Thanks for the restore-howevers....
First off thank you so much for working so hard, it pleases me to see this game still a huge hit, and not just on my Own PC's
Sadly I have some bad/unfortunate news, but nothing serious.
There are issues with the EPA map(s), I will document screenshots and the like to help you but mis-aligned textures (not sure if it's the games fault for never being "done" and scrapped in the first place or not) Walking through walls, light errors, and a few script/text errors.
Another thing is the slaver camp where you can get Sulik's sis, the shack with the main encounter.
1) if you run to the Left side, close, the chat starts anyway, seeing through the walls to have the NPC start conversation (very annoying)
2) if you stand at the lowest left/south corner where the door is, you can shoot INSIDE(and them outside) of the building- through the Sheet metal walls (there is no window there, I checked many times.)
I also had some problems with NPC on this map, as they seem to run and shoot through many of the walls, and get stuck
Also I could use some "help" in the EPA, as I have the quest to "check the power" however no terminal ,computer, light, switch, etc etc seems to accomplish this quest... either I missed something, mis-read something, or am missing something... and I've been runnin around in there for about 3 days now, even used Falche to hack my char open to make sure it had proper Science/Repair skills (no effect btw) I've been all over the bloody map so many times I may be over-looking something. So please, if you have done this- EMAIL me (DO NOT POST HERE) (( Thanks.
I am not sure if it is my computer or not, however I have a lot more black out-freeze/crashes then before this, on many things, accessing Mr.Chemmie! being one, some combats, I have tried the re-install in case of the sound files etc- however it seems to have little effect.
Also a note for new players- if you get to level 5 (or was it 6...) before leaving Arroyo , you may NOT see Kaga. (which kinda blows because the encounters are neat and hard and add a real sense of danger to the game.) I have tested on easy, normal , and hard options and they dont seem to have an effect, rather the level you are when you leave the village, and then it occurs Midnight that night. (at least for me, 20+ trials it has)
Due to recent issues (in high number) I will actually be wiping my harddrives and reinstalling fresh- again- just in case its hardware issues and not software.
I will have Screen shots as soon as possible on these events, unless you can take care of them without it.
Thanks again for the patches!