Fallout 3 guide creation #3: Training Chapter Overview

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Author of the Fallout 3 guide David Hodgson continues his Fallout 3 guide highlights.<blockquote>This is followed by a massive and meticulous section on Perks. Mining the Bethesda development team for information, I was able to reveal every single Perk, the character level the Perk is available, how many times (or “ranks”) the Perk can be chosen, and any other requirements needed to receive the Perk. Then comes the crazy part; there’s advice on whether this Perk is going to help you in gameplay situations, and how. Every Perk gets its own tactical advice where appropriate, so you end up choosing only the Perks that benefit your style of play, and you never waste points. Is “Commando” a better Perk than “Gunslinger”? You’ll know when you’ve digested this section! Oh, and the Perks section ends with a list of Perks you can only receive during specific Quests, which is handy.</blockquote><center></center>
I gotta say that image makes it look like the Ghouls stormed Ten Penny tower.

guess I will give it a read.

Well he is definitely playing to the mob in some of that, but all in all looks like it will actually be an informative guide.

Is it coming out before the game? His last paragraph makes it sound like it may already be available??
haha, that picture is horrible...

[spoiler:cb82509815]also, i'd take that as a spoiler for helping the ghouls take the tower btw. looks like that to me, though i'm sure Beth could've recycled the artwork.[/spoiler:cb82509815]

but on topic: who the hell buys those guides anyway?
That guy in the middle pic looks like some Daedric/Skeleton/Zombie mash up. On his right is an Imperial Guard with vials stuck in his shoulders, while on his left the Red Skull looks on.
SuAside said:
but on topic: who the hell buys those guides anyway?

Well, I have seen them in my public library. Otherwise I have no clue. In the 18 years I have been gaming, I have bought about 7 guides. 5 of them were for Working Design games which were pretty humorous besides being a good game guide and were packed full of interviews, game history, design and other bonuses. Besides those, I bought Suikoden 2 and Final Fantasy 7 guides. FF7 was a rip off but since I didn't have internet at the time, the decision at least made so sense.

I can almost understand picking one up for $5 for a PC game so you don't have to alt-tab constantly but otherwise there are so many free guides out there (and typically a lot more informative) that buying one makes little sense. And considering this one is supposed to be $20 (?) I can't imagine any reason to get it. I mean $20 is like another game (a greatest hits one but still).
SuAside said:
but on topic: who the hell buys those guides anyway?

You rang? I buy guides because I quite like reading them on rainy days. :P

[spoiler:50b879a3a5]The armour on the left is Tesla armour or some variation of it. The armour in the middle is the Brotherhood PA for the Brotherhood splinter faction that actually follows the philosiphies the original Brotherhood that we know and love (supposedly)... no clue what the armour on the right is which is the only one that looks decent.[/spoiler:50b879a3a5]
Indeed who buys these guides? Why buy guides? usually within a week there is more than one decent FAQ at gamefaqs :)

Also, I have certainly seen worse pics and armor than what is pictured there.
OMFG, are those ghouls in plate armour?

Some time ago, i thought that this will be a pretty decent game (although not by Fallout standarts), but the more information comes out, the more idiotic it starts to look.....

Bethesda has done a big mistake, trying to undertake a project that doesn't involve magic and swords....
AskWazzup said:
OMFG, are those ghouls in plate armour?

Nah, rusty power armor, tho' I don't know what's up with the "chemist PA" on the left there, very WH40K.

Also, I love how the middle ghoul has perfect skin on his hand. Nice attention to detail wot wot?
I didn't catch that.

Perhaps he had a hand transplant?

I wonder how many things like this have been overlooked?
Most likely many small details like that were ignored, I'm certain they didn't overlook it, more like they just felt that it was too insignificant to spend any time on.

Doesn't make them look any better though.
my main problem with that picture is the shotgun. it looks so fucking stupid.

oh, and the ghouls look kinda bland and not really ghoul-like. I wish they had kept the green from the old games.
It looks horrible without shadows too.

You'd think the chairs/railing would have shadows.

The ghoul is wearing a pip boy which explains the hand, for some strange reason no matter what armour someone with a pip boy wears they always wear a fingerless glove with it.
Leads me to suspect it's just a gag picture.

Yea that is one of the most stupid shotguns ever designed, but enough people have pointed out already how it wouldn't actually work.