Fallout 3 Eastern European localizations announced

Wasteland Stories said:
:) Russia isn't jungle :) Reaction is standart - most of fans don't like previews information about dialogues, first-person view etc. Some people thinks that Fallout 3 - progress and its become game like a System Shock 2 and Deus Ex. You know.
Other questions?
I'll glad to answer.
Thanks for the reply :) Well, it looks like they are having a harsher opinion than most fallout fans in US...

Brother None said:
Of all international reactions? That's kinda tough, but we'll see what we can pick up off the wire.
Well, I only meant eastern eurpean countries, really, but an overview of the most "important" countries would be very good, although it may be hard to do. If you want something about Portugal, well, you could always ask brios, but if he doesn't want to or something, I'm Portuguese so I'd be able to give you an overview of the reaction here.
Not every country is as well-organized as to allow a cursory glance to see the attitude. Hell, lots of them are half or wholly integrated into the English community.

If I *had* to venture a guess, I'd say that Europe in general is probably a bit more critical about this title than Fallout 3. But that's no surprise. We'll see if we get any shockers from the European press.
There are almost non people in Latvia (Middle Baltic) , that herd about this game....

Well at least in my town...

I heard about ... .... well I actually have not heard about it...

I just was in oblivion filefrot page. Saw a poll.
Have you heard about the upcoming bethsoft work Fallout 3?

Went to comments: Read a little...
Most voted: WHATS THAT? about 52 %

Had a little search in grandma` google (Luv Ya)
BINGO... Fall in this webpage...

didn`t see that this game is awesome :(

Left this page behind...

One day... went threw black market... Saw fallout: a post apocalyptic RPG game.. Just 2.99 Ls ( About $5.29 )

Gave a shot.... And what do you know...
Fallout is in my hard drive about 5 month, and I love it....

Well, One in this land, I play Fallout...

Conclusion: I LOVE BETHSOFT WORKS, AND I LOVE FALLOUT... So I will probably like F3

except fallout: tactics... hate it
To be honest, there's "almost non people" in Latvia, period.

Also, use the spellcheck function, and read the articles before trolling into the forum.

"Love fallot". Hah.
Wooz said:
To be honest, there's "almost non people" in Latvia, period.

Also, use the spellcheck function, and read the articles before trolling into the forum.

"Love fallot". Hah.

I have only 5 in English... What do you wan`t from me?

How to understand that first sentence?
Are you standing on my head already?
Ehehehe, standing on my head.

Don't worry about it, EKo. Please do use spell check if you're unsure about your English, tho', you can even learn while posting on NMA. Edutation!

It's good to have the one Latvian fan in existence on NMA. Welcome!
I don't see Eko as blatantly trolling either. He just said he likes Beths games but didn't attack anybody. He can have his opinion. We can only try to sway him and let him understand what the first two Fallouts were all about.

To Eko. We have here at NMA a few interesting articles about the background of Fallout and why they were made the way they were.

And welcome.
Thx BN....
Thx JR...

I`v already read the FAQ and Gurps...

In time I will be just like u guys...
Brother None said:
you can even learn while posting on NMA. Edutation!

OOkey?!! Now lets stop this offtopic annoyances ...
And lets get back to the real thing....

Amm... Will 1c release Eng. or Rus. version of F3?
I`m very curios about this thing....
EKo said:
Wow... You are freaky little people... are ya?

Well I consider us critical people, yes.
But that doesn't mean we can't be reasoned with or act on a mature level, of which a lot of people claim we can't (plus usual a dead threat).
Oh.. you mean the fallouty whey?

Hmm... I need to learn very, very much from you...