Fallout 3 Compendium - Release 12 - Beta v0.6.0.2

Dubby said:
*sigh* May as well explain what's coming in a little more detail then. Armor is going to have the following statistics:

AC, DR, TH, SR, HR, TR, ER, PR, and RR. However only those with a non-zero value will be visible, and SR/HR will be abbreviated as a defense mod. The HELP panels (that automatically show up the first time when starting a new game) will give full, detailed information on what all these mean and why they're important.

AC = This is the damage resistance of the armor relative to the armor's condition. As condition drops, AC will drop. Even if the armor breaks, it can still be worn and provide basic defense with DR.
DR = This is the base-line damage resistance armor (and perks) can provide against kinetic energy (physical damage).
TH = The threshold percentile for resisting kinetic energy.
SR = This represents the relative softness of something.
HR = This represents the relative hardness of something.
TR = This is used for non-physical-type attacks, and represents the armor's resistance to thermal (heat) energy.
ER = This represents the armor's level of conductivity, or how well it absorbs (or conducts) electrical energy.
PR = This one is a bit of a misnomer, the abbreviation is for Plasma Resistance, but to the game this represents the hardiness of an object's current state of matter. In other words, its resistance to sudden and extreme temperatures.
RR = Radiation Resistance.

Weapon statistics are different, and represented in a different way as well. This is what you'd see for a chinese pistol using 9mm hollow-point rounds:

KE 5, Rng 50, Mod 15/5

First number represents the basic physical damage per round. Second number is the effective range if the weapon+round in meters. Third number (first one in Mod) represents how damaging the round is to soft tissue. Fourth number (second one in Mod) represents how well the round is able to penetrate body armor. To switch the ammo loaded in a weapon, you have to re-equip the firearm from the pipboy menu (not the hotkey menu). Encase you're wondering, explosions cause a combination of KE & TE (thermal energy), among other types depending on the specific type of explosion.

Enemies will also know how to use these mechanics to their advantage, and swap ammunition type depending on their enemy's protections and their own wits.

Hey, I like this idea, definitely sounds like Fallout.

Could you add a 5th number though, being the TOTAL damage.

Like for instance you have the model, "KE 5, Rng 50, Mod 15/5".

Adding "TD" (total damage, or something to that effect) in front of the calculations would be great for us college graduates that prefer refraining from adding and subtracting lol.
Dubby i think that magneto leaser could get some bust in dmg basicly laser weapons are out of use in a mid or end game
wannabenerd said:
Hey, I like this idea, definitely sounds like Fallout.

Could you add a 5th number though, being the TOTAL damage.

Like for instance you have the model, "KE 5, Rng 50, Mod 15/5".

Adding "TD" (total damage, or something to that effect) in front of the calculations would be great for us college graduates that prefer refraining from adding and subtracting lol.

Sorry, can't really represent a total.

Ravager said:
I do not recall there being any degradable/dropping AC in Fallout nor Fallout 2 nor Tactics.

Either way… more bad changes… less pew, pew hello boring repairs! And picking up every single weapon you can find instead of concentrating on Mutant Cleansing. Next thing you’ll know repairs will require Action Points…

I try to be very polite with, and keep myself very open minded to ideas and opinions, so I'm sorry... but you're just an ass. Please stop posting derogative and non-constructive comments in this thread.
Dubby said:
wannabenerd said:
Hey, I like this idea, definitely sounds like Fallout.

Could you add a 5th number though, being the TOTAL damage.

Like for instance you have the model, "KE 5, Rng 50, Mod 15/5".

Adding "TD" (total damage, or something to that effect) in front of the calculations would be great for us college graduates that prefer refraining from adding and subtracting lol.

Sorry, can't really represent a total.

So you're saying you can't post a "total damage" calculation based on the round that is chambered in the gun? Juat trying to make myself clear.
The basic pistol has a bit funked up texture:

Also i think i am sure i had totally different dialouge options with Amanda, just before leaving the vault ;) That's nice.


more findings:
-game crashes more frequent
-i like how pistols works now - good at close range and fast shooting but not so accurate at longer distances
-i see you've changed the xp rate again and from what i can see now i will be having the same problem as a guy who is level 2 or 3 when talking with the Three Dog.

The way you could adjust it could be by using some sort of:
or logarithm function.

A few first levels wouldn't require much exp but advancing from let's say 17 to 18 would require hours of gameplay or something.
That's the MK 23 pistol. I think what you need to do is check the archive invalidation of older files in the ini to 1, instead of 0. Just a hunch, though.


The game engine hardcodes the exp needed for level up based on two factors. A base number, and an offset number.
Ok i just changed value to 1, i'll see if that works, because all new guns are messed up.

Another thing i noticed:
-have a look at Scorpion wz61 gun. It uses ammo very fast but does very little damage.


Ok, it's bit better now, textures do not change randomly that much but:

Also a bug with molotov coctail, i think someone mentioned somethign about bugged molotov here, but i don't recall if it is the same:


-assault rifle reloadign animation is monstrously fast :) not sure if it is intended. Of course i do not have problem with that, it just looks weird, the animation.
I think your folder heiarchy is screwed up.

Usually fallout 3 has

you had the new 10mm mesh in

which is why I was getting a big red ! box at the beginning.

Or are the deagle and 10mm pistol meant to be two different weapons a la the originals?
Dubby said:
I try to be very polite with, and keep myself very open minded to ideas and opinions, so I'm sorry... but you're just an ass. Please stop posting derogative and non-constructive comments in this thread.

Polite? You mean by ignoring the prayers of jamesmcm and other people who wished to have normal cobat and some fun while having new weapons and stuff? Good show!
@ Ravager : yes he's polite. His mod, his rules. If you don't like it, don't use it and don't whine because he doesn't follow your "guidelines"
Ravager said:
Dubby said:
I try to be very polite with, and keep myself very open minded to ideas and opinions, so I'm sorry... but you're just an ass. Please stop posting derogative and non-constructive comments in this thread.

Polite? You mean by ignoring the prayers of jamesmcm and other people who wished to have normal cobat and some fun while having new weapons and stuff? Good show!

Dont like it dont use it simple as that
Ravager said:
Dubby said:
I try to be very polite with, and keep myself very open minded to ideas and opinions, so I'm sorry... but you're just an ass. Please stop posting derogative and non-constructive comments in this thread.

Polite? You mean by ignoring the prayers of jamesmcm and other people who wished to have normal cobat and some fun while having new weapons and stuff? Good show!

Actually yes, he is polite.

I had my own little rant here about AP system, but when i gave up someone suggested an override and then Dubby came with:

setgs factionpointsrunandgunmult 0

I memorized this command and i type it in the console each time i am launching the game.
[SARCASM]Yes it is a grand mod! Especially when you hide under a rock while your opponent unloads a series of shots at you and your acting like a poor old grandpa incapable of lifting up that gun and shooting[/SARCASM]

I’m not using it. Was tired of it after 50 minutes. But I like to criticize it for it’s lack of variants. As I have said before the creator simply ignored everyone who doesn’t like his craptastic combat and un-fallout like ideas (Armors, Radiation, Doctors). I thought this forum would be full of people who would like to re-create Fallout the way it was and so that Modders would make more then one version for people who actually like the normal combat (without having to type some console crap) too and standard FO1 and 2 stuff. Like none degrading weapons and armor. And instead there is some wacky twisted version of a mod that adds the missing weapons but messes the combat enough so that you won’t use VATS anymore. Besides Fallout 3 introduced some nice ideas. Equal Armors meant for different play styles and variants of looks from Combat to a variety of Power Armors. And if that’s changed it will be even worse for more and more people. Especially for the melee’s who like having 10 strength.

Either way. I see that people are just incapable of taking a step back and putting things in to perspective. After all it doesn’t take a genius to notice how flawed this mod is. The criticism it gets on the Nexus says it all. There is how ever a slim hope that someone who’s actually polite and nice, a real fallout loving modder will come by and do things the right way… but of course what do you people care right? And so this is probably the last post of mine in this thread. Since I doubt anyone will listen and keep clinging to this …thing and saying how great it is.
Ravager said:
[SARCASM]Yes it is a grand mod! Especially when you hide under a rock while your opponent unloads a series of shots at you and your acting like a poor old grandpa incapable of lifting up that gun and shooting[/SARCASM]

I’m not using it. Was tired of it after 50 minutes. But I like to criticize it for it’s lack of variants. As I have said before the creator simply ignored everyone who doesn’t like his craptastic combat and un-fallout like ideas (Armors, Radiation, Doctors). I thought this forum would be full of people who would like to re-create Fallout the way it was and so that Modders would make more then one version for people who actually like the normal combat (without having to type some console crap) too and standard FO1 and 2 stuff. Like none degrading weapons and armor. And instead there is some wacky twisted version of a mod that adds the missing weapons but messes the combat enough so that you won’t use VATS anymore. Besides Fallout 3 introduced some nice ideas. Equal Armors meant for different play styles and variants of looks from Combat to a variety of Power Armors. And if that’s changed it will be even worse for more and more people. Especially for the melee’s who like having 10 strength.

Either way. I see that people are just incapable of taking a step back and putting things in to perspective. After all it doesn’t take a genius to notice how flawed this mod is. The criticism it gets on the Nexus says it all. There is how ever a slim hope that someone who’s actually polite and nice, a real fallout loving modder will come by and do things the right way… but of course what do you people care right? And so this is probably the last post of mine in this thread. Since I doubt anyone will listen and keep clinging to this …thing and saying how great it is.
You're acting like he owes you something.If you don't like it, don't use it.
Get off you're lazy ass, learn to mod and you will see how much of a brat you are.
It's not written in the readme that Dubby shall be you're personal codemonkey as long as he lives.
Ravager said:
There is how ever a slim hope that someone who’s actually polite and nice, a real fallout loving modder will come by and do things the right way…

Yeah, your way, the only true way :clap: :lol:

Have you ever thought about becoming a real true nice polite fallout loving modder yourself? This way you wouldn't have to type "some console crap" (just one line in this case) for example.


I found out that for example Mk 23 can be repaired with 10mm pistol but not the vice versa. Not sure if that is intended.

And still new weapon textures are a fail for me. Got any other ideas?
ravager is being a total dick, but among all the bull that he said, he has two points:

1. about doctors curing rads - the more advanced ones, from high-tech places, should be able to. hard to imagine a vault with a doctor who cant remove your rads, for example.

2. i also agree that PA should still give you a more classic ST bonus. or at least somethign like "if you suck at ST, PA will raise it to 5, but if you already have 5 or more, you will get the regular boost of 1 or 2 depending on how advanced your model of PA is"

because if a really strong guy gets even more power from nuclear-powered hydraulics, then his ST is gonna be really kick-ass.. which will make using super sledge even on high levels still something you might consider doing.

also, the PA training necessarity was the only thing that kept you from going into the wastes between arefu and megaton, waiting for outcasts fighting raiders, looting a dead outcast, and wearing a shiny PA on level 3

overall, the description of armor resistances sounds freakin great btw, keep goin!

edit: another idea from me, dont know if you alredy mentioned it:

lazer and palsma critical deaths look very very poor in vanilla, if not to say they are epic fail.

the guy/creature you ciritcally killed turns into a green/red ghost, and then melts. nevermind them melting, but turning into a glowing ghost because u have been shot into the face by a lazer?
plasma death of that style would rule if the dying creature still kept its opacity, so you would see his flesh turn to green goo.

but the way it is in vanilla made me completelly refuse nrg weapons just for sake of normal death animations.

how about making lazer ciritcally cut off your limbs on death or shoot through you, and plasma set you on fire, or set only the damaged limb on green, intense fire, or do whatever else, but not turn u into a glowing ghost?
Dunno this is kinda wierd what doctor can do to heal u from radiation give u anti-rad ? if yes then why its for 50/100 caps when 1 anti-rad cost 200 and u prapobly need more than just one then wher is the economic factor in that besides apart from food and water radiation is another serious problem for normal wastelander so anti-rad or healing from radiation should be pretty expensive
Found a bug in Andale:

When i enter the city and go to old Harris house he starts to flee when he sees me and if i try to talk with him i got a "...is fleeing".

Same with other Andale citizens except that i can talk with them if i catch them and press E. Then they stop and normally talk with me.

Edit: driven by a hunch i loaded a saved game and remove my power armour before talking. All is normal. Interresting ;)
Ravager said:
[SARCASM]Yes it is a grand mod! Especially when you hide under a rock while your opponent unloads a series of shots at you and your acting like a poor old grandpa incapable of lifting up that gun and shooting[/SARCASM]

I’m not using it. Was tired of it after 50 minutes. But I like to criticize it for it’s lack of variants. As I have said before the creator simply ignored everyone who doesn’t like his craptastic combat and un-fallout like ideas (Armors, Radiation, Doctors). I thought this forum would be full of people who would like to re-create Fallout the way it was and so that Modders would make more then one version for people who actually like the normal combat (without having to type some console crap) too and standard FO1 and 2 stuff. Like none degrading weapons and armor. And instead there is some wacky twisted version of a mod that adds the missing weapons but messes the combat enough so that you won’t use VATS anymore. Besides Fallout 3 introduced some nice ideas. Equal Armors meant for different play styles and variants of looks from Combat to a variety of Power Armors. And if that’s changed it will be even worse for more and more people. Especially for the melee’s who like having 10 strength.

Either way. I see that people are just incapable of taking a step back and putting things in to perspective. After all it doesn’t take a genius to notice how flawed this mod is. The criticism it gets on the Nexus says it all. There is how ever a slim hope that someone who’s actually polite and nice, a real fallout loving modder will come by and do things the right way… but of course what do you people care right? And so this is probably the last post of mine in this thread. Since I doubt anyone will listen and keep clinging to this …thing and saying how great it is.

I don't think anyone is going to take issue if you politely mention aspects of the mod which don't agree with you, and suggest ways in which you feel they should be altered.

But getting personal and insulting someone who's put in a lot of work bringing this mod to us isn't likely to get you very far..

mrowa said:
Dunno this is kinda wierd what doctor can do to heal u from radiation give u anti-rad ? if yes then why its for 50/100 caps when 1 anti-rad cost 200 and u prapobly need more than just one then wher is the economic factor in that besides apart from food and water radiation is another serious problem for normal wastelander so anti-rad or healing from radiation should be pretty expensive
I also think it's a little odd that doctors can't heal radiation though it does make managing your rad level more of a challenge.

Perhaps it would be fairer if only Rivet City's doc was able to perform the procedure? Unless I'm mistaken his seems to be the best equipped medical facility in the wasteland.

Another idea- Doc Church in megaton could also be capable of curing rad sickness if you completed a quest to bring him the components necessary to repair his Autodoc machine.
it's obvious everyone isn't going to like it, but at the very least you say say it in a constructive manner, and perferably offer solutions for the problems you see.