lisac2k said:
Other factions: one of the radio stations mentioned by in game dialogue is apparently run by The Enclave.
This is official, what more do you want? An invitation?
quetzilla said:
So maybe changing things up a little bit isn't the end of the world.
Inform yourself
a little bit, then come back.
I'm not sure what you're trying to get at here. From your post it seems like you think I was saying there is a possibility that the radio station isn't in the game. I never said 'it might not be in the game', I said it might be implemented in a better way than most of you assumed it would be.
Vault 69er said:
I'm sure you can think of an excuse as to why the Enclave would clandestinely run a radio station.
"Hello listeners, please kill yourselves you inferior genetically mutated scum!"
Your argument is baseless. You ask me to come up with a reason why the Enclave would clandestinely run a radio station. I ask you: why would they run a radio station NOT clandestinely? To me it makes much more sense for it to be clandestine, but that's just me, and although I can't really see why you think it's more likely for them to be spouting their Enclave nonsense straight onto the airwaves--I guess it's a possibility.
The thing is, my post was never arguing that the radio is clandestine and you guys are all wrong. My point was that you guys immediately assume that things will be implemented in the worst possible way, without even pausing to consider how things might be done differently.
In recent posts there seems to be some lamenting over the idea of 'alien' being one of the weapon types that the Energy Weapons skill covers. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the original Alien Blaster require the energy weapons skill? Yep it did.
Now, maybe the fuss is in regard to the idea that there may be more than one 'alien' weapon in the game. "That's not fallout!" the kittens cry out before Bethesda kills them and so forth. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't there a bunch aliens in Fallout 2? Yep, there were. Did people cry "that's not fallout!" when FO2 came out? Maybe, but I think most of us can agree that FO2 was still Fallout.
I actually played FO2 before FO1, and maybe I just have a thing for extra terrestrials, but the wanamnigos were one of my favorite parts of the game. When I had first heard FO3 was in the works (way way back in the 90's, not the current FO3) one of the things I was looking forward to the most was to see if the aliens played more of a part in the story. Well now it looks like they just might, so color me excited.
whirlingdervish said:
And whats with the Cryo crap?
You are forced to assume that they are making a fucking freeze gun too!
You know you're probably right, there probably is a freeze gun. What makes that not fallout? The fact that there weren't any freeze guns in FO1 or FO2? Like someone else said after you, freeze guns do fit into the 50's pulp sci-fi theme present in Fallout. In fact, a freeze-gun sounds like it could be a pretty cool weapon to play around with. Why is any of this bad?
Nim82 said:
And realtime FPP games doesn't get tedious? *cough* DOOM3, Oblivion dungeons *cough*
I didn't even finish the Doom 3 DEMO because it was tedious, and I explained in my first post that I felt the same way about Oblivion (go back and read it if you didn't the first time). I never endorsed FPP games, I just said changing things up a little bit from the pure turn-based system might be a good thing.
Nim82 said:
I like the slow pace of turn based games, gives me time to think, have a stretch and get a coffee. Why must everything be in your face these days? Don't get me wrong, there is a place for twitchy action games, but there's also space for slower games. FO was always intended to be the later.
FO was ALWAYS intended to be a slower game? Go play the van buren tech demo. They may have included turn-based, but there was also an option for real-time (BLASPHEMY!). Even 10 years ago the original crew realized that turn-based gameplay couldn't stand on it's own forever.
Nim82 said:
If FO had been a real-time shooter do you think it would still be ranked so highly in so many 'best game ever' lists? No. It was the gameplay that made it the cult classic it is... FO3 will be a flash in the pan, 10 years from now no one will give a damn about it. Like Wasteland, Fallout 1/2 will still probably be fondly remembered by as classics.
If FO had been a turn-based RPG game in a typical magic and elves setting, would it still be ranked so highly in many 'best game ever' lists? No. It wasn't just the gameplay that made it a classic, it was ALSO the dark humor, engaging storyline, unique setting, memorable characters, etc etc. Maybe Bethesda will get it right with FO3, and maybe they won't, but let's be realistic here -- if they just updated the FO2 engine with better graphics and left everything else the same, the sum total of people who would buy that would probably be the same as the number of members on this forum. Now I would love to play that game, as I'm sure many of you would, but the reality is that this is a business, and companies need to sell product, and if that means FO3 needs to be "updated" a bit to get the drooling masses to buy it, well then that's just the price of doing business.
Nim82 said:
Beth could have created their own franchise if they wanted to resurrect their FPS heritage - instead they chose to turn a classic traditional turn based game into a FPP horror/survival game, and capitalise on it's cult name.
Have you played the game? Because if you have then I'll just delete my profile right now and go kill some kittens or something. But I'm willing to bet that you haven't actually played the game, so this talk about FO3 being a survival horror game is pretty much rampant speculation on your part. Let's have this chat again in 08 and see if you're right.