programmer.craig said:
I really hate to argue against claims I have made myself in the past, but that's unfair... mainly because there was no such thing as an FPS when Elder Scrolls: Arena came out. As I recall, Doom and Arena were out at the same time (~1993) and the FPS genre didn't come into being until people started trying to copy Doom, some time later. Same with "Action RPG", but moreso... that's a term that didn't even exist until Diablo came out in 1995 or so. Bethesda games appeal NOW to action RPG and FPS fans that are looking for a little more, but that's not because Bethesda designed them with that in mind.
Yeah no, Doom was not the first FPS but I'll agree that it did give it a boost in popularity. has the origins of the genre and
Catacomb 3-D, released by id Software in 1991, was arguably the first modern FPS. Hell, I believe that all of the Terminator games that they made were FPSes, though I could be wrong here. Also note that Ultima Underworld came out in 1992. As for the ARPG term, it doesn't matter. The idea and games that used it had been around for a long time before Diablo and it's what Arena ended up doing.
programmer.craig said:
I'm not sure what you mean by "simpifying" - easier to play, or less complex? I'll agree they are easier than they used to be. But I'd argue they are far more complex. There is less randomly generated content in every iteration of their games, which in my opinion is a good thing.
Simplifying as in "making less complex". The gameplay (mechanics, skills, etc.), setting, and plots. See Crni Vuk's post.
programmer.craig said:
I actually played those lol. But I don't get the impression many other people did. I guess "successful" is a relative term. I think it's fairly safe to say those were not popular enough to merit continued development, though, right?
They made six Terminator games and re-released one as a deluxe version so no, they were popular enough. They probably stopped making them because the license was given to another company.
programmer.craig said:
Quality of what? The graphics are good. The game engine is superb. The content is pretty drab and uninteresting. Obviously, a lot of people don't mind dull gameplay, as long as they get to blow $*&% up and make/download mods.
The graphics are good but nothing special, the animations are atrocious, the voice acting ranges from terrible to good, averaging out to mediocre, I can't speak for the engine but it's hardly new so I'd imagine that there are better things out there, the writing is atrocious, and, as you said, the gameplay is mediocre to bad. Both Oblivion and Fallout 3 were mediocre products with decent visuals. They have a lot of areas to improve on and if they can manage to be great at anything, I'll note it.
programmer.craig said:
I would agree with that, if they had scalped Fallout from a developer who had serious intent and capability of continuing with the series. But they didn't. They bought it from a company who had decided to let it languish, because it wasn't worthy of investing money and time into.
Interplay had a nearly finished Fallout 3 and was working on Tactics 2 and BoS2. They sold the IP because they were in deep financial shit because their CEO is a moron. Bethesda bought it fair and square but since when does that excuse it? Uwe Boll doesn't get off the hook because he obtains licenses to videogames to make into movies legally, people bash him for making shitty movies which fail to capture the spirit of the IP being used.
programmer.craig said:
Bethesda games have never had any meaningful content. It would have been absolutely effing amazing if Fallout 3 had been different. What do you think Bioware would have done with Fallout 3? Just curious, because I can't think of anyone else who would have even bothered with a Fallout game.
Troika, though they may have shut down due to money problems anyway. I don't know who else would have bid on it seeing as it never went to auction from what I know so it seems like a ridiculous argument. Still, Bioware would have done a better job with it, even if that had turned it into one of their interactive movies, because Bioware has people on staff who actually know something about RPGs. Would Bioware likely have screwed up some canon? Sure, but nothing like Bethesda and I doubt they would have had as much retarded amusement park crap (like the super villains or Little Lamplight). They also have better writers on staff and have had at least one game with good voice acting (Mass Effect).
programmer.craig said:
Perhaps not, but we CAN say they weren't trying to copy first person shooters (FPS) or "Action RPG", because there was nothing to copy.
Well it's not true that there was nothing to copy but seeing as Arena originally started out as a gladiatorial combat game and completely changed, it's fair to say that they weren't intentionally outright cloning another game. Still, the
wikipedia article states: "They were also fans of Looking Glass Studios' Ultima Underworld series, which became their main inspiration for Arena." As for Fallout 3, multiple developers including the leads listed CoD4, Halo, and other FPSes as influences and they just modified the Oblivion engine to work for Fallout 3 so it's not like they started with a clear slate on that.
programmer.craig said:
Right... so the original wasteland was first person too. As was the EOB series, Ultima Underworld, the Might & Magic series, etc.
The only part of Wasteland that's FPP is the conversations, big part of the game, if I remember right. Still, that'd be like calling Fallout a FPP game.
programmer.craig said:
I agree with you on that. But it's a matter of preference, and the claim I disputed (that Bethesda decided to make FPS/Action RPG hybrids) is simply wrong.
How is it wrong? Arena was a FPS/ARPG hybrid, not something originally intended but what it became over the design process. After that, every TES game was consciously made to have the same basic gameplay as Arena and they stated from the start that they were going to do the same thing with Fallout 3 that they do with TES, so it was a FPS/ARPG hybrid from day 0.
programmer.craig said:
And such things are ALSO a matter of preference, you know. I personally don't like anal-retentive rules that have no basis in logic, and seem to exist only to give the player more things to stress over. On the other hand, climbing and jumping can be important, depending on game design.
Simplifying can be used to improve a game (like combining First Aid and Doctor into one skill) but it can also be damaging (such as removing different damage resistances in Fallout 3). Bethesda does a lot more of the latter than the former and the former is not always the only or best way to solve a problem. Instead of combining First Aid and Doctor they could have made them more distinct and useful.
programmer.craig said:
So, anyway, I'm still not buying the claim that Bethesda's new games are simplified versions of their old ones.
So Oblivion and Fallout 3 (a little harder to compare) are equally or more complex than Morrowind and Daggerfall?
programmer.craig said:
But Bethesda is not alone in making easy-mode games. I haven't played an RPG that really gave me challenging gameplay since the 1990s. And you know what? Fallout 2 wasn't one of them.
Just because they are not the only perpetrators of a problem doesn't excuse them from it.