Fallout 3 Compendium - Release 12 - Beta v0.6.0.2

Okay, tried this out and it's great!

A couple things:

Can you make it so you can still queue up mutliple shots in VATS? I mean, I have the action points, I should be able to take advantage of them during my "turn" right?

I came upon one ghoul in the are I tested this out in, and trying to punch him in VATS just made my character do a wussy little half-punch that stopped in mid-throw and never connected (I had a 95% chance of hit)
I concur, seems all melee and HtH attacks won't execute properly in VATS. Also, I find the new VATS system is a little.. weird. There is potential here, but like the guy above me says, why have all those AP when you only shoot once per VATS 'session'? Especially with rapid regeneration of AP now, Most of my gun fights are 'enter VATS, shoot once, he shoots, end VATS, full AP by the time I re-enter VATS'. Having high AP isn't especially beneficial this way, though I suspect maybe you aren't done with it, so that's why?

Just my personal opinion, but I actually prefer the old VATS system, even as a turn based option.. FO3 will never be an entirely turn-based system anyway.
partly right you are. vats in f3c is supposed to mimic the functions of the "aimed shot" type of attack in fallout 2, where as "run & gun" (first person shooter) is synonymous with just not using aimed shots. The ap expendature in vats is wonky, and im trying to level it out correctly... this is especially true for burst weapons & certain melee weapons. The intended effect is that using vats has improved accuracy, and slightly better impact effect if successful, but uses "more" action points because of the time-stop effect created by the playback delay & the time update mults. In other words, counting just the attack power of an attack and the time the ap recovers (and available remaining ap), using vats is slower than using r&g - but r&g has a higher theoretical DPS, but thereby also a lower accuracy. Getting this to work "just right" though, is quite difficult and very trying. :\ I really want scripting.
mrjingo said:
Hey Dubby, in case you hadn't noticed, the latest version of fomm has a working script compiler. I thought i read somewhere that you were waiting for one.

uhm scripting?!
Dubby said:
partly right you are. vats in f3c is supposed to mimic the functions of the "aimed shot" type of attack in fallout 2, where as "run & gun" (first person shooter) is synonymous with just not using aimed shots. The ap expendature in vats is wonky, and im trying to level it out correctly... this is especially true for burst weapons & certain melee weapons. The intended effect is that using vats has improved accuracy, and slightly better impact effect if successful, but uses "more" action points because of the time-stop effect created by the playback delay & the time update mults. In other words, counting just the attack power of an attack and the time the ap recovers (and available remaining ap), using vats is slower than using r&g - but r&g has a higher theoretical DPS, but thereby also a lower accuracy. Getting this to work "just right" though, is quite difficult and very trying. :\ I really want scripting.

The running and gunning is so bad (on bethesda's side, not yours) that it only really works as a bit of softening up while running to cover to wait for an AP recharge.

I think most of us would prefer a system where VATS is the de facto standard replacement for turn based, with realtime as a bit of a garnish.
(That is, until the massive isometric fully turn based point and click mod where 90% of the voice acting is stripped out and the script is rewritten... But that's for another day :) )[/i]

Hey I downloaded and installed the mod (at my own insight seeing how the installation information was left out of the readme.txt) either way I got it to work, but now while playing with the mode with a 10 intelligence I get 13 skill points where it should have been 25 with this mod (right?).

Next for the skillpoits with the tagged skills, I still get only 1 point per earned skill point instead of the 2 that were said to be gained

Either way still a great job modding a game that is still so new
don't think you have it properly installed since i get 2 for tagged skills, make sure f3c.esp is at the bottom of the list
Indeed, 2 points for tagged skills. They raise MUCH faster in FC3, which I like muchly. Though to compensate, you get much fewer points for non-tagged skills to start with, but It's better this way.

Skill point gain in F3C is 5+INT I think, so 15 max. The Educated Perk only gives +2 points now and not 3 as well. Comprehension is still a must IMO, so long as there are so many skill books in the game world.

Overall, I really like what F3C has done to the skill system, especially in regards to weapon damages and accuracies.. Earlier today I was playing my wasteland boy, who is great with melee weapons, but sucks with most everything else.. I REALLY needed to make a shot at range with a rifle though to take out a gear on a high vantage point and thought 'Damn, no way I can do enough damage even on a sneak attack to kill him even with sniper rifle...' Then I thought 'Oh wait, yes I can' .. Took the shot out of VATS and popped his head instantly..

This does raise a question though. Part of why Bethe used the Skill points- > High damage formula I think, was because you CAN run and gun out of VATS, and doing so has little affect on your accuracy so far as I can tell.. so if most all guns have high damage regardless of skill, that means you are just as deadly with say, a minigun at lvl 5 as you will be with that same weapon at lvl 20, with F3C, which would no have been so in vanilla. It might be an issue worth considering for the future at some point.
i like the idea but the problem is the fallout 3 default requirements.

thinks like the bomb in megaton, locks and computers etc.
Hey I got the tag skills issue worked out by changing the name tnx necro. But still the intelligence skill points aren't up to where they should be. And the idea of being forced to choose a trait doesn't appeal to me.
What I want to know is how you guys do the modding period. Do you guys have sites where information and/or a guide is available for people who want to learn the finer art of modding ?

you all have my graditude in front

OK no idea if this is mod issue or just vanilla thing...

Heres the thing combat is harder so is ammo so i hired Jericho...but problem is he steal my XP shouldent it be 50/50 like in old fallout?

Right now is who kills gets XP...and my hunting rifle cant compete with chinesse assult rifle...

So i was wondering if theres a way to fix it...or mod it...
Great thanks i like this mod :)

Dubby suggestion could you add mod item desriptions? i try to do it my self but it dont work... :(

And secound thing point 18. Main Quest does not end with a Game Over this works i can play after i die turning purifier on? just like in F2?:)

Sorry for questions i know im anoying...
IMHO, the carry weight is too small considering the fact that healing and ammo now weights

for example before the ammo weighing and cap raised, the max weight was 250 with 10 str.

IMHO at 10 str it should be at least 400 if things like ammo weights preferably higher because you tend to carry a lot of weapons and ammo - even more so with the repair system.
Necro- said:
IMHO, the carry weight is too small considering the fact that healing and ammo now weights

for example before the ammo weighing and cap raised, the max weight was 250 with 10 str.

IMHO at 10 str it should be at least 400 if things like ammo weights preferably higher because you tend to carry a lot of weapons and ammo - even more so with the repair system.

max is 400. 300 with 10 str, 350 with packrat, and 400 with strong back. and well you're not a packmule. ;) but that's not to say followers can't be packmules.