Fallout 3 lead opens game design vault

Emil said:
I love what I do. In fact, I hope I die in my cube working on Fallout 20

Actually I would prefer you to die in an old people's home, suffering from dementia which made you forget how much people hated Fallout 3 and 4 and were happy when Bethesda was forced to sell the franchise when their company was about to go bust.
"The industry is really small--if you're an a******, people are gonna remember six years down the line," warned the designer. Luckily, Pagliarulo was not an a****** to Bethesda vice president of marketing Pete Hines, who worked under him at the Adrenaline Vault.

"I used to tell him what to do, now he tells me what to do," joked Pagliarulo. "Karma's a bitch."
Emil just confirmed that VP of marketing outranks Lead Designer at Bethesda.

Considering that Pagliarulo and Howard both had young kids, they wanted a father-son relationship to be central to Fallout 3's story.
Though some might say, "How sweet," I'm not impressed by such a week and crappy inspiration. The road comment has already been pointed out to be false.

In terms of writing, Pagliarulo said that he resents professional writers coming in and trying to write a game when they don't play any. He disdains cutscenes and "too much text," preferring to tell the story through gameplay. Throughout, his top priority is player experience, from the moment they look at the game's cover to the time they finish the main quest.
I can see how a professional game writer of Pagliarulo's caliber might resent better writers coming in and doing the same work that he does, only much better. As has been pointed out, TES had no problem with tons of text given the amount of books in the game which were full of flavor text and back story but I'm sure he'd justify that by saying that it's all optional and that they wanted to fit everything they wrote into the game somehow. To be honest, I'm not a big fan of having hundreds of pages of text in a game to sift through if I really want to know what's going on, I'd rather have all story important information presented to me through gameplay and short readings (Fallout 1&2). That said, text is a powerful tool and the first two Fallouts used them extremely well to add extra flavor and feeling to the world through the description box. I get where he's coming from on cutscenes but he's off dismissing all cutscenes and/or the idea of prerendered scenes in general as they can be very effective when they are used properly (Fallout 1&2 talking heads for example). Yes, MGS4 with it's thirty minute opening cutscene was over the top with them, or rather had too long of cutscenes. Yes, it would be cool if players could do all of the awesome things that the character does in cut scenes but that's generally not very viable.

Throughout, his top priority is player experience, from the moment they look at the game's cover to the time they finish the main quest... "My motto is: Great games are played, not made," said Pagliarulo... When looking for employees, Bethesda's top requirement is a "low a****** quotient."
I guess I need to go back and write up the third part of Todd's DICE speech so that we can call them out when they steal from it...

He also resents the sense of entitlement many younger applicants had. "They come in with all this badass attitude and say, 'I'm the guy you want to hire.'" Anybody who does that, their resume gets thrown out straight away."
Yes, because the last people you want to hire are confident, driven individuals. Now arrogant people are totally fine to trash their resume but what he's describing sounds more confident than arrogant.

Primarily, Bethesda wants enthusiastic people who are fans of its games and RPGs in general. When a programming student mentioned that he was a dungeon master at a weekly Dungeons and Dragons game session at his college, Pagliarulo told him to put that on his resume. "At Bethesda, that would actually be relevant experience," he declared.
Considering how little Bethesda looks at PnP and game balance in general, I doubt that it's as relevant as it could be.

He also praised the modding community and predicted that "someone will re-create the original Fallout" with the Fallout 3 toolset within a year.
Trying and succeeding are two very different beasts. I doubt that someone will successfully recreate Fallout with the Fallout 3 toolset, let alone do it in a year.

In closing, Pagliarulo also said that even though he works long hours, he has a dream job: "Some people put up drywall or do roadwork for a living. I have to decide how many heads a monster has. ... I love what I do. In fact, I hope I die in my cube working on Fallout 20."
I hope Bethesda doesn't produce another 17 Fallout games like Fallout 3...

Per said:
"So you can dual-wield flaming katanas by hotlinking the secondary item overlay to the main inventory interface!" cried the game designer as, without looking up, he swerved deftly to avoid the tanker screeching madly across the junction. The light of a 14-car pile-up going up in a mushroom cloud flashed briefly off his rear view mirror as he flipped angrily to find the appendix on DPS optimization.
Hahah, yeah no kidding. If you're still reading manuals when driving home then you are either being chauffeured (I feel sorry for your chauffeur) or you are a reckless driver who shouldn't have a license.
"It's basically the same story--a father escorting his son across post-apocalyptic America," he said.

The Road?

Basically the same story?

You on crack Humpty?

If I were going to compare FO3 to a Pulitzer Prize winner it would probably be Confederacy of Dunces.

Emil just confirmed that VP of marketing outranks Lead Designer at Bethesda.
That's fucking amazing, really. And so evident in how they operate.

Jesus, it's like everything Rosh ever said, but worse.
Nasty stuff said:
Since Pagliarulo and Howard both had young kids, they wanted a father-son relationship to be central to Fallout 3's story..

Really? This is how they decided on the story? Well, congratulations. I mean this is how important this project was? It clearly shows that they did not even bother to delve into Fallout canon.

Hey Howard you have a young kid ? Cool, me too. Hey, why don't we use that to serve as the story of this uh...Fallout 3.

Yeah, let's do that.
Emil just confirmed that VP of marketing outranks Lead Designer at Bethesda.

Isn't it true of all companies that a VP outranks everyone except the president?

And marketing people outranked the designers at Interplay in FO1 times too, as made evident by the example of Junktown's original ending.
Ausir said:
And marketing people outranked the designers at Interplay in FO1 times too, as made evident by the example of Junktown's original ending.

Not really the same thing. In Interplay, marketing stepped in to change something they thought would make the game hard-to-sell, otherwise they had nothing to do with the game. In Bethesda, marketing is a part of the design staff. But we've known that for ages, it is what it is.
What for? His mommy and daddy tuck him away in his child safety seat after leaving the game store.

On topic; I really hope there isn't another 17 sequels to this game. Unless you know, they are actually quality sequels that are more RPG than action games.
Sicblades said:
On topic; I really hope there isn't another 17 sequels to this game. Unless you know, they are actually quality sequels that are more RPG than action games.

Come on, you know the answer on that one.

If anything they will be even more bland, boring and repetitive, not to mention simplified because some gamers don't like the heavy 'stat based' game play that is in Fallout 3 now.

I honestly don't want Emil or any of his cronies to work on future Fallout games.
Emil, you may be an acceptable level designer but as a writer you suck more than the black hole in the galactic center.
Emil used to be better in the past when it comes to writting and content. But that was before he entered work with Bethesda as full employee.
There is a difference between writing a novel and writing a game.
In a book, a novel or a short story, you need lots and lots of text to explain yourself. In a game, which, I believe, relies somewhat heavily on story-telling in a somewhat cinematic manner, you can show what you else would have written as text. In that respect, I get where Emil is coming from.

From another point of view, I don't get it. The writing in a video-game needs to be consistent within the world. Both Oblivion's and Fallout 3's writing do not seem to be this. It is as if everything that looked and sounded cool just went into one pot, and then they stirred it for a while, or very long time, to see what popped up.

As for the story of the father-son relationship; this can be a great plot. If indeed the nature of this is sort of hidden from the player and the player needs to discover this for him or herself during the game. Or the player needs to discover why the father left the Vault, only to truly understand this at the very end of the game.

What is most interesting to me is how random the plot for Bethesda games seem to be; Fallout 3's main plot came about because both Todd and Emil have young ones. Neither apparently tried to ask if the plot is a good one or if it would make any sense in the world of Fallout.
Perhaps so, but to me it felt as if Emil and Todd went through Fallout 1 and 2's design documents and choose what parts they should copy in Fallout 3 and not how to progress on them.

Did we really need the Super Mutants back or the Enclave, or the BOS turned into an order of heroic knights?

A local government who would be supporting the development of methods of cleaning up the wasteland and defending its people from its threats would make a lot more sense.
well what I really love is the explenation always provided by both Emil and Todd.

When it comes to things they either dont like or cant do well (or even both), like tourn based gameplay and a top down view. Well then it has to be changed cause its not modern and not inovative. But things they like from Oblivion and are outdated like the animations, aspects from the gameplay and mechanics which some have been straight copy pasted from Oblivion in to Fallout 3 [like how armor and meele attacks work] are suddenly not old or against a immersive gameplay. Quite hypocritical if you ask me.

I think the concept of Fallout 3 is based on a heavy missunderstanding. They, Bethesda took out of Fallout only what they liked or see as "good". Like the Setting and Design, its art and such. WHich also seems to count for many Fallout 3 "fans" that feel much more closer to only the setting then the mechanics of its pen and paper roots or roleplaying. Though the Setting was only a front of the game, its mechanics have been the framework and the bones. The setting only, as it can be seen with F3 is not more then a generic mediocre post apoc setting. They could also have used a medieval setting (which was even used for the first Fallout 1 concept) and it would not change the game all to much. Without its known mechanics you quite dont have the same value in Roleplaying anymore in Fallout 3 as like you had with Fallout 1 and 2.