programmer.craig said:
That doesn't hold water. The complexity and depth of a game system are not measured by how many rules they enforce.
Why? To a game like Fallout 1/2 or if you want Jagged Alliance the roles and thus "complexity" of the gameplay are a key aspect of the game. I am sorry if it sounds a bit rude but you can make the comparision all by your self by just searching about informations regarding S.P.E.C.I.A.L. and the stats, how it worked in Fallout 1/2 and how it works now changed in Fallout 3.
I dont know how to explain it else as the examples I provided are somewhat relatively clear which I will not mention again cause I dont see any reason to repeat my self. If you dont believe that Fallout 3 is heavily simplified compared to Fallout 1 and 2 than there is I guess not much that can be said. The difference in how both systems worked is even mentioned in the review by NMA about Fallout 3. Even certain Fallout 3 developers mentioned in several interviews that it was one of their targets to make Fallout more "accessible ".
I am sure one can make a much more "simple" version of chees. But that would not be the version of chees I want either to see or play or even call a "improvement" compared to the original game only cause it now is suddenly more popular for the "broader audience". More popularity or acces to it doesnt ineherently mean a better quality. Just to say that.
programmer.craig said:
I'm not going to sign off on that at all. The Bethesda engine is head and shoulders above Bioware's latest efforts. How biased to you have to be, not to see that? Or are you just comparing Bethesda's work to some arbitrary self-created standard?
I think, Gar was more meaning a comparision in General with other Blockbuster titles for example like the Force Unleasehd, Mirrors Edge, Far Cry 2, CoD, Crysis etc. etc. Those of course are not "perfect" but definetly do set in certain parts new standarts. At least visualy. Particularly when it comes to either animation or voice acting which seem to have become very important for sale today in the eyes of a lot of developers. And when it comes to graphic compared by similar games (talking about similar in the range of hype, marketing, and programming not gameplay) Fallout 3 ranges from mediocre to bad. Neither the voice acting, animations or engine can really hold up to comparable games. What is outsanding is Bethesdas marketing machine. This would not be any kind of issue if Bethesda would be either a small company or indi developer for example working with a team of 20-30 on the project, but considering the fact that their team is made up from more a lot more people and the company not a rookie in the buisness but making games already since the 90s it somewhat is a difference. They do hype their games usualy like a revolutionary design or effort, which they simply are not.
I might have my own standarts here, but by just looking at RAGE ID's newest Title then I have to say that that is simply what I would call revolutionary design. If anything. Crysis and Far Cry2 both were more impressive visualy then Fallout 3 and I also would say that considering what Bethesda wants to achieve (with the first person experience) even have the engine better suited for such a target.
I mean it somewhat depends if we are talking here about a small company that is trying to do what is possible with their resources or if we are talking here about a company in the same range like Bethesda. You cant compare a Hoolywood Blockbuster in the same way like a B-Movie neither.
programmer.craig said:
OK, fine. Nobody forced you to buy and play fallout 3, right? I get that you would have preferred that Fallout remain a nobly dead franchise, like Ultima, Jagged Alliance, Might & Magic, MOO & MOM, Wizardry, so on and so forth. I totally get that. But that isn't what happened. How does it either help or hurt you to keep whining about it? That's the part I don't get. I don't consider Fallout 3 to be a continuation of the Fallout series, and so its existence doesn't bother me much.
The Issue is that a lot of future damage can be done to Fallout by the development and general way of how Bethesda seems (today) to care about their projecst. In all seriousness I would not be surprised if Fallout 4 or 5 would become a clone to CoD with some stats thrown in here and there (see what happend with Deus Ex to Des Ex 2) if that is what they think sells to the public. If anything the change from Morrowind to Oblivion and now Anchorage Operation Shoot-alot are somewhat indicative. I doubt that anyone in the long run at Bethesda really cares about what ever if something they want fitts the consistency of the game or even the "RPG" roots of the series. They dont even manage to stay "true" to their own in house build games. Why should they with a bought licence?
It bears some similiarty with the change of the Ninja Turtles over time where some old fans today feel almost ashamed beeing associated with the "Ninja Turtles" considering how much it has been changed to fitt a mainstream market and child friendlyness. Old Turtles pen paper RPGs even featured Necrophila for characters to choose from what I heard.
programmer.craig said:
I begin to see why Fallout fans catch so much flak. This is a pretty arrogant, opinionated and often simply wrong crowd. If I was a game developer, I wouldn't pay you much mind, either. Game developers succeed by (cliche!) "thinking outside the box". Many of the people who seem to be emotionally invested in claiming anything that isn't in the box is heresy.
Cause people tend to generalise and make stereotypes. Dont judge on individuals. NMA never had a united oppinion, voice or face. It is like all communities a combination of different characters and attitudes. You are part of it (still) in one way afterall.
One could run around claiming all fans of Bethesda are mindless sheeps cause a few claim in their posts that Bethesda can do no wrong. But I doubt that is the real way to argument.
By the way what ever if Doom was seen as the first FPS or not or if it made the term common it has no meaning on the fact that certain games did used a "first person" experience before it. For a subject it has no meaning if the defintion for it came bofore or after it. Certain games that were released before Doom definetly had some resembling character in on way or another comparable to a "First Person Shooter". A apple doesnt start to become a fruit only cause you described it as such. It had its characteristics of a fruit already before the term existed. Same to games that came out before doom but provided a first person experience and RPGs that spend much more emphasis on combat then the role playing aspects.