Fallout 3 Compendium - Release 12 - Beta v0.6.0.2

Hey dubby can you send me a link via pm? Like to test as well. A complet documentation would also be really nice, because I could disable all the other mods that overlap. For the moment I will just move the mod to bottom list so that it overwrites every setting.
yes, dubby, this is exactly the idea :)
then tweaking the playback delay time plus will give fair results.

vonmistont (the playback delay guy) tried to tweak every single cam, and failed. he also says something about timeflow in VATS being reseted every second, and time in meelee vats going with about 0,7 speed while in ranged it is down to 0,3 sometimes.

but he also says hes no nerd, so someone who is nerd might have a better result on that :)

also, bethesda said in one interview (if true/outdated or no) that thery made it so in VATS player moves fastest, the enemy slowest, and rest of the world stands almost still. but it doesnt seem true to me except on camera dolly (bullet follow cam)
Necro- said:
yea, it doesn't really fit for science i mean, if you run across a computer that uses unix and say you need 75 science to understand unix you can't just jimmy your way through it like you can with lockpicking

How about this: you can access it with only 50 science, but you only get random characters ie #£¤%? once you reach 75 science you can read all of the password options - and as you get better at science the chance of success is greater?
the problem neil is that that system doesnt fix the problem with the crappy science minigame
JayTheGay said:
yes, dubby, this is exactly the idea :)
then tweaking the playback delay time plus will give fair results.

vonmistont (the playback delay guy) tried to tweak every single cam, and failed. he also says something about timeflow in VATS being reseted every second, and time in meelee vats going with about 0,7 speed while in ranged it is down to 0,3 sometimes.

but he also says hes no nerd, so someone who is nerd might have a better result on that :)

also, bethesda said in one interview (if true/outdated or no) that thery made it so in VATS player moves fastest, the enemy slowest, and rest of the world stands almost still. but it doesnt seem true to me except on camera dolly (bullet follow cam)

The "player the fastest" is because of an update mult. There's one for the player, and one for the target/everything else.

Ive uploaded the F3C beta to NMA, but an admin needs to approve it first.
I'd really like to see a no-pause when you pull up the pip-boy mod. That way if you want to change armor or stim yourself up, you actually have to find a safe place to do so, or risk being shot to crap.
igmolicious said:
I'd really like to see a no-pause when you pull up the pip-boy mod. That way if you want to change armor or stim yourself up, you actually have to find a safe place to do so, or risk being shot to crap.

well if this is impossible to mod, maybe its possible to change so that you can't uses stims or food while in pipboy? because you can place a stimpack in the quickslots. this way you can't instantheal. still pretty fast but at least you are no longer invincible (need to put your weapon away too I believe)
Do you guys plan on giving ammo a weight value?

And how would the game handle the weight for ammo? Would it weigh each individual bullet, or would it give a weight value for a "clip" of ammo (24 rounds of 5.56 for example).
Grave461 said:
Do you guys plan on giving ammo a weight value?

And how would the game handle the weight for ammo? Would it weigh each individual bullet, or would it give a weight value for a "clip" of ammo (24 rounds of 5.56 for example).

I haven't figured out how to give ammo weight yet, and as far as I am aware, nor has anyone else.
Hey Dubby, in case you hadn't noticed, the latest version of fomm has a working script compiler. I thought i read somewhere that you were waiting for one.
Installed it... Doesn't seem to work. Things I did:

Removed older mod I had(MTUI and Weapon descriptions).
Changed that line in the FALLOUT.ini to 1.

Tried starting an entirely new game and using 'advlevel'. Skill pts per level remained unaffected, no new perks, ect.

Am I missing something?

EDIT: Oh yeah, and I installed the files properly. Should have.. Data file into main directory, Textures into Data folder, though in the .rar file it was in the same directory as the Data folder.. so I made another copy in the main FO3 directory just in case I majorly missed something.

EDIT2: NM, I'm an idiot. Accidently put the Data folder for F3C INTO the main Data folder... v.v

MOVE ALONG nothing to see here,
Dubby said:
Grave461 said:
Do you guys plan on giving ammo a weight value?

And how would the game handle the weight for ammo? Would it weigh each individual bullet, or would it give a weight value for a "clip" of ammo (24 rounds of 5.56 for example).

I haven't figured out how to give ammo weight yet, and as far as I am aware, nor has anyone else.


This guy seemed to of used a script to give ammo weight... would it be something you might use? I think ammo definately needs *some* kind of weight to it. Makes you think twice about what's important to haul with you... or stash away for later.
it's not the stashing the problem its the fact that you have to carry so much stuff with you all the time