Fallout 3 Compendium - Release 12 - Beta v0.6.0.2

Necro- said:
tie AP regen to agi as such that the higher it is the fast you get it

I know this -can- be done, but i'll need scripting to do it. :\

Also adding other item info to the descriptions is a good idea, definitely. Vats is restricted by a timer though, and a playback delay that starts after the first timer ends. Some weapons that fire quickly -can- get more than one shot off, but most will only do one shot.
I really hope that Betsheda will release the SDK. Maybe they do not want to because they know how people ache to start modding BIG in order to make it how it should have been :)
im 99.9% sure positive they will i mean, look at oblivion, mods are what made it worth getting, even more so than fo3 because it was even more messed up :>

my biggest beef with the vats system you have is, you have like 5-6 shots say on the bb gun, but can only shoot 1 at a time which rather defeats the purpose since if i shoot once, go out of vats for a second, im back to full AP, which makes vats rather pointless. and run and gun really the only way to go.

i can't really think of a perfect solution for this and would like others input.
Necro- said:
im 99.9% sure positive they will i mean, look at oblivion, mods are what made it worth getting, even more so than fo3 because it was even more messed up :>

my biggest beef with the vats system you have is, you have like 5-6 shots say on the bb gun, but can only shoot 1 at a time which rather defeats the purpose since if i shoot once, go out of vats for a second, im back to full AP, which makes vats rather pointless. and run and gun really the only way to go.

i can't really think of a perfect solution for this and would like others input.

Heh that's more or less because of the BB gun itself. Doesn't fire very fast, and needs almost no AP to fire because the damage is -so- low.
yea, i realized that but then i tried the 19mm pistol and it was more or less the same thing shot just twice and even then my total ap (agi 8) was able to shoot i think 5 times.
This looks really interesting, indeed!
Quite a big undertaking before the release of a proper CS, though.
Just wish that I could help in any way, but let's face it... I just don't know squat about modding, scripting etc.

Just wondering, though....
Any plans/possibilities to incorporate things like cross-repairs (where it makes sense, the ones I've tried seems just a bit too liberal), weight balancing, moddable weapon (i.e. scope your hunting rifle, turbo plasma rifle etc), realistic weapon ranges (a pistol shouldn't be accurate for longer distances than, say, 20 meters, a sniper rifle should be accurate several hundred meters) ....
Oh... and remove those stupid mini-games in favor for dice rolls. :D
weight balancing, if you mean carry weight, is sort of already in there. and cross-repair is also in there already.
the problem with weight balance imho is that, unlike previous games you didn't have to carry tons and tons of so called junk to make weapons out of etc. and in which case they should generally be lowered to the weight, not really that realistic but the only alternative is constant back and forth trips which just gets annoying.

I don't mean to say that they should be weightless but say something like a vacuum cleaner which normally weights like 10 could be 5 or even 2.5 scrap metal might be say 0.5 instead of 1, generally speaking for items u tend to get a lot of because u need em for making other items.

and while on the topic of items, it'd be great if you could add schematics for not new items but modifying your weapons say scrap metal and some other stuff to make a recoil stabilizer etc.

speaking of the minigames, i don't mind them that much - ESPECIALLY the lockpick one but i'd like to see locks redistributed as no be more than just 25/50/75/100 as for the hacking minigame i wouldn't mind that gone if possible
Necro- said:
the problem with weight balance imho is that, unlike previous games you didn't have to carry tons and tons of so called junk to make weapons out of etc. and in which case they should generally be lowered to the weight, not really that realistic but the only alternative is constant back and forth trips which just gets annoying.

I don't mean to say that they should be weightless but say something like a vacuum cleaner which normally weights like 10 could be 5 or even 2.5 scrap metal might be say 0.5 instead of 1, generally speaking for items u tend to get a lot of because u need em for making other items.

and while on the topic of items, it'd be great if you could add schematics for not new items but modifying your weapons say scrap metal and some other stuff to make a recoil stabilizer etc.

speaking of the minigames, i don't mind them that much - ESPECIALLY the lockpick one but i'd like to see locks redistributed as no be more than just 25/50/75/100 as for the hacking minigame i wouldn't mind that gone if possible

Modding weaons with the workbenches will require a CS/SDK because it will require new scripts [from scratch], and probably new dialogue. Perfectly doable of course, we just need the CS. As for the hacking minigame... I dunno. Right now, without a CS, we can't exactly make a replacement.
Necro- said:
speaking of the minigames, i don't mind them that much - ESPECIALLY the lockpick one but i'd like to see locks redistributed as no be more than just 25/50/75/100 as for the hacking minigame i wouldn't mind that gone if possible

I agree, I actually like the minigames. I'm curious though... how would the limit remover be handled though? I know the higher your skill the more "sweet spots" (lockpicking) and the bracket/dud increase/decrease (hacking) but what would it be like if I was, lets say, 15 lockpicking, 20 hacking, and I tried a very hard? Could I actually unlock it? Or would it be like "you can look, but if you try, you will fail" thing?
TD5160 said:
Necro- said:
speaking of the minigames, i don't mind them that much - ESPECIALLY the lockpick one but i'd like to see locks redistributed as no be more than just 25/50/75/100 as for the hacking minigame i wouldn't mind that gone if possible

I agree, I actually like the minigames. I'm curious though... how would the limit remover be handled though? I know the higher your skill the more "sweet spots" (lockpicking) and the bracket/dud increase/decrease (hacking) but what would it be like if I was, lets say, 15 lockpicking, 20 hacking, and I tried a very hard? Could I actually unlock it? Or would it be like "you can look, but if you try, you will fail" thing?

That's actually pretty easy to change - to allow a player to *attempt* to use science/lockpick without regards to the "difficulty level" of the object. Though, I'm not really sure why one would want this. For Lockpicking... MAYBE, Maaybe. But science is just too wonky for something like that to be feasible.
yea, it doesn't really fit for science i mean, if you run across a computer that uses unix and say you need 75 science to understand unix you can't just jimmy your way through it like you can with lockpicking

maybe make a min-max kind of deal

say for simm's house which is average (50) which is more or less garunteed to work, at say 25 you can attempt it but would be much greater chance of it failing.

also i'd like a simple semi-cheat to eb removed, currently for lockpicking you can try 4 different locations before a bobbypin breaks, if you do 3, stop and retry u can keep going forever.

a better system would be a more fallout 2ish system where as soon as you try it takes a bobbypin away first, and if you suceed in the 4 tries, you get it back, so u can't semi-cheat your way out.

also i'd like electronic lockpicks added back in
Electronic lockpicks not doable yet, they were replaced with the computer hacking & how lots of "locked" areas also have a terminal adjacent to them (which also unlocks it).

!!!!!!!!!!!! Important !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A moderator at nexus has locked out the F3C for now, because the file is passworded. Those of you who do already have it please provide ample feedback for the time being so a better fitted release can be setup for a public beta.
what are the mods plans for vendors and the like. a big problem is having a lot of stuff but nowhere to sell it to, i can see a few solutions

1. more vendors
2. more money on existing vendors
3. a debt system, say you sell 500 worth of stuff and they only have 300, they keep 200 in debt for the next time u buy something say for 1000 but only have 800, they'd use the 200 debt to pay the rest.
4. much quicker restocking of money (and maybe items?)
With "weight balancing" I mean kind of where Necro- was getting at.
It's ridiculous that a butter knife weighs 1 (oh.. so a vacuum cleaner weigh as much as about... 10 butter knives?) while 2000 5.56-bullets weighs in at.... 0!
Caps (and stimpacks to keep in line with previous Fallouts) is probably the only thing that makes sense having a weight of 0.
Guess it might be quite a lot of tinkering and research to give each little to big item a reasonable weight.

Considering the mini-games, it is nearly impossible to fail once you have the skillpoints to even try. The password hacking is too easy IMHO and you never run out of bobby pins.... ever!

Anyway, might be hard to balance a skill roll. A failed lockpick or hacking attempt shouldn't jam the lock/computer right away. If possible, a raised risk of doing so for each attempt maybe could be implemented to stop you from trying on and on until you succeed and instead wait until your skills have improved and come back to try later. For a while I thought about the possibility of removing the difficulty information you get when you look at the terminal/lock, but that would probably make things just a bit too hard to swallow.

After all... I'm one of those who rely on and relish waypoint/enemy markers.
hey guys!

first of all, nice that you are working on VATS! ..and all the other stuff, keep up the good work :)
i got not much idea about programming, but wanted to share my ideas about VATS, reload, and healing.

VATS, "turnbased simulator":

this guy made nice idea for a "turnbased" mod:

VATSPlayBackDeay is on 13 seconds, and AP regen insanely high, so you do your "turn" and then the enemy gets to shoot at you.

i am currently playing with 3x AP regen (12) and vatsplaybackdelay of 10 seconds.
it does work pretty well, and together with other mods like tweaked perks, AP burn for actions, and similar, it comes pretty far closer to a turnbased RPG.
also, it has an insane potential of making it even more "turnbased", if we had a script to make all enemies use AP, etc etc..

but the actual huge problem for this solution is the goddamn SLOWMOTION... nothing worse then watching someone slowly do stuff or die, with all those distorted slow voices -.-

i find the slow-mo really cool SOMETIMES, but reducing it overall, and removing it completelly from "playback delay" time, as well as switching the camera at the players character right after his own actions have finished and have been shown, would be a huge leap for bringing the game closer to "fallout" and further away from "oblivion with guns"

so the one who got any idea on where the F*** to make the killcam go faster or even realtime would be a true hero of the wastes ;) yes, i know im not the first one to say that, but i cant really say how much important that is for good combat, if use palyback delay or no.


another thing that bothers me alot: when shooting, you come to the last bullet in magazine, and then you cant fire the last bullet without "paying" the AP for realod as well. pretty damn stupid, what were they thinking?! when you play VATS only, this "forced reload" is really a pain in the butt.

especially if you are like me, a fan of long reload times for weapons like hunting rifle.
putting all those 5 bullets into the rifle is a long long time compared to a fast clip change of a pistol.

call me a blasphemer, but even in original fallouts reload times of 2 AP didnt make any sence.
if we emphasize the reload costs and make it extremly different for fast-reloadable weapons and slow reloadable weapons, it would clearly show the advantage of the fast ones..

also, while firing bolt-action weapons, it should cost you more AP to shoot, because you reload, and then shoot, every shot, while a semiautomatic weapon like the sniper rifle doesnt need manual reload between the shots.


healing with food/drinks should be not possible while combat, (also you should not be able to eat UNLIMITED food at once)

i just feel really stupid every time i eat about 20 molerat meats for no AP cost, in the middle of a battle and magically regain full health by that...

well, and using a stim should cost you some serious AP too..
(i have tried putting AP burn on heal, doesnt work btw, why ever.. )
using a drug should also COST you - do it BEFORE combat starts. running around with a psycho needle in your butt or with a jet bottle on your face doesnt sound exactly like low AP cost to me :)


love you all :)
i think for turn-based vats would be, say u can shoot once or twice in a round, u shoot twice, does animation, goes out, enemy shoots (can u make moving cost ap in combat?) then it automatically goes back into vats.
dont know for sure, but i think i have not found parameter for AP burn while moving (except crouch/uncrouch), but someone else checkin up on that wont hurt.

generally to ur idea: that sounds pretty turnbased, but if it automatically goes back into VATS, when will you actually get to move, even with AP burn??

plus its gonna be opening your VATS in stupid situations, like with your rifle is pointing right on an obstacle, without any chance for you to do anyhting about that till the next turn.

also, automatic vats opening would surelly annoy you in various cases. dont you sometimes love realtime when fighting a cockroach with your lvl 20 char? :P
maybe so, but theory wise it seems better than, vats, shoot once, go out of vats, go back in etc.
Necro- said:
i think for turn-based vats would be, say u can shoot once or twice in a round, u shoot twice, does animation, goes out, enemy shoots (can u make moving cost ap in combat?) then it automatically goes back into vats.

Actually that is one thing that is very nice about vats! It has a playback delay. If someone goes through ALL (there are hundreds) of the VATS cameras and alters their slowdown timescale to ... well, not slowdown, then vats can become a true turn-based option. You see, the playback delay is an amount of time that -always- occurs after your "turn" is over. Enemies can move, attack, etc. during this time - and you cant do squat.