this should be a seperate option in the installer or just part of base RP files. I am leaning towards base, but it is possible there are some who may not want it and I should just leave it an option...but I leave this open for debate.

Please make it a separated option in the installer.
I like the new critter Lexx created, but I prefer the childs like they are right now, so I votes for making it a option in the installer.
That way you don't forces people to see this new critter if they don't want to.
For the guys that want to see the new girl critter, they just need to mark the option in the installer.

I don't like the new critter very much, so I would prefer not to be forced to install it in my game. I hope you understand. :|
But it's your Mod, do whatever you think it's best.

EDIT: :shock: OPS! You posted the message two years ago! Sorry!
rocketman00 said:
How about a neat little easter egg? Maybe if the player gets to the year 2277, there'd be a special encounter with the Fallout 3 character "The Lone Wanderer" and be able to talk or kill him?
Killing is boring. Raping is much more cool these days. Da Cheesy One could make a sexual slave from The Lone Wanderer thingy (on the chain - Mad Max 2 reference) and take him into the journey.
Continuum said:
rocketman00 said:
How about a neat little easter egg? Maybe if the player gets to the year 2277, there'd be a special encounter with the Fallout 3 character "The Lone Wanderer" and be able to talk or kill him?
Killing is boring. Raping is much more cool these days. Da Cheesy One could make a sexual slave from The Lone Wanderer thingy (on the chain - Mad Max 2 reference) and take him into the journey.

Amen to that, brother. ^_^
I really don´t understand your post, any changes to become more different and better looking critters are welcomed...
The little girl critter is excellent (in my opinion), and if people don’t like the idea of meddling with certain aspects of Fallout, I can understand that, but why install RP at all then. Stick to the vanilla version, without any fan made mod or enhancement. It’s still a great game, but the little girl is such a minor (but welcomed) change, and I thank Lexx, who would have spent hours and hours building it…
Lisac was the one who made it. ;) I was just the first who was able to publish it. :) I made that bald head combat armor dude... which still needs some polishing up here and there, due to strange head movements, etc.
We are both working on FOnline: 2238, nearly fulltime. Right now, he is very busy with real life stuff.

If you want to ask, if you can use the girl critter, feel free. It's open for all. :P
["Chris Parks"]
I don't mind the idea of food / water as long as it was handled well. Just having to stock up on food and water at the beginning of the game and then taking it periodically would be boring. But...

Each "diner" only serving a finite number of food items per day would be a start. Couple this with food kept in your backpack for too long going bad / stale would be interesting. Throw in the possibilities of random occurences like food poisoning and the food / water system idea could be an interesting add on.

If people agree to the concept of food and water becoming as an extra element in Fallout 2, then cannibalism must be given equal kudos. Why not just slice up bits of the fallen, barbeque them in animal fat, and enjoy the meal beside the camp fire. I have no qualms eating others if it was a matter of life and death (only in the world of Fallout), sure I expect the karma measure to take fall, but survival is survival. There seems to be a fairly appropriate Vault boy image already. :twisted:

Why stop at drinking and eating, you know what would ad to the realism of the game, having to take a dump every 24 hours (depending of course on what you ate you having to choose between 200 year old canned goods and radiated rats, and there could be a meeter between constipation and diarrhea,), oh and after that you should wipe your ass and hide your feces, as it is also a survival matter, as anybody who was in the boy scouts knows that wiping your ass in the great outdoors without proper toilet paper (especially in the desert were plants are few most of them being radioactive cactus) can have serious effects causing focusing issues, and awareness loss (yeah scratching your ass during targeting could really fuck up your aim). Hiding your feces is also detrimental to your survival if you are being hunted by a deathclaw or by those pesky tribals for example.
You see how ridiculous this sounds???? Stop trying to make games realistic, they are only GAMES for havens sakes, they are made to relax you and make you forget about REAL life for a little while. If you want realism you don't have to join the army or something just step out the god damn door. there is enough realism out there.
There was a game that had all these elements - Robinson's Requiem. It didn't sell too well AFAIR
Well, a food system might be too much, but a sleep system sounds like a good idea. Something simple like having a fatigue penalty after a while without rest, kind of like in the Infinity Engine games (i.e. baldur's gate).
Great stuff! I checked out all maps now. :D

One thing that shall be fixed: The NCR wall flag. It shows a one headed bear. With latest informations, it should be a two headed one! :)

/Edit. I've... uh... "fixed" the flags and added a second head to each. :) You can grab it here, if someone is interested in it.