Necro- said:yea, it doesn't really fit for science i mean, if you run across a computer that uses unix and say you need 75 science to understand unix you can't just jimmy your way through it like you can with lockpicking
JayTheGay said:yes, dubby, this is exactly the idea![]()
then tweaking the playback delay time plus will give fair results.
vonmistont (the playback delay guy) tried to tweak every single cam, and failed. he also says something about timeflow in VATS being reseted every second, and time in meelee vats going with about 0,7 speed while in ranged it is down to 0,3 sometimes.
but he also says hes no nerd, so someone who is nerd might have a better result on that![]()
also, bethesda said in one interview (if true/outdated or no) that thery made it so in VATS player moves fastest, the enemy slowest, and rest of the world stands almost still. but it doesnt seem true to me except on camera dolly (bullet follow cam)
igmolicious said:I'd really like to see a no-pause when you pull up the pip-boy mod. That way if you want to change armor or stim yourself up, you actually have to find a safe place to do so, or risk being shot to crap.
bhlaab said:Is this compatible with Welcome to the Wasteland?
Grave461 said:Do you guys plan on giving ammo a weight value?
And how would the game handle the weight for ammo? Would it weigh each individual bullet, or would it give a weight value for a "clip" of ammo (24 rounds of 5.56 for example).
Dubby said:I haven't figured out how to give ammo weight yet, and as far as I am aware, nor has anyone else.
Dubby said:Grave461 said:Do you guys plan on giving ammo a weight value?
And how would the game handle the weight for ammo? Would it weigh each individual bullet, or would it give a weight value for a "clip" of ammo (24 rounds of 5.56 for example).
I haven't figured out how to give ammo weight yet, and as far as I am aware, nor has anyone else.