Fallout 3 anniversary contest winners announced

You're out of your mind if you think that was the best one.

Money Talks would've been great as a Fallout perk if it was either only available at a very high level, required very high Charisma/speech skills, or the game somehow differentiated between stolen and non-stolen cash.

That klepto one would be pretty good if it'd actually given some sort of benefit and drawback, and it sure as hell would've been better than Reaper.

And Nuclear Man/Woman.... was that a joke? If it was, that makes it so much worse that it was actually considered as a serious entry.

That and Deal with the Devil.

Is there some way to add on "Reaper Perk" to the Worst Fallout 3 Ideas poll? Because someone seriously needs to get on top of this.
Moving Target said:
You're out of your mind if you think that was the best one.

"Best of a bad lot" isn't exactly high praise, bud. And, of course, there's no accounting for personal taste. As an eternal combat boy I don't give a shit about perks that give money or charisma bonuses.

It just really, really, really, really makes "killing things" into one of the central aspects of the game.

In Fallout 1/2 (especially 2, but in 1 if you knew what to do instead) that didn't have to be the case.

And besides: ALL APs?!? That's a bit much. *Boom* One guy dead, take another turn. *Boom* Two. Repeat. *Boom* Three..... get where I'm going with this?
I agree it sounds like it needs to be balanced. Perhaps AP's can only be fully restored a number of times or something, to prevent endless killing sprees.
Crowfoot said:
I agree it sounds like it needs to be balanced.

We don't know, because we don't know how the system is balanced, how APs are balanced in the system or at what level and under what requirements this perk would be available.
My whole thing is... if you make a Fallout game that's real-time, or even real-time with pause, it lowers the importance of action points to insignificant as it is. That's been one of the biggest upsetting aspects of Bethsoft's development of Fallout 3, at least for me.
fallout ranger said:
VB had a perk where if you made a roll, you could kick in a door instead of lockpicking it if your skill wasn't high enough.
You mean this one?
Because that's my favorite :D
The pic could just be this with the Vault Boy instead of the Fonz.

My favorite of this lot would be Crazy Eye, but then again, I'm easily amused ;)

Regarding the balance issues of Grim Reaper's Sprint:
Sniper and Slayer mean anything to you? They could just make it a high level/stat perk, you know.
Or maybe it fits with how they designed the AP system for VATS? :shrug:
Moving Target said:
That klepto one would be pretty good if it'd actually given some sort of benefit and drawback, and it sure as hell would've been better than Reaper.
It could give a decent bonus to the steal skill. The drawback would be, obviously, that your character would occasionally steal at random from people you talk to, be it a weak and meaningless person or an important quest-related character. Might become annoying though.
Klepto should be a trait rather than a perk, as if you randomly steal from the person talking to you, if they notice you, well you know what happens in the past when you're caught stealing eh?
Puppet Master
You have a special little friend, your hand puppet who has followed you through thick and thin, and always has an opinion about things. (Gain an extra dialouge option)

I liked this one! I can imagine it as a way to get to see amusing "extras" from the writers - sort of like playing a dumb character just for the new dialogue.

Of course, that's assuming the writers do a good job and are funny. And you know what they say about assuming...

It makes an ass out of you and Uma Thurman.

Most of these so-called perks are broken and stupid.

Even more saddening is the fact that somebody won the random thing with an incredibly stupid perk.

I'm going to take a nap for fifty years, wake me up if Bethesda burns to the ground...
The name sounds silly, but I don't think it's unbalanced. Level 21 or 24 required would be decent.

At higher levels I could see this being in the original games without breaking them. It would certainly have made some of those last fights a little easier.

A limiting factor though, would have been to limit it to only work oncer per player's turn. But since your turn isn't actually defined...

Yeah I can see how it could be unbalancing. But ultimately if it's a high level perk then it won't really matter. You SHOULD be a killing machine past level 20... (if that's the type of character you're playing).
Yum, Subway toilet water, yeah just trade the rads in for debilitating illnesses, flipping stupahd if you ask me, even if I was dying of thirst, or at least the sensation of such, I wouldn't stoop to drinking out of a toilet, I'd bust open a Nuka Cola machine and pop a few of those back for the road, or maybe stock up on water before leaving, you know, those handy vault flasks for water. (or so they say :D)

Extreme survival or extreme disgrace, either way anyone even considering drinking out of a toilet oughtta get the ol' bolts tightened a bit, as anyone with an int over 4 should know that there are diseases in that water that rival if not overshadow the all encompassing radiation, especially if they're coming out of a hermetically sealed bunker that draws fresh purified water from underground reservoirs...
Grim Reaper sounds like a good idea if it's leveled correctly. At least level 18 or higher. Other than that, these perks where just fuckin hilarious. My favorite is Schitzo.... That as a trait instead of a perk would make a game EXTREMELY interesting.

Ohh... they should do crazy eye to... and have it animated to your character.
Meh. Seems a bland choice and it does nothing for me in that it 'adds' to the combat.

I have to agree Money Talks and Klepto looked spiffy and creative.

I also have to agree that Deal w/ the Devil, Nuclear Man and Dumb Mother had no business in the finals of anything...

Which raises a couple of questions for me. Of the 17,000+ submission how many we're really looked at? :? How many were about killing kids? :lol: How many invloved nukes/nuking/nukers? :roll:

If these were the best they could find, then I'd suggest they treated this contest with the same level of care and attention found in their recent games - that is, very little.