Fallout 3 Operation: Anchorage reviews

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Just a few more reviews if you're still in doubt. Joystiq.<blockquote> The change in rules and level structure -- even the reliance on reaching health/ammo drops -- creates an experience that is more tense than almost anything in Fallout 3's main game. Although it's probably going to feel a lot less so for those who already have high-level characters. That's because all of your perks, skills, and stats carry over. If you're a dead-aim in the Wasteland, the VR enemies will be much easier to head shot. On the other hand, if you play the campaign early on in your Fallout 3 experience, it's going to prove very tough.</blockquote>GamePro 4.5/5.<blockquote>Operation: Anchorage is a blast to play and the weapons earned after completing it are certainly useful in the Capital Wastelands, but it's not without some serious flaws. The VR missions are very short, taking only 2-3 hours to complete and can't be replayed once beaten. This DLC also doesn't let gamers extended level progression past 20 or continue the game past its original ending. You'll have to wait for the Broken Steel DLC for that.

Despite its shortcomings, Operation: Anchorage is a must own for Fallout 3 owners. It may be short and sweet, but anything that can add life to a title this good deserves needs to be played.</blockquote>Jolt 50%.<blockquote> There is not really much more to say about the gameplay, as from here on in it is simply a case of clearing enemy camps and destroying your objectives. So how does it all hang together?

I found the episode really very easy - the combination of frequent health pickups and ammo replenishers made it almost impossible to die. The enemies also seemed a lot more fragile than in the "real" world. In fact, I only died once - and that was because I was standing too close to an artillery gun when I blew it up. This may also be due to the fact that I was playing with my buffed-out level 20 character</blockquote>
Terry Terrones said:
Since you're the only one with a device that can interface with the computer system (you're Pip-Boy), you get the job.

So... I am a pipboy now? Whoa I didn't know this DLC allowed me to become one! I will totally buy it now.

Terry Terrones said:
Despite its shortcomings, Operation: Anchorage is a must own for Fallout 3 owners. It may be short and sweet, but anything that can add life to a title this good deserves needs to be played.


There were a few typos as well... these guys have finally shut down some important language centers in their brains in order to enjoy this game or they are just not really trying anymore ("Its fallout3 its kewl!! buy it11"). I mean as far as I knew gamepro was a rather important magazine.
GamePro is bloody scraping the bottom of the barrel, the typos and misspellings in that article alone are a good representation of their quallity. I swear they were decent (by no means good but not as terrible) in the mid-nineties but man did they ever go rotten. I remember getting a "free" subscription when I paid for the improved discount at a gameshop a few years back and chucking it out of disgust after reading through it.

Back to the review, I found it amusing that "it's not without some serious flaws" and yet earned a 4.5/5. If there are serious flaws in a game then I think that getting an 8 is pushing it even if everything else is perfect. I'm going to risk a guess and say that they are rating it in conjunction with Fallout 3 and not just the new content.
Despite its shortcomings, Operation: Anchorage is a must own for Fallout 3 owners. It may be short and sweet, but anything that can add life to a title this good deserves needs to be played.

:freak: Yes master, I will buy it, master :freak:
Okay, we have already cleared up that the journalists aren't bribed, so the question then remains; why such high ratings.

I played Operation Anchorage and I can tell you that the original Half Life is superior to this and much more fun as a real FPS and not a half assed effort of a FPS/RPG hybrid.

So either standards are really really low for these guys, they're using some kind of drug or are forced drugs, or Bethesda has a some kind of information on them that could break them.

Onwards dear Watson, there's a mystery to solve.
Most media are rating it low, actually.

The only exceptions are some of the Xbox-specific sites, GamePro and maybe a handful of others. Honestly, it's a fair assumption that they've given up on even pretending to be real journalists and write for the lulz. Hell, if you can write anything you want and your readership is stupid/gullible enough to just gulp it up, why not?
The Dutch Ghost said:
Okay, we have already cleared up that the journalists aren't bribed, so the question then remains; why such high ratings.

Aww, cmon, it's shiny and made by Bethesda. What other reasons do you need? :roll: Half of them probably never played it anyway.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Okay, we have already cleared up that the journalists aren't bribed, so the question then remains; why such high ratings.
Let me give some in sight in to this, if I can. I wrote some amatuers reviews for my school newspaper. About 2 a week so a bit more than most games critics review games in even a month. This hardly makes me an expert and I don't pretend to be a professional of any sort; I did it because no one else volunteered, I like movies, and ultimately it turned out to be an easy A. However, I was often pressed for time. I won't tell you how quickly I cranked these out, but one thing I found was that positive reviews were easier to write. Not only because they required less thinking, but because you would get less criticism for them, more often then not. I'm proud to say I never did anything but state my opinion, but had I wanted to make the job easier I could've easily just written a loving review in no time. Why this is, I'm not sure. Is it necessarily always true? No, again it's just my experience. But when it cames down to deadline, I'm willing to bet that some of these 'journalists' said fuck it and wrote the cool things about the game.
The Dutch Ghost said:
I played Operation Anchorage and I can tell you that the original Half Life is superior to this and much more fun as a real FPS and not a half assed effort of a FPS/RPG hybrid

Did you play Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare, that was a nice war game. Was FO3:OA in any % a bit like Modern Warfare?
Well from what I understand it was basically a war that involved a number of small US armed forces and Chinese armed forces camps spread throughout Alaska manned by forces that mostly kept to themselves.

Occasionally a strike team or an individual soldier would walk from one camp to another to exchange some fire.
Sometimes even a vertibird would drop some troops off and some Chinese bombers would do a fly by.
What really bothers me the most about the Operation Anchorage downloadable content is that Bethesda is trying to directly present to us what the Pre-War world was like, whereas in the previous games what we know comes from legends, newsreels, artifacts, old buildings, and holodiscs. Not to mention that instead of showing a super-huge military mobilization they only show a small piece of Alaska and there is only one tank. Hardly the war of the century that eventually triggered doomsday.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Okay, we have already cleared up that the journalists aren't bribed, so the question then remains; why such high ratings.

Thats not really accurate. Review sites are pressured into giving good reviews by not recieving future pe release content if they review a game poorly or lower than what they want. And in an industry that is all about instant worthless gratification vs a measured response of substance, well, you know how it works out.
I am INFATUATED with the masterpiece that is Fallout 3...but I DESPISED Operation Anchorage. This was quite possibly the worst piece of DLC I have ever purchased, and I am furious that Microsoft prohibits refunds on XBLA titles. For shame, Bethesda; FOR SHAME.
kikomiko said:
I am INFATUATED with the masterpiece that is Fallout 3...but I DESPISED Operation Anchorage. This was quite possibly the worst piece of DLC I have ever purchased, and I am furious that Microsoft prohibits refunds on XBLA titles. For shame, Bethesda; FOR SHAME.
What's the difference between an absolute masterpiece and an unplayable piece of crap? Personally, I think it's the blue tint...
Wave Theory Collides With Particle Platitudes

Wave Theory Collides With Particle Platitudes

kikomiko said:
I am INFATUATED with the masterpiece that is Fallout 3...but I DESPISED Operation Anchorage. This was quite possibly the worst piece of DLC I have ever purchased, and I am furious that Microsoft prohibits refunds on XBLA titles. For shame, Bethesda; FOR SHAME.

Ranne said:
What's the difference between an absolute masterpiece and an unplayable piece of crap? Personally, I think it's the blue tint...

This may be the seminal breakthrough in aesthetic calibration!

Was OA too blue or not blue enough?

Will B-soft retreat to the soft - warm and fuzzy - brown palette extrusions, or bravely suffer the slings and arrows of outraged player sensibilities?

Repeat: Was OA too blue or not blue enough?

Definitively not blue enough.

Nothing is too anything in this industry. If they complain, it just means they didn't push it far enough.
Ranne said:
kikomiko said:
I am INFATUATED with the masterpiece that is Fallout 3...but I DESPISED Operation Anchorage. This was quite possibly the worst piece of DLC I have ever purchased, and I am furious that Microsoft prohibits refunds on XBLA titles. For shame, Bethesda; FOR SHAME.
What's the difference between an absolute masterpiece and an unplayable piece of crap? Personally, I think it's the blue tint...

Some people believe Owe Boll's movies are masterpieces and he is a genius.
Public said:
Some people believe Owe Boll's movies are masterpieces and he is a genius.

Reminds me of that time I saw a broken urinal up on a display in the Museum of Modern Art.

You heard me. Like a 60 year old, completely green and golden, used, broken, stinking urinal.

Art is 'subject to interpretation' nowadays. :lol: