Fallout 3 Compendium - Release 12 - Beta v0.6.0.2

moteel said:
Is there any chance to add skills from F1/F2? Like gambling or outdoorsman?

Is possible to make fight more 'turn based'? Something like that:
- Enter VATS [world freeze]
- Player turn (one click, shot, another click, shot) [freeze everything, but not player]
- Enemy1 turn (turn ends if enemy doesn't have any PA) [freeze everything including player, but not Enemy1]
- Enemy2 turn (turn ends if enemy doesn't have any PA) [freeze everything including player, but not Enemy2]
- Exit VATS if there's no enemy/enemy doesn't see player.

Actually yes. I might be able to accomplish something like that as well, but the game was still designed as a first person shooter.

I've finished most of the weapons for F3C's next release, and the armor penetration & armor defenses. What I'm working on right now is the AI Core. It's complex, and I -must- make sure it is designed properly, or else bad things would happen.
About the AI, how about a subroutine in which the AI determines which part(s) of your body is more easily hit/more exposed and tries to cripple it?
I hardly get crippled since they never focus on a specific part of my body, just generally.Imagine a sniper actually targeting your head from 100 meters?
Well its a good idea but not to make fights impassible, first opponents got hunter rifles almost = sniper so u probably will die on first hit, this should be some special NPC or randome encouter NPC which takes a chance check which AI to set normal or aming AI
That may or may not happen depending on how the BodyPartData gets decoded by the FOSE folks.

Right now, the two primary weapon usage functions are very good, but lack the capacity to target a specific body part. ex:

BuddyRef.UseWeapon  Pistol12  BuddyRef  HollyRef  5  0 0 0 0 XMarkerRef047
Turret01REF.FireWeapon WeapGrenadeFrag

The first is defined as:
[ActorREF.]UseWeapon WeapontoUse WhereToStand Target NumberOfShots/Hits [CrouchToReload] [HoldFire] [AlwaysHit] [DoNoDamage] [TargetShouldBeHere]
"UseWeapon Has an actor use its weapon. It is called on a Reference and takes a whopping nine parameters, though the last five are optional:
the weapon
where to stand
the target
how many times to use the weapon
whether to crouch when reloading [optional, default is true]
whether to hold fire when blocked [optional, default is true]
whether to automagically hit the target [for scripted forced kills; optional, default is false]
whether to prevent all damage [for scripted protracted fake combat; otpional, default is false]
where the target needs to stand [optional, default/NULL means "anywhere"]"
the second is real simple and is defined as:
ref.FireWeapon weapon_ID

"Object named Turret01 will fire a Frag Grenade."

However, there is one thing that could be done to emulate being hit in a certain location. Simply cancel the actor's weapon damage for that attack, and apply that damage directly to the target's health, then apply it to the target's limb that the actor wanted to hit. There is however no telling whether or not the attack would -actually- hit. Which is why this isn't much of a solution.
If script pass chance check it can just add -% to weapon dmg and cripling effect for specify limb( like in dart pistol) for fixed ammout of time( 3-4 sec) something like a buff :D
You can detect -where- an actor gets hit, but afaik you can't -tell- the actor where -to- hit, only -who- to hit.

On another note, I've discovered (eventually) with FOSE, we could have 2D floating text over an actor's head when they speak.
um actually yes, you can. but that doesn't mean that npc's attack will actually STRIKE a certain body part!
Hi! First post in there but i'm impressed with the amount of work done and looking forward for the next releases.

About that quote...
Dubby said:
On another note, I've discovered (eventually) with FOSE, we could have 2D floating text over an actor's head when they speak.

It immediatly reminded me of those grim, nasty little messages the Pipboy window gave you to describe effects of your actions, mostly during critical deaths, in the previous Fallouts.

It's one of the elements i still remember the most, those detached, sarcastic comments on the action. I didn't notice about them in the design document, but it would be nice to add some of them, during VATS, when an enemy gets wounded or gets his head blown off slow mo. Or even at the ending of some quest as a remain of pen n' paper rpgs, where the gm can comment or joke on what you just accomplished.

Of course, with such detailed graphics, the need to rely on text to expand the description of the action can be superfluous and redundant, but they're a part of what makes the spirit of Fallout to me.
doesn't that just mean you can't FORCE them to attack a specific body part but due to random chance, etc. they still may say shoot you in the head?
the NPC will shoot you if you tell them to shoot you. WHERE they shoot you however is entirely dependent on them.
Thats kinda whats i had in mind, npc can shot u in any part for example even if npc shot u in the head u will sustain some dmg for head thats why ther was -% weapon dmg and some % of weapon dmg to leg which was in the buff effect stat which is based on dart pistol effect, only miss in that theory is that i didnt play with dart gun more than few mins generaly so im not quite sure if u need to hit a leg for dart gun effect to work or hit in any part of npc for that effct to work which is similar to flamethrower effect
well, how it stands with player being just normally fallout-like able to target body parts in meele without always having 95% on every part?
meele is kinda totally pointless if u cant aim in VATS
Hi all, long time lurker, first time poster here.

First of all, Dubby et al: I salute each and every one of you working to bring this mod to completion, and wish you the best of luck in bringing that "Fallout" feeling out of what turned out to be a subpar FPS.

The reason why I wanted to post now was just to throw an idea out there for consideration, and I was genuinely surprised that no one had mentioned it yet. Let's delete most, if not all of the dungeons from this game. The subways, the vaults, the hotels, all of em.

Call me crazy, but F1 and F2 didn't really have that many typical dungeons. Mostly they were composed of settlements and the people that inhabited them. I mean sure, Redding had the Wanamingo mine, and there were the rat tunnels and whatnot, but whenever there was a dungeon in the Fallout games, it was put there with a purpose (usually a quest purpose) and felt authentic (and they generally were not very large).

Every Fallout 3 dungeon (subways, almost every building in the game, etc.) was just like every other. It also seemed as though Beth made them ridiculously larger than needed just to artificially lengthen (read: cheapen) the game experience.

My first trip to Rivet City made me want to beat my head against the sidewalk while going through subway station after subway station of the exact same tripe. I mean, okay, in real life most subway stations look similar, but it made me think that it was just a weak copout to get out of doing some extra texture/model work. Some stations had traps, some raiders, some ghouls, but they ALL felt the exact same way. Perhaps 2 stations would have sufficed for the travel, instead of 12 or however many there were.

I got the exact same feeling when entering most of the buildings too. Saving the rangers was a fun sidequest, but after the 300th identical room of the hotel on top of which they waited, I was about ready to delete the f-ing game. There was just zero inspiration there.

Anyhow, it just seems that when Bethesda talks about making a sandbox game, they make a sandbox with 100 different toy shovels in it. Sure you can play with each one and they all might look a bit different, but in the end, there are only so many ways you can play with some sand and a shovel. They made crappy generic dungeons that were no fun to play in with Oblivion, and they did the exact same with Fallout 3.

Anyhow, those are my thoughts on one of the biggest letdowns in this game, you all are already on top of fixing most of the other crap in F3. Thanks for reading.
Ammo types is already done. Each weapon has multiple entries in the Editor, one for each ammo type. Swapping ammo is handled by a script that lets you swap out one for another while inside the pipboy menu. NPC's using the extended AI I'm working on will also have the capacity to do the same (except without the pipboy).
Thankyou for the work you've done so far Dubby it sounds as though everything's coming along very nicely indeed.

Having now played through most of the game with F3C installed I would like to give you a couple of my thoughts on the currrent version:

- Prices seem to be out of whack, at least compared to F1 & F2. For example, a fully repaired Chinese Assault Rifle is worth an absolute fortune and even a low end(ish) fully repaired gun like a Desert Eagle is extremely pricey. I don't recall the player having to scrape together so much money to get a decent weapon in the earlier games - heck, you could complete most of F1 with just a Desert Eagle and high PER+AGI+Small Guns.

- This brings me to my next point, difficulty. Right now it seems to be a little on the unforgiving side. Of course the stock game is horribly easy and that needed addressing, but it seems like you've gone the other way now and made it a little too challenging - especially the early levels which can be *extremely* frustrating before you get some decent armor and are continually being headshotted by raiders.

- I think one of the biggest weaknesses of the stock game is the lack of a gradual ascent in the difficulty curve.
You find yourself fighting raiders with combat shotguns & SMG's almost from the very start, then muties with assault rifles & miniguns almost as soon as you step into downtown DC, and then waaaaaaay later it's enclave troopers & the occasional deathclaw. Not only is enemy variety extremely lacking but they range from a complete joke (roaches, ghouls, moles) to brutally difficult (headshotting raiders) with not a whole lot in between at times.

- Part of the problem is that you've made leveling up so amazingly slow (F1 & F2 were *never* this slow) that by the time my character is level 5 I'm in DC trying to survive through some of the toughest fights in the game because that's where the quests are telling me to go.
The economy is also brutal in the lower levels because you go through so much food & stims just keeping yourself alive, and your low weapon skills makes fire so innacurate (again, firing a gun was *never* this difficult in F1 & F2!) that you go through ammo (which is now phenomanally expensive) like water just to take down easier enemies, ghouls for example.

- IMHO, weapons and armor degrade about 100% too quickly. I shouldn't have to repair my gear every single time I visit town after clearing a dungeon. (err, I mean building)
The whole "repair" concept works for fantasy RPG's because bashing swords against plate armor probably would dull & wear them out very quickly, but an assault rifle in medium condition breaking after 10-20 clips? That's just not realistic, and it's a pain in the rear when you have to continually repair your gear. Oh, and store repair prices on the more expensive weapons & power armor feel somewhat akin to be being bent over by a large black man in a federal prison, even if they are somewhat realistic.

- These points I've listed suck much of the fun out of the game. Yes, it's awesome that you're doing your best to make F3 a more realistic experience, but I believe there is a point at which you need to balance in terms of fun and enjoyability instead of realism. Don't forget that this is a *game* that's meant to be enjoyed, and even F1 & F2 didn't take themselves too seriously in many respects.

All that said, the mod has huge potential and I'm sorry if I've made it seem like it fails, because clearly it doesn't. My comments are harsh merely to point out the shortcomings I've noticed in the hope that you can address them and turn this great mod into a truly superb one.