ESpark said:
You imply Fallout 3's target audience was the hardcore Fallout player.
No, I did not. What I said was the potential from the established audience on the PC is FAR greater than that of the console. Therefore, it makes sense to sell a brand where there's brand recognition and already a following that is ready to buy the next game in the series, as well as other people who have liked the idea of Fallout, but might not feel like playing the older games. Instead, there's a crappy shooter on a console. If you can't put it together after this, just stop trying and eat your modem. It's your only hope.
The Hardcore Fallout player has shown himself repeatedly unable to make Fallout a highly successful franchise on their own.
Funny you say that when you've displayed no clue about the game's history. So you are familiar with ad hominem. You received that for your straw man fallacies.
Extremely few game franchises can expect their hardcore fans to make the game a hit, and we know those by heart - Half Life, Warcraft, Starcraft, Quake, Doom, etc. Those franchises can expect their hardest-of-the-hardcore to buy it on name alone.
It is funny your simple mind can grasp those, yet fail those that really do fall within context. Such titles like Ultima, Might and Magic, Wizardry, etc. Those franchises have or had a good hardcore franchise. Ultima and M&M both died down because the games weren't what the fans were expecting and then turned a bit bitter. Sounds a bit familiar, doesn't it?
Guess why the Fallout franchise hasn't really taken off? It is because Interplay has failed to do what is necessary to build it up with a good foundation. Hell, they already had a foundation, now they are treating their prime license that they own completely like a $50 hooker. Those that follow those game series I mentioned do so because they like the setting, the story, all of that. When Interplay releases spin-off after spin-off, each more poorly crafted than the last, how bloody retarded do you have to be to expect the fans to not dislike the concept and for them to be a bit jaded since this has been going on since FOT? So instead of attracting their fans and building up another Ultima, they decided to alienate their fans. Unbelievably stupid, suicidal in a marketing aspect.
But no, again you have to prove that while you are good at pulling facts out of your ass, you're not too good at looking at them. *sigh*
500,000 copies per game is not very much. Compound that with the fact that you're getting these numbers based on multi-year figures, and you're not making Fallout seem very profitable.
I'll admit that is pure estimation, maybe on the downside. In retrospect, perhaps the number would be muc higher as the number of sales have warranted several instances of republication of the title. Many more than any other of their titles, I will add.
So how would that kind of base be "unprofitable" when it's been a steady sale, the best indication that there is a solid fan base? In fact, that is a veritable untapped potential, certainly a lot more than a spin-off in a new market, a market that doesn't really know Fallout's name enough to be profitable. However, the stigma of Interplay is also going to carry along with the word of mouth, with the title, and would help curtail sales.
You know what? Your arguments are so vapid and don't show even the beginning of thought past the first pawn's move.
A game that makes a ton of money right now is more attractive to a company and its shareholders than a game that makes an equal amount of money over the course of a decade. Its the nature of human existence.
Is it human nature to be as dense as you keep trying to depict yourself as? What kind of FASH MONAY! would Interplay ever hope to get in JANUARY (much less first quarter) in a market that is considered "virgin" for the franchise?
I think I've pointed this out before.
Those magazines and sites praise many other games like System Shock 2 - but SS2 didn't sell outside of hardcore fans either.
Wrong. The games were sleeper hits because those who had the money to spend for advertising and such didn't bother to, therefore the game's popularity grew after the fact and did result in quite a following to the point where games like Thief and System Shock have a substantial following for a sequel if done right. System Shock 2 has sold quite a bit, but mostly after LGS folded since EIDOS decided that Romero was better to pump money into and didn't re-up anything they had going on, it kind of fell. Which was known as a pretty big bonehead move around the industry since the Thief series was really catching on. They could have re-upped LGS' contracts with EIDOS and also paid more attention to what Romero was doing and cut it down to the projects that did look possible.
The company that made it, too, collapsed due to it not making profitable games.
Not quite. Now, putting aside the fact that Irrational was part of it, and LGS had good games, most of the hits were sleeper hits, mainly due to the same reason why Fallout didn't do as well initially as it had. No, I'm not going to educate you about it, but like the rest of your misinformed garbage, chances are it will involve Don Knotts at some point.
Didn't you, in another thread, call the people at Gamespy "brain dead garbage"? If that was true, what does it say when you claim their opinions as gospel?
Whups. Someone forgot to tell McDumbass here that straw men fallacies are not welcome here. For that, and not bothering to lurk or even read, goodbye. I'll just say it now.
Good. Now show me sales figures that say it was a #1 hit for multiple months or years. Thats what matters. It matters not what you, or I, think of Fallout.
You might have a point if it weren't for the fact that Fallout 1 and 2 have been selling very well for after post-release. Well enough to be published more times. Now, you really don't get that with crap releases, now do you? That those games are still selling well enough for Interplay to continue having them published...well, that's a fact I pointed out to you before and you seem to be much too oblivious to comprehend how that puts your amateur game market "analysis" right into the shitter.
It doesn't matter if Fallout 3 petitions have 1,000 signatures, or 100,000. What matters is how much money Fallout and Fallout 2 made when it mattered.
You can type so well but damn your head isn't screwed on. It doesn't matter how much Fallout 1 and 2 made when they were released. You're thinking like the stupid marketing junior who got hired on the sole merit that nobody else would work for them. The fact is that Fallout's recognition is large, and it has been selling, that says a lot more than initial sales.
You see, just because a game isn't released doesn't have any indication of how good or bad it is.
It just means that TPTB knew that their investment would not be recouped.
No, it would mean that Hasbro was just clueless, resulting in the eventual death of MicroProse. It also means that EA had their own agenda and killed off Origin. Interplay has been screwing things up for some time, it's hard to start where.
See, things other than what happens in your own selective reality do occur. Welcome to the world, kid.
they didn't do so well because Interplay seemingly failed to do advertisements at that time
I guess we'll agree to disagree on that. You blame external reasons for the failure. I blame the failure on the product itself.
Now it is confirmed, you are a moron. Interplay's lack to initially support the game was eventually overcome by the amount of word of mouth enough to spread word of the game. That was pretty obvious from those who have been following the series for some time.
Fallacy: You Are Too Ignorant To Be Allowed To Remain
People lost a lot of work they wanted to share with their fans, which their hard-worked creativity never saw the light of day. On Jefferson and Van Buren both.
Unfourtunate. Not the end of the world, though.
And yet you're going to mock the people who are upset about it? Fuck off. The banning is for your own sake else the flaming will get bad.
I've done nothing against the ToS for the forums.
No, but you've done plenty to earn a netiquette guide to be printed out and shoved sideways up your ass.
Let's also not forget about the false reporting of a post you made on Saint,
If the cheap quickies are failing, what does that tell you for the fiscal viability of 'expensive Longies"?
There's a difference between crap and effort. Again, like a stupid marketing chimp, you're only thinking of superficial design, or you have no clue of design to begin with. A good, solid, well-made game carries for a long time. That is the method in which Ultima games were made by. That is how series are built upon.
Yet, when two quickies of Ultima 8 and 9 were made, they went to shit and didn't sell. After all, IWD2 was said to be a "SLAM DUNK!" Guess where it went, right into the mediocrity can. Quick crap games are NOT worth the disc they are burnt onto, regardless of genre or development house. Gamers are wisening up to this very widespread and I would be surprised if you think that the number of people who buy uninformed outnumbers those that do have the sense to spend their money a bit wisely.
Well, there's one exception. Holiday gift season. Guess what? Do you know when F
![Razz :P :P](/../../xencustomimages/smilies/icon_razz.gif)
OS is being released? Damn, can't win for losing, can you? Sucks to rape your keyboard when you don't have a clue of what you're talking about.
To further prove that you're a no-clue idiot, I will turn to a console game. I'm sure you know of SquareSoft, back when it wasn't doing so well. No? Well, let me tell you of a story. A story of a company where they were almost failing and were on the verge of closing their doors for good. Instead of releasing one shitty game after another, they decided to pull together and do something that made everything else seem paltry at the time. It is because of that effort that the game sold well (mainly because Nintendo itself was amazed and pimped it out as much as possible) and has continued on to establish a series. The same thing went on for other game series, and it is really how a game series is made.
I hope some of this gets through your skull so you're not so terminally clueless on the next forum you decide to "grace" with your presence.