Fallout 3 at GC: Gry Online

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Taking a step back to last week to take a look at Gry Online's preview. Notes and translation - as always - courtesy of Ausir.<blockquote>"No recent game caused as much controversy and emotions as Fallout 3. For 4 years the fans of the series wondered whether the makers of Oblivion will manage to make a game as good as previous parts of the famous series. Will Todd Howard's team manage to compete with Timothy Cain's? The Fallout brand is an enormous force. On one hand, it's a self-driving locomotive, but on the other hand it might end up being a trap. Fallout, thanks to its post-nuclear atmosphere and immersive plot, ended up being a cult title. And every cult leads to fear of "desacration". Therefore Bethesda should be admired at least for their courage."

* She likes the voice acting of Silver and sheriff Simms
* Silver is an ex-prostitute and a junkie, who's trying to forget her past with the help of chemicals. She can tell you about the town and her history. However, all dialogue options, even the ones mean to Silver, seemed to lead to only one solution - helping her in her issues with Moriarty, the saloon owner.
* She thought that if she helped Silver settle the score with Moriarty, eating the squirrel-on-a-stick from her fridge won't be anything bad. But it was - she lost Karma.
* She likes the art style, but is not very impressed by the graphics - in low details they're too blurred, in high details they're too sharp, with no middle ground.
* She doesn't like the Lady Killer perk because it's chauvinistic. Pete says that it's not, because there's also Black Widow.
* They do not plan to release the editor for now
* They will make Fallout 4 and 5, and don't count out making a new title aside from Fallout and TES.
* Pete says that all they did in Fallout 3 was initially based on Oblivion.

Her final word is that even if Fallout 3 does not live up to the expectations of the fans of the series, it might simply end up being a good game, whose biggest flaw will be it having the "Fallout" brand. Furthermore, Fallout 3 and its promotional activities might remind players and non-players about Fallout 1 and Fallout 2.
</blockquote>Fallout was a cult title. It's a mainstream title now.
* They do not plan to release the editor for now
* They will make Fallout 4 and 5, and don't count out making a new title aside from Fallout and TES.
* Pete says that all they did in Fallout 3 was initially based on Oblivion.

Further proof there is absolutely no hope.
Silver is an ex-prostitute and a junkie, who's trying to forget her past

Wow.. the sheer amount of imagination leaves me speechless. :roll:
In a post-nuclear world one would think there are more important things to forget than prostitution. But not Bethesda. They know what the most important problems of the humankind are.

Jesus Fucking Christ! How can people consider this band of hacks good and imaginative game developers is beyond me.

She doesn't like the Lady Killer perk because it's chauvinistic. Pete says that it's not, because there's also Black Widow.

It's not racism if you're hated in return. :roll: Good one, Pete & The Afro-Americans.

Pete says that all they did in Fallout 3 was initially based on Oblivion.

Indeed a good start for a Fallout sequel.
FeelTheRads said:
She doesn't like the Lady Killer perk because it's chauvinistic. Pete says that it's not, because there's also Black Widow.

It's not racism if you're hated in return. :roll: Good one, Pete & The Afro-Americans.

while I don't think Pete's excuse is a very good one, I don't think there's anything wrong with the perk itself. maybe the name could be a bit more forgiving, but if I'm gonna be able to play a man-hating feminist, I want to be able to do it the other way around as well.
As for the "* Pete says that all they did in Fallout 3 was initially based on Oblivion. " part, that was summarised yes? From the original language, it could have easily been twisted just a little bit to make it look like this.

Is there a good online translator?
Since this is still retro-50s, I think tongue-in-cheek treatment of racism and sexism of that period is fine. Just tread carefully, and don't overdo it. The perks certainly don't, they're fine.

The only real problem is still the fact that Bethesda lists African American as a race next to Caucasian, Hispanic and Asiatic. I'm sorry, I know I keep coming back to it, but it's racist, pure and simple.
Why put races in the first place?

Couldn't they just make it like Oblivion? the rest of the game is.
Brother None said:
The only real problem is still the fact that Bethesda lists African American as a race next to Caucasian, Hispanic and Asiatic. I'm sorry, I know I keep coming back to it, but it's racist, pure and simple.

I don't understand, why is it racist?
aronsearle said:
I don't understand, why is it racist?


"Here is a list of races, they are all treated the same way, except this one which we give a different type of name."

Separate treatment of a single specific race is pretty much the definition of racism.

thefalloutfan said:
As for the "* Pete says that all they did in Fallout 3 was initially based on Oblivion. " part, that was summarised yes? From the original language, it could have easily been twisted just a little bit to make it look like this.

Summary? No, it's a bullet point from the interview:
GOL: Gracze będą porównywać Oblivion z Fallout 3.

Pete: Wszystko, co zrobiliśmy w Fallout 3 bazowało na początku na Oblivionie, ale wszystkie błędy popełnione w Oblivionie, bo nie twierdzimy, że to idealna gra, staraliśmy się poprawić.

A Polish person on this forum will probably be happy to give a literal translation of that.
oihrebwe said:
it should say "black," there is no america anymore ergo there are no african americans

black would get people intro a frenzy too.

I agree that they shouldn't put "race" in there and just let you choose skin color etc when you create the character. but maybe it has something to do with just that - choosing race gives you certain modeling capabilities and restrictions when creating your characters face, to make faces look more realistic or something.

on a funny side note, at least here in Sweden the word "race" when speaking of heritage is highly racist. I always giggle a bit inside when americans use that word in such a way.
African American is racist? I thought it was just idiotic because of the "American" being superfluous and missing in "Asian" and "Hispanic" already. As a non-American I never understood the concept of "Caucasian" anyway, though.

Lady Killer certainly isn't chauvinist, though. It's misogynist. Don't mix up your feminist propaganda keywords, Mrs.

It's not that either, though, because, as Pete pointed out, it's balanced with an misandrist perk. That doesn't make it less offensive, but at least you can be a sexist psycho-killer no matter what sex you are.

It's not PC unless there's an option to be homo- or bi-sexual, though.
Meh. FeelTheRads' negativity at the Perks is a bit far-fetched here, I understand from the preview that SoleilNoir was more mocking the Lady Killer than actually being angered.

That, or she is just intimidated by Bethsoft glory.
Brother None said:
aronsearle said:
I don't understand, why is it racist?


"Here is a list of races, they are all treated the same way, except this one which we give a different type of name."

Separate treatment of a single specific race is pretty much the definition of racism.

Honestly, yes.

I just don't see what's offensive about it.

Maybe this is just one of those "gay" things, where gay can mean happy or a faggot depending on how old the person you ask is.
aronsearle said:
I just don't see what's offensive about it.

I didn't say it was offensive, I said it was racist. Listing a bunch of racial identities and then picking out one to list as a ethno-cultural identity is racist.
Summary? No, it's a bullet point from the interview:
GOL: Gracze będą porównywać Oblivion z Fallout 3.

Pete: Wszystko, co zrobiliśmy w Fallout 3 bazowało na początku na Oblivionie, ale wszystkie błędy popełnione w Oblivionie, bo nie twierdzimy, że to idealna gra, staraliśmy się poprawić.

A Polish person on this forum will probably be happy to give a literal translation of that.

GOL: The players will compare Fallout 3 to Oblivion.

Pete: Everything we did in Fallout 3 was initially based on Oblivion, but we tried to correct all of the mistakes we did in Oblivion, as we're not saying that it's a perfect game.

I wouldn't say I twisted it.

Meh. FeelTheRads' negativity at the Perks is a bit far-fetched here, I understand from the preview that SoleilNoir was more mocking the Lady Killer than actually being angered.

Yup, it was more of a mockery than outrage.
Separate treatment of a single specific race is pretty much the definition of racism.

1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

Separate treatment is NOT racism, I have no idea where you got that from. By your definition giving special status to First Nation peoples in Canada is racist, Affirmative Action in the US is racist, and allowing Aboriginal people to practice traditional tribal law in Australia is racist. All of these policies exist because it is recognised that these groups have been disadvantaged by the actions of the colonizers, not because they are inferior.

I get the feeling that most people don't know what racism is. People like to pretend that discussing race is the ultimate evil, I can tell you no good ever comes of pretending that important things don't exist. Pretending that we are all one big happy family is just an excuse for the affluent to pat themselves on the back and pretend that the marginalised minorities are all happy like everyone else. The race riots in France are an excellent example.