Fallout 3 Mothership Zeta reviews

JetGirl said:
AtomicGamer said:
and samurais are included and do spice up the experience, but if you really want to crank up the craziness, Bethesda, we'll need some pirates and vikings, too.

Wait, what?

The Vikings in space theme has already been done.
By Blizzard, nonetheless:




Crni Vuk said:
Sad I cant say the same about Fallout 3 ...

I know I know.

After that review about Mothership Zeta is written I will most likely never play Fallout 3 again.
It is a really boring and pointless game, even if you still have some quests to complete and I wonder what makes FO3 fans like it so much, seeing as there is no replayability.
The Dutch Ghost said:
It is a really boring and pointless game, even if you still have some quests to complete and I wonder what makes FO3 fans like it so much, seeing as there is no replayability.

The game isn't designed for true replayability. Going evil makes you do all the same quests as when you were playing good, but you'll just end up doing them slightly different and probably while killing more people. No, what the game is about, is how much time it can waste. It's pretty much a singleplayer MMORPG.

MMORPG's have the same useless large worlds with linear quests, the same useless areas for you to 'get phat loot' and to basically grind an area. That's what FO3 does, it makes you grind through a huge world, and makes you absolutely waste your time while only giving back some incremental specs of enjoyment in the form of experience, bottle caps and weapons/armor. But this, seriously, is what a lot of people like, its the entire design philosophy behind games like World of Warcraft. People don't appreciate their time and welcome a game that takes away so much of their time, and think that the way the game rewards them is actually worth it all. That's also why you see so many reviews going on about DLC's offering new cool loot. It's something that gives the player an artificial feeling of progress and reward, something that makes you playing FO3 feel worthwhile, while you're in fact hardly getting anything back for your time. I've seen some of my friends play FO3, they pretty much just skip through all the dialogue. Dialogue, just as in a MMORPG, isn't what the game is about. It's shooting things, getting xp, and loot. Artificial and incremental achievements that make you feel like you're doing something worth doing.

People need to value their time more. A game shouldn't be about how many hours it can go on and on and on, and I really don't understand when 'more than 100 hours of gameplay!' became something worthy of putting on a box.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Crni Vuk said:
Sad I cant say the same about Fallout 3 ...

I know I know.

After that review about Mothership Zeta is written I will most likely never play Fallout 3 again.
It is a really boring and pointless game, even if you still have some quests to complete and I wonder what makes FO3 fans like it so much, seeing as there is no replayability.
The fact that every fork and garden gnome in the game is modeled (rather then interesting NPCs or good dialogues ...) in a "big" world where you have the chance to collect all those useless items and stuff it in your home. Seriously now. That seems to be something many people love about F3 and also Oblivion.