Fallout 3 Location

You might want to take a look at my post earler in this thread here before you start suggesting such a huge area. There are going to be problems.

If it goes East, it should go to Utah but no further really... The distances just become too great and I think you'd start suffering in lack of quality and detail. A community of "clean" humans living in Utah or Idaho could make for an interesting story... If they wanted to wipe everyone else out using nerve gas. Anyone read The Iron Dream by Norman Spinrad? :P These guys would make the BoS look like pussies. - Colt
I think Fallout belongs in the California area. They could extend it a bit towards the midwest, and cover both northern and southern Cali, but covering the entire globe or even "just" the entire US seems pretty far-fetched. They could make an expansion that takes place in a different location, that way they can experiment and not risk too much because developlment time and costs are cut down drasticly when they already have an engine to work with.
With a huge area, you get the feeling that it really is a vast, howling wasteland. But I think by the time that FO3 would be set in there would be a LOT more civilization around than in FO 2 or 1. I like the idea of a rudimentary railway network in your post. You could also have a quest like the car quest in FO2 (But 10x as hard to do) that would let you get a Vertibird or some sort of aircraft.

By FO3, I wouldn’t expect people to be so advanced that they would be manufacturing cars again though.
Yeah, but I consider that a bad thing. IMO, FO2 had too much technology and civilization. If we get to the point where the people are manufacturing automobiles and laying down railroads, the game would lose much of it's post-apocalyptic feel.

I think FO3 should take place sometime before FO1 and FO2, or maybe before FO1.

Unfortunally, I have a feeling Bethesda is going to set it even father in the future, and high tech will be even more common than it was in FO2 :?
The world should be semi primitive, yet enlighend at the same time.

It should be all lowtech, with limited bits of prewar tech intergrated into society and guarded and hoarded.
If Calculon was referring to my post in the thread I linked... They wouldn't be laying down new railroads. They would be using the old ones that had survived, just as I said. That's the only mass-transport system I can think of for the game. Rivers are rather scarce so barges won't be around. - Colt
I would like to see a working railroad system connecting a few cities, I didn't mind the technology and civilization in FO2. It only seems logical that the world would start to recover sooner or later, with NCR, the Shi and everything.
Yeah, Fallout 2 was, what, 190 years after the war? I'm sure by the time of Fallout 3 (Probably another 80 years, so 270 years after the war.) A lot of the wasteland would be under the control of one civilization or another. By Fallout 2, all of southern California was NCR, so you can expect their area to at least double by FO3.

If course you could have this "Eastern Frontier" where you assume that the interior of the USA barely had any survivors and the vaults there didn't open, which would make the place far more desolate. But then you have to decide whether or not you going to assume that FOT is included in the plot (I do. We may not like it, but it's still part of the fallout universe guys.), which would make the interior just as brimming with civilization. Maybe we could expand it farther north?
it would be cool to see or learn something about the east coast and maybe someone that has travled over seas and knows of something about the other continets to.

trail road heh, makes me think of Madmax "thunderdome" :P would be fun to find a trail road :P.

maybe we could see some of canada or something or some more down south it would be a blast to have new places that has not been included from the first games. you`ll might feel more of a explorer :P.
Im gonna be a git and say let's have some UK involved lol. I think it should contain other cultures maybe they have devised a new cross country pnoneline or mingled an older version. But keeping it all in USA isnt really necessary. What would be fun is if there is a expeditionary squad from another country in FO3 so to add more depth.

In all its gotta be far more advanced with larger empires involved seeing as its well after the war. Thing back on European history and how far technoiogy has changed in teh past century.

They dont need to go all laser gunnery and industrial but just in my opinion have a more developed world. Vault City perhaps they could expand and i would like to see Redding again but with a more western feel to it this time.
We gotta have a real divide have some advanced manufacturing bases and suwhich were clearly behind the scenes in Fallout 2 and were starting in 1. The way to make it seem wastelandish is the divide between peoples and communities such as NCR some medium sized factories etc then miles away a tribal community ie Suliks and raiders that pray on all of them thats what makes things wastelandish the total absence of law and order like the divide between working and manegerial classes in america except there's no one to point out its wrong.
Personally id love to see England in it, but thats just cause its my residential area
I don't think the game should leave the borders of America.

As the second game did, the third one should have older places but mainly concentrate on the new ones.

Personally I'd like to see New Reno once again. I just wonder with all that anarchy ruling through there what it had become.

As for across continents, there could be a special encounter in a shore map where we can see the tanker vagrants from the FO2 that'll carry us to a little European or Chinese (as China is mentioned throughout the storyline) settlement (let's just say where we can buy a one-of-a-kind weapon for an outrageous price).

Of course seeing your home town turned into wasteland would be fun. But I fear it can ruin the original FO setting.
I've trawled through the entire thread and now my eyes are sore :D. But...

What about an SDK? Yes, an SDK. Some people want it to stay in the USA, some people want other countries, some want a world map. They could start in the USA and release an SDK after releasing a few addon discs. Maybe an 'FO3 - China' disc or seperate cities / towns like 'Tokyo Data Disc', 'Hiroshima Data Disc' and so forth. The SDK could be useable by anybody - unlike those stupid claims by companies that their 'easy to use' mappers sometimes take a rocket science degree to figure out - and therefore anyone could create 'their' home town/city/country [if your really ambitious]. Maybe start with A boat. A single boat. The old FO2 one which would require a lot of NPC help or a lot of time and repair skills to get going again, so you cant just jump in and go across the water to somewhere else straight away, or maybe add it in with the first add-on disc which is the idea I would like better. Getting the boat straight off with the ability to go to different countries, would result in trying to make up an excuse why you cant travel to the rest of the globe. It'd be nice but I'm unsure of wether or not it would ruin the FO setting. Sitting on the fence for now.

Rail transport would rock. But it would have to be limited to certain areas. A few tracks to major areas are useable but a lot of them are ruined. I like the idea of train robbery. It could also trigger a quest with train robbers boarding the train and its your call. Become a raider/robber or save the train and the occupants and become recognised as a goody goody. Or just bail. :D

Gas masks. They have to be in there. I dont know why they weren't implemented more. Tycho wears one, why doesn't anyone else? I like the idea of the Torso, Arms, Legs etc.

Vehicles would be awesome but they must be scarce. Not too scarce but scarce enough as to not ruin the walking through the wastes experience. Maybe a few majro major major huge cities could have hustling bustling vehicles rolling around. Try stealing one. What do you think is going to happen?

Speaking of which I'd like to see consequences for my actions. Not 'got caught stealing, turn everyone hostile'. I mean news spreads fast but not that fricking fast. More like say... I get caught trying to steal a vehicle, so I'm hauled off to jail by the cops for so long.' It could impact your reputation, limit your time frame for certain things [You missed meeting [insert vital NPC name here] and will have to wait until [insert date here] when he/she will return. Bugger.].

I'm still tossing these ideas around and trying to refine them a bit. A lot of awesome ideas have come up in these posts [and some shit ones too but hey]. Any input on any of these subjects is welcome.

It should be a lot of harsh desert climate but the cities would presumably be more developed and not as far in between locations. Maybe there could be more little, slightly developed towns between the slightly larger locations, not necessarily with side quests but with merchants, services, beds, etc. (maybe a side quest or two) and have quite a lot of these. I want a couple skyscrapers too. Cuz if you've got skyscrapers, then you've got a band! :lol:
I'm actually hoping for east and maybe a little south. I would like to see Area 51, the Johnson Space Center (houston, texas), and then we can have Mexican Marauders trying to invade...
To the east and south.

But no no no, not Mexican but a Cuban invasion forces, and the history would be that some body just forgot it, and no nuclear bomb was ever sent(or one of a few was forgot). So Cuba was almost intact but the war scarfed even it, the leaders were killed and total anarchy ruled for some time but now united by the mysterious cigar general, now they as a nation, are trying to take over the US. :twisted:
PsychoSniper said:
I'd like it if they took a shitload of time and had the game span the entire north americal continent.

yes. yes....that would be excellent. Keep the game in the original and beloved continent
How about California? I thought fallout 1&2 were in Cali right? I don't want to change that location (prefer hot weather, even though I from Canada). And by the way, anyone know why the fallout had began. Who started the war? 8)
Go read the wiki, youngun. And may your ass get educated before it is reamed out by the deathclaw...