Fallout 3 Preview Madness

Starwars said:

Anyone else notice this? Seems like a hint that the dialogue options will include more than one word. :clap:

Kotaku said:
Coming across a small settlement, Howard demonstrated the branching dialog system, making the audience chuckle by calling the friendly town sheriff a dick. Exploring the town further he came upon an NPC with an interesting quest. Nuke the town. The entire town.

If the dialogue system is indeed intact, and not something resembling Oblivion more than Fallout, then I may just get the game after all...

But I still don't like the super orc. :?
Ausir said:
There were cannibal tribals in FO2, so there might be some in FO3 as well.
But apparently in FO3 everyone is a cannibal, since their's a convenient stat to show your cannibalism level. Maybe you absorb their power when you eat their hearts.

Sander said:
Largely unconfirmed. No one in Gecko did, but Set in Necropolis makes some references to it.
Set was batshit, though. If he ate people it could have well been because he was nuts and not because he was a nucular zombie.

Also, if kids are in but unkillable, what happens when you blow up Megaton? You return to find a bunch of unblinking, invincible glowchildren who shoot lasers out of their eyes? Actually that would be good work around for the mysterious law that forbids the fictional portrayal of the death of minors in an interactive entertainment medium.

"We know all your secrets." *pyow* *pyow*
You know, after the nuclear catapult and if this eating corpses thing is what we all fear it is, I wouldn't be surprised if the Megaton children turned into lasereye-shooting demigods.
Wooz said:
You know, after the nuclear catapult and if this eating corpses thing is what we all fear it is, I wouldn't be surprised if the Megaton children turned into lasereye-shooting demigods.

I wouldn't be surprised if Beth decided to replace Magic with Psychic or Mutant powers in a couple of months...

Perk: Fireball
Desc: You have eaten something that's radioactively spicy, so... now you can vomit fireballs or something... deal with it! WE'RE THE REAL FANS!
Im holding out for some of those zoomed out 3rd person screens..and IF that view works indoors. I just have this feeling you'll be forced into first person for certain areas or completing certain types of actions. meh
Damn, I love the way they pour the ingredients in picograms!

The one radical departure Bethesda is making to the Fallout format is that they're putting the game in a first person format. There are also options for a Resident Evil-style shoulder camera, or a more traditional isometric view.

Toadd Horrorward: The feasants are about to attack the castle! I need more effective spells! Witches, where are my witches?!?

Witch No.101: You will be most pleased with my newest invention, master! I added an extraordinary ingredient known as "iso-view" in the cauldron, it should keep them quiet for a while...

Toadd Horrorward: Then what are we waiting for, serve them the damn swill!
Ugh. I really hate Todd Howard. Christ, even Chuck Cuevas was presumably working on Fallout because he was told to. Regardless that he was an idiot.
Todd on the other hand, deliberately set out to rape Fallout from day 1.
Anyone else noticed a complete absence of information on the dialogue other then the cryptic and depressing GI comment and a few even more depressing dev comments:

Why do I have the feeling this is going to be a "Waterworld" of a game.

I really hope Todd chokes on one of his snacks of corpses and toilet water.

Edited for typos
Please read the gamespy.com as well as the pc.ign.com preview where the dialogue system is well explained.

As for the unkillable children in F3, how about being able tp eat the (rotted) corpses of already dead children :?:

This begs this question: It is somehow OK to eat corpses (yeeww ) but not OK to kill children - in videogame ?? Gee, what's the world coming to??


I still dom't get the megaton quest :crazy: I mean :roll: why would you choose to blow up a town to help a capitalist
developer (ok, i get what this is saying, though) leveling a town.
A nuclear bomb is a powerfull tool that should be respected and just be used randomly, but it fits well into 'teh violence is funny' trend Todd H. apparently want to be in Fallout 3 --- oh, well. At least we now know that we can avoid this :violent: quest.

I still don't get main quest either --- it is one thing to be kicked out because the Overseer kicks you out of Vault 101, since the Overseer should and ought to be the ONLY one who has a say in who gets in and out of the Vault. From the previews it seems like you decide for yourself to go after your father ---- this doesn't seem very Fallouty to me, unless your father is a very known scientist and also has a sidejob as doctor....
aries369 said:
Please read the gamespy.com as well as the
pc.ign.com preview where the dialogue system is well explained.
Er....well, it's explained as 'speech trees with skill checks'.
Which isn't the same as 'well explained' and certainly doesn't show the direction they're taking it in. Oblivion, for instance, also had speech trees.
I just meant that the dialoque options seems to dependent on how good a speech skill you have. In one of the previews it mentions that Emil Pagliarulo fails a speech skill check in a conversation with mr. Burke.

It also mentions that you can do what mr. Burke ordered, go to the Sheriff, bluff both the Sheriff and Mr. Burke --- and some other things as well.
No killing of children due to legal reasons?

What the fuck?

I held on for this to be answered. This is not Fallout. If no killable children, then THE GAME SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN MADE.

Rescue me, Wasteland 2...
Wooz said:
somebody said:
Will there be a wii version?


Well, wii and it's motion sensor sticks could solve some of our issues, we can:

- bash children with it
- aim for groin and eyes
- Trash the game disc in utter frustration
- bash newbie fans who are unaware of FO legacy

Imagine, going into a gaming store, and watching some l33t kiddo's playing FO on [insert console here]...

boer_kameel said:
Imagine, going into a gaming store, and watching some l33t kiddo's playing FO on [insert console here]...


If you want to instantaneously lose 50% of your brain matter by redundantly thinking about how stupid people are, go to a local Gamestop. I like the store, but the riffraff that's about... Bah humbug!
I don't live in the US, don't know Gamestop... But, I can imagine our gaming shops grow the sale fungi as in other places around the world.

With the rare exceptions - as Outpost, which is more a community than a store. It features some oddballs indeed, but the kind that crawl into the basement and shout at each outher "Indred inflicts 25 damage on your paladin, also stunning him for one turn".

I tend to favour the latter kind of oddballs, they still have functioning grey matter and are able to produce technical correct sentences, without resorting to l33t babble ^_^
Briosafreak said:
I don't live in the US, don't know Gamestop

I don't live in the US too, but I'm going to have one Gamestop at a mall ten minutes from where I live in a few weeks.

I'm so sorry to here that, Brosafreak. :mrgreen:

In all fairness, though, if it weren't for Gamestop, I'd have to use eBay for all of my used game needs.

Then again, one of the 'kids' working at my local Gamestop actually told me that "Oblivion was good, but Halo is my favorite RPG"... Yes, I know... :crazy:

I mean, I can understand Final Fantasy... but calling Halo an RPG!? I put my games down, and walked right out. I don't know if I'll ever be able to go back in there, again.

Edit: I guess the term RPG has been diluted so much, to the point that any game where you play a "role" other than yourself is automatically an RPG... :roll: :cry: