Fallout 3 Eastern European localizations announced

Enclave? :roll:

Well hey, we have the BoS and Super Mutants. Bethesda resurrecting the Enclave wouldn't surprise me at all.
Hey, maybe the bad guy in FO3 will be... Master? Or his son? That would explain swarming Super Mutants!
Black said:
Hey, maybe the bad guy in FO3 will be... Master? Or his son? That would explain swarming Super Mutants!

It'll be Master 2.0, a hybrid of the original Master and the Calculator (who iz brand knew cause Tactics ain't canon lol!).
And instead of Unity, he'll be in charge of the Neo Enclave.
Black said:
Hey, maybe the bad guy in FO3 will be... Master? Or his son? That would explain swarming Super Mutants!
the enclave is back and hired the BoS and the super mutants who make it look like they would fight against each other but in fact are allies. and that's why the father ran away from the vault.
he is the evil one. and he is in reality just a roboter. and your as the son of a roboter logically are a ghoul/vampire mix which has to eat corpses to stay alive.

oh my god, now i so spoiled it for everyone