G4TV has a video interview up with Todd Howard. A bit of transcription:<blockquote>[describing Fallout] Imagine Leave it to Beaver, with laser guns, that world was nuked, the whole world is destroyed and it is a hundred years after that. It's a role-playing game set in this very unique post-apocalyptic world. (...)
How faithful is it going to be to the other games?
In terms of the world, and the texture of it, the tone and the lore, it's very very faithful. In as far as how the game is presented, it's very very different. Those other games are ten years old, so now, with the presentation we can do now, and because it's role-playing, we want you to feel that you are this person in the world. (...)</blockquote>He states it is an RPG, in real-time things are governed by your stats, so it looks like playing a FPS, but underneath it's very complex.
Link: G4TV interview with Todd Howard.
Thanks BlockStacker.
How faithful is it going to be to the other games?
In terms of the world, and the texture of it, the tone and the lore, it's very very faithful. In as far as how the game is presented, it's very very different. Those other games are ten years old, so now, with the presentation we can do now, and because it's role-playing, we want you to feel that you are this person in the world. (...)</blockquote>He states it is an RPG, in real-time things are governed by your stats, so it looks like playing a FPS, but underneath it's very complex.
Link: G4TV interview with Todd Howard.
Thanks BlockStacker.