hey guys!
first of all, nice that you are working on VATS! ..and all the other stuff, keep up the good work
i got not much idea about programming, but wanted to share my ideas about VATS, reload, and healing.
VATS, "turnbased simulator":
this guy made nice idea for a "turnbased" mod:
VATSPlayBackDeay is on 13 seconds, and AP regen insanely high, so you do your "turn" and then the enemy gets to shoot at you.
i am currently playing with 3x AP regen (12) and vatsplaybackdelay of 10 seconds.
it does work pretty well, and together with other mods like tweaked perks, AP burn for actions, and similar, it comes pretty far closer to a turnbased RPG.
also, it has an insane potential of making it even more "turnbased", if we had a script to make all enemies use AP, etc etc..
but the actual huge problem for this solution is the goddamn SLOWMOTION... nothing worse then watching someone slowly do stuff or die, with all those distorted slow voices -.-
i find the slow-mo really cool SOMETIMES, but reducing it overall, and removing it completelly from "playback delay" time, as well as switching the camera at the players character right after his own actions have finished and have been shown, would be a huge leap for bringing the game closer to "fallout" and further away from "oblivion with guns"
so the one who got any idea on where the F*** to make the killcam go faster or even realtime would be a true hero of the wastes

yes, i know im not the first one to say that, but i cant really say how much important that is for good combat, if use palyback delay or no.
another thing that bothers me alot: when shooting, you come to the last bullet in magazine, and then you cant fire the last bullet without "paying" the AP for realod as well. pretty damn stupid, what were they thinking?! when you play VATS only, this "forced reload" is really a pain in the butt.
especially if you are like me, a fan of long reload times for weapons like hunting rifle.
putting all those 5 bullets into the rifle is a long long time compared to a fast clip change of a pistol.
call me a blasphemer, but even in original fallouts reload times of 2 AP didnt make any sence.
if we emphasize the reload costs and make it extremly different for fast-reloadable weapons and slow reloadable weapons, it would clearly show the advantage of the fast ones..
also, while firing bolt-action weapons, it should cost you more AP to shoot, because you reload, and then shoot, every shot, while a semiautomatic weapon like the sniper rifle doesnt need manual reload between the shots.
healing with food/drinks should be not possible while combat, (also you should not be able to eat UNLIMITED food at once)
i just feel really stupid every time i eat about 20 molerat meats for no AP cost, in the middle of a battle and magically regain full health by that...
well, and using a stim should cost you some serious AP too..
(i have tried putting AP burn on heal, doesnt work btw, why ever.. )
using a drug should also COST you - do it BEFORE combat starts. running around with a psycho needle in your butt or with a jet bottle on your face doesnt sound exactly like low AP cost to me
love you all