There are almost non people in Latvia (Middle Baltic) , that herd about this game....
Well at least in my town...
I heard about ... .... well I actually have not heard about it...
I just was in oblivion filefrot page. Saw a poll.
Have you heard about the upcoming bethsoft work Fallout 3?
Went to comments: Read a little...
Most voted: WHATS THAT? about 52 %
Had a little search in grandma` google (Luv Ya)
BINGO... Fall in this webpage...
didn`t see that this game is awesome
Left this page behind...
One day... went threw black market... Saw fallout: a post apocalyptic RPG game.. Just 2.99 Ls ( About $5.29 )
Gave a shot.... And what do you know...
Fallout is in my hard drive about 5 month, and I love it....
Well, One in this land, I play Fallout...
Conclusion: I LOVE BETHSOFT WORKS, AND I LOVE FALLOUT... So I will probably like F3
except fallout: tactics... hate it