Fallout 3 ending videos

so cheesy and epic...
pure next-gen.

EDIT: and deathclaw looks like some random fantasy monster. shite.
EDIT2: bad ending? :question: WTF? Are those guys THAT lazy?
OH MY GOD! These endings are fucking terrible!!!! How can you possibly write something so god awful; how can anyone?

Not to mention the cliche GOOD ending. How can people think this is good. I know they are playing this right after they played oblivion, so their standards are pretty low, but jesus fucking christ.

This is epically shit!
I have to agree, you would have thought they would have really sat down and thought it out.

I'm still wondering about the 200 endings.
Hurray for spoiler tags.

I'm waiting for the release in the UK tomorrow, but I'm so tempted to look at all these spoiler comments.

I predict more and more topics of discussion completley consisting of "Click here to see the hidden message (It might contain spoilers)"
Jesus Christ this is horrible

From this day on I will never again be able to use the word horrible, because right at this moment it suffered from inflation to zero.

I'm gonna enjoy it one last time

Bloody hell - who on earth did they get to put those together? A doped up circus monkey with a typewriter could do better.

Imagine if they showed 'Baby wanderer' the gene analysis picture with these images at the beginning of the game.

Dad: The gene analysis complete - lets see what you have to look forward to in your life little guy....
Baby: Ahhhhh! Put me back! Put me back!

Pope Viper said:
I'm still wondering about the 200 endings.
Just insert a decimal point so you have "2.00+" endings. Then chop and mix them a bit, let the output congeal and you now have 4.
[spoiler:bb284dc733]I don't get something. Does the PC die even if he/she wears a Power Armor? If yes then... why? [/spoiler:bb284dc733]
Black said:
[spoiler:9e086b5975]I don't get something. Does the PC die even if he/she wears a Power Armor? If yes then... why? [/spoiler:9e086b5975]

It is called drama physics, when those come into play not even reality itself can stop it.
I'm about done with this steaming turd (10 hours so far and I'm already sick of it), so I'll get to see these wonderful endings soon enough.

It's even worse than I had expected, on all counts - combat a tedious hackfest and all-too easy (killing Enclave soldiers in 2 hits with spiked knuckles), terrible plot and dialogue, uninspired voiceovers, mostly irrelevant stats (other than as requirements for perks) with the ability to make uber-characters no matter which way you go, and lots of boring dungeon crawling.

The graphics and animations are the high point. It just goes downhill from there. And yes, Oblivion is actually the better game, as hard as that may be to believe. Oblivion with guns it is, except that there's usually not enough ammo to last you through a few fights, so it's more like Oblivion occasionally with guns but usually with fists and melee, since bullets don't recharge like magic wands.

Thank God for fast travel though.
Can someone tell me, what "clips" are mentioned in the first post?
There're NO slides/pictures for each town as it was in FO 1,2.
Just titles after one of the four endings.
Worst endings in Video Game History EVER!!! :puke: :falloutonline:

[spoiler:cf11701a62]Coward ending, yes im a coward and i become legend.... lol [/spoiler:cf11701a62]
All I could stomache was the good ending, and I must say that it was extremely cheesy. For a series with a huge theme of moral ambiguity, Ron Perlman sure becomes judgemental at the end.

His dialogue sounds like a born-again christian judging how you played the game, to be honest. Greed, Deceipt, sacrifice, virtue?!! Gimme a damn break!

It's Oblivion right down to the repressed Christian values that are imposed upon the character.

and I bet, with all this good vs. evil B.S., there isn't a single character in the game as ruthless and despicable as Gizmo was, or as respectable as Killian, and I still killed em both. The end.

and another thing... those endings really have to leave a sour taste in the mouths of people whoo paid 60 bucks for the experience, only to get to that ending?!?! :clap: I'm pretty sure someone at Bethesda has a gigantic martyr complex.
Answer: No.

dogmeatlives said:
All I could stomache was the good ending, and I must say that it was extremely cheesy. For a series with a huge theme of moral ambiguity, Ron Perlman sure becomes judgemental at the end.

His dialogue sounds like a born-again christian judging how you played the game, to be honest. Greed, Deceipt, sacrifice, virtue?!! Gimme a damn break!

Ol' Ron plays a devout Christian in This Masters of Horror ep. He's pretty good.

Amer said:
Can someone tell me, what "clips" are mentioned in the first post?
There're NO slides/pictures for each town as it was in FO 1,2.
Just titles after one of the four endings.

Someone who finished the game will have to answer that, but I'm thinking the location clips are there, just not in these videos.
I got the impression that they were trying too hard to emulate Mad Max with those end-game monologues, and failed miserably. Too much focus on the character, "the wanderer" and somesuch, while locations were largely ignored by the narration (Megaton doesn't even have any voice-over in the bad ending slides). Poor show in any case, particularly the quality of the writing.

dogmeatlives said:
Greed, Deceipt, sacrifice, virtue?!! Gimme a damn break!

I know, it's like watching the endings for Ultima X :).
Ol' Ron plays a devout Christian in This Masters of Horror ep. He's pretty good.

Also in Restoration.. Desolation... Desperation... or whatever movie after Stephen King. And in Mutant Chronicles you could say. He pretty much rules as a fanatic priest, especially given his figure.