Black said:
It's first person, it's real-time, it's not staying true to FO's core. Anything else you wanted to say?
Yes. To me Fallout's core isn't in the gameplay, it's in the setting itself. I certainly enjoy Fallout's gameplay, but a big reason why the game itself is enjoyable is the setting. On the whole, I haven't seen enough reason to believe that Bethesda is ruining the setting, but I will agree that the gameplay itself has been completely changed. And if that's all you liked about Fallout, then I can understand being upset over Fallout 3.
You don't recall any nukes? Uh-huh.
I was being sarcastic/a dick then. The point being, there were nukes in Fallout 1 and 2. Not mini-nuke slingshots maybe, but nukes themselves. Since "NUKULAR EXPLOSHUNS" seems to be a popular talking point here I was pointing out that the old games had them as well. If there's a preview somewhere where they mention more nukes than the one in that town they keep talking about and the slingshots, I must have missed it. If you could link it I'd be much obliged.
I also didn't give Manhunt a chance... It's not my type of game, if I wanted to play fpsrpg I have Deus Ex. And excuse me for having some standards for Fallout game...
But right there, you admit that Deus Ex is an enjoyable FPSRPG. Couldn't a Fallout FPSRPG be enjoyable? You could even consider it non-canonical like Tactics and the console game if you were so inclined.
1. Fallout title, pip-boy and Ron Perlman don't make decent Fallout rpg.
I never said it did, but they certainly don't hurt either. So far I haven't seen enough to decide if it's a good RPG judging by one teaser trailer, maybe 10 screenshots, and a few previews that mostly mention the same things over and over. But I haven't seen enough to decide it's a bad one, either.
2. beth has shown how good they are at making rpgs. Not being able to piss of your daddy is cool for rpg feel? Playing as a retard and still having normal dialogue options, too?
I'm not sure what not being able to piss off your daddy means, either that's something I haven't seen or what. I'm under the impression your dad in Fallout 3 is mostly in the pseudo-tutorial of the vault while you're building your character, and the rest of the game hinges on finding him. As for playing a retard and having normal dialogue, I haven't heard this either, though I never played a retard in the other Fallouts so it's not something I would particularly miss. Though I have read that you miss a large number of quests playing a low INT character, so it's not like it's a huge drawback to have it missing.
Oh god, it was joke! Something I was thinking about since I've seen super-orc with his Mace +2 against Vault Dwellers.
What I said was a joke as well (Well, me being a dick 'cause I'm a bit pissed off, but a joking dick).
Wait, what? What are you talking about?
Looking back, I think I got a bit derailed there. The point I was getting at was there's mostly one ending to Fallout 1 and 2, but looking at what you said you were talking about a Bethesda developer talking about Oblivion, which I guess isn't really connected.
This is some kind of magic... Thanks to bethesda's hype, everyone's favorite rpg is Fallout!
Doesn't matter that there are people out there who:
didn't like iso view
didn't like tb combat
didn't like int affecting dialogue
didn't like killable kids
many other things
And they all are Fallout fans... thanks to bethesda.
I like the iso view, I like the combat, I like the int in dialogue, I like the killable kids. But I can live without the view, I can live with different combat, the int in dialogue would be the hardest to live without, but I haven't seen them say it won't affect dialogue at all so I've still got hope there, and I could live without killable kids though I'd prefer it.
Somehow when you're saying that you played a large chunk of all PC RPGs and then you come up with Morrowind and Oblivion (which aren't really very good rpg games) is... weird.
I agree they aren't near the top of my list, but I thought it was most relevant to mention them as they seem to be the arch-nemesis of Fallout, apparently. I've also played all of Troika's RPGs before they died if you'd prefer better RPGs.
Is Bloodlines or Deus Ex emulating tabletop p&p rpgs?
Bloodlines would be, but Deus Ex isn't. But emulating tabletop P&P RPGs is a different kettle of fish to playing a computer game, and since Fallout 3 is a computer game, again, the view and combat don't ruin it for me. Well, the combat actually could ruin it for me, but since I haven't even seen the combat in action yet I don't know what I'll think of it. But the idea of FPS combat doesn't ruin it.
In FO1 there way stationed in Lost Hills Bunker or something- 80 years later there are 3 more bunkers, each with one man... And after 20 years they are supposed to reach East Coast with a force that can fight with super mutants? And people who liked to sit in their bunkers decided "ah, what the hell, let's go to Washington"?
The same goes for Enclave? "Ah, what the hell, we couldn't kill all those bastards but let's at least run a radio station"
I realize they were hiding in one bunker in Fallout 1, but I was under the impression (As I said before, I couldn't remember every line of dialogue from every BoS NPC and computer in Fallout 2) that they didn't specifiy what the entire BoS was doing in FO2. Yes, the elders in FO1 were inclined to stay in their bunker and hide out, but over 120ish years things could change. Not to mention the other possibility I said that it was a single group of paladins, either sent by the elders or on their own. I haven't heard of a BoS base in FO3 yet, and if it was mentioned somewhere then that scraps that last theory, but there's still the possiblity that the elders learned something worth moving over there for. And as for enclave radio, it could just be a pre-war automated system running. I haven't heard anything making it a live broadcast with DJ Mr Metal Man.
If you can provied any good arguments how Fallout 3 is staying true to old FOs then be my guest... If you can do this, of course.
I'm not trying to say Fallout 3 will be perfect and stay true to the originals, I'm just saying that so far, to my eyes, it's possible that it will be a good Fallout game. Different combat, different view, different almost everything, but possibly a good Fallout game. There isn't a lot of information out on it yet, so that's kind of why I'm so upset about people slamming it so early. I'm not 100% rah rah Fallout 3 is awesome, but I'm hopeful.