Tigranes said:
Because Roy is already personally pissed with the Tenpenny fellows, and rather than risk a long trek across the Wasteland or simply make the best of what he has in that sewer while the Tenpenny guys live it up next door, he's always going to be strongly inclined to push on with his plan. Look at his personality, a mix of righteousness, entitlement, condescension and hatred. It would be silly if you, some random stranger human, cuold easily persuade him to just drop his plan or go off to Underworld.
You look at the *way* he talks and *how* he treats you, and no, it's very clear that non-violence is an option of last resort for Roy. He is very clearly going to have a lot of fun murdering Tenpenny & co and teaching them a bloody lesson.
Yes, I agree, it would be silly for your character to accomplish 99% of the things he/she does in the course of the game(solo even!). However, we're expected to suspend disbelief and overlook the contrived nature of the writing in fallout 3 that allows for you to even talk to such broad strokes characters as Roy and his cohorts.
Roy is personally pissed. A good deal of people are, but apparently he's not
so pissed off that he doesn't:
1) Lash out and shoot your character the first time you try to speak to him- as he's leaving the front gate of the tower(when logically he would have been angriest- and why not? The people in the tower don't know your character from adam anyway- just another skag from the wastes. You wouldn't be missed. -And Gustavo won't open that gate for just anyone.)
2) Shoot you when you go to the sewers to try to talk to him. Sure you got past the "dumber" more pliable members of his cadre, but at heart you're just another lying smoothskin, right? BAM! Now where were we? Right... invading the tower.
Roy has good reasons to be angry, and to have some hatred stored up as well.
That doesn't make him, or Michael, murderers. It does make me wonder if Bethesda shouldn't have axed this quest line to begin with because some folk there still don't get it.
Righteousness I can well understand. Roy, and other ghouls, have been persecuted, the majority of their lives- after the change. They learn to deal with it and to live with that as best they can. Roy goes to the tower and asks to be let in- apparently this isn't the first time he's tried either. As was mentioned before, it's a before-time building full of squatters- and there is apperntly enough room for all. How many times do you take the righteous path before getting fed up?
As many times as it takes, right? But we're overlooking something here.
This isn't like the case of the civil disobedience of Gandhi and his followers. There are a good number of Ghouls, to be sure, but they aren't capable of breeding(some new ghouls form but if the "good" ending of the game holds true- not for long). Why should they run the risk of extinction, or extermination, to make a point to a bunch of bigots?
And I'm a bit confused as to why Roy is seen as condescending. All he and most Ghouls want is to be seen as
equals. Now maybe Roy has some biases of his own after being discriminated against for so long, but he's willing to look past them and give people the benefit of the doubt- he allows you live, after all.
Where *I* get a bit pissed is the mention of entitlement? Entitlement usually implies that a person is assuming they deserve something, when they don't. So Ghouls don't deserve to be treated as equals? Why? Because they're ugly, because they smell a bit off, or because they talk funny? How dare they! Move along, folks. Nothing to see here... just another bunch of uppity ni... uhhh...err.. Ghouls, right?
The deal proposed to the Tower is for nothing other than equal treatment- pay for your room and board, and don't start trouble. That's not asking for the moon. Or is it?
It's a tired old saw, yes, but I don't see any irony in having Roy kill Tenpenny. As said before, they don't let you see anything. Perhaps if there were a bit more exposition, a chance to convince them both of the "err of their ways", shoot them both, or take one or the other's side, or simply stand witness before you're handed the death of Tenpenny with no recourse. Then, perhaps, the end of the quest would have been more powerful. But, even then, it still wouldn't be ironic- just senseless.
Irony is if you actually decided to kill Tenpenny on behalf of Mr.Crowley, because Tenpenny hired Crowley and the others for a suicide mission, and now, out of the blue, those chickens are coming home to roost.
But they aren't even trying here.
Tenpenny is your classic, stereotyped, Southern politician- brave with a gun in his hand, deeply bigoted, a coward at heart, violent if he can get away with it, but still a politician. Which is why, when you show him that the majority of the residents are fine with allowing Ghouls into the Tower, he goes along with the deal. As long as operations continue to run smoothly, he stays in power untill he dies- and by then he won't care if "the slaves burn the plantation down", so to speak. He has the power, he has the guns, and he's already got one foot in the grave. He has no heirs to pass this dubious legacy on to, so what does he have to lose? You'll never change him, but if allowed to, his brand of ideology will eventually erode and disappear well after he's gone. At least in that area of the wastes.
Roy killing Tenpenny is as stupid as it gets, and someone with as many years under his belt as Roy knows that. Additionally, GNR radio seems to know everything as it happens- and broadcasts it for all to hear. So why, then, would Roy set back the progress he and the other Ghouls have made in order to satisfy a stupid whim? Chances are better than average that if he plays his cards right- Roy will be leading the Humans and the Ghouls of the Tower once Tenpenny passes away.
In life, people say and propose a lot of things, in passion, that they regret once they have a chance to cool down or see things from a different perspective. And yes, I understand you can't fix everything. That point is first taken out of your hands and hamfistedly beaten into your head from the beginning of the game- when you are forced out of the vault and later when your father unnecessarily commits suicide and LATER when you are forced to commit suicide to turn on the bloody purifier. I get it.
Sure, I understand that the wastes can be a brutal place, chockablock with random and senseless acts of violence, tragedy, and stupidity. But isn't it enough that the majority of the game(and arguably its creators), and its setting, already stands as a testament to this maxim?
Should we do their work for them and posit that tragedy is what they were aiming for all along? Tragedy loses its power when you're already up to your neck in the nuked out shell of a once-powerful nation's former capital. It's just another straw on that camel's broken back, it doesn't really add anything.
With Tenpenny Tower, Bethesda goes to a place, better left unvisited, throws common sense to the wind, and lies unabashedly to the player so that they can effectively say, what- "See? SEE!?!?! Them damn dirty nigrahs ain't so special. They can turn on ya if ya give em' half a chance. That's why ya gotta watch em' close an keep em' in their place!"?
I understand what they
thought they were reaching for there, but they failed. It doesn't come across as ironic, edgy, ground-breaking, or even timely social commentary. Just sad, out of touch,and not a little bit lame and cliche. And it is a tragedy of sorts, because they
did do a much better job of exploring that dimension of the story with the "You Gotta Shoot Em' In The Head" quest.
So much for subtlety, though.