First time out of the vault

Am I the only one who gets the impression that Kikomiko is a clever troll? The posters entire persona is practically designed to grate on the nerves of people less then enthusiastic of a product.
This game, while in and of itself not poor, is a poor fallout and a bad RPG. The dialog is just piss poor, one line often being the extent of a conversation, the voice acting is limited once more to about six people, though they are more expressive then Oblivions clusterfuck. Animations are still pretty bad, you can tell which ones are re -used from Oblivion (Molerats, Yao guai) pretty easily. The game doesn't really look that great when compared to other recent triple A titles, once more its essentially a cleaned up Oblivion.
Which actually sums the game up pretty well. Its a cleaned up Oblivion. It makes a wonderful addition to the elder scroll series, but a fallout it is not.
This game, while in and of itself not poor, is a poor fallout and a bad RPG. The dialog is just piss poor, one line often being the extent of a conversation, the voice acting is limited once more to about six people, though they are more expressive then Oblivions clusterfuck. Animations are still pretty bad, you can tell which ones are re -used from Oblivion (Molerats, Yao guai) pretty easily. The game doesn't really look that great when compared to other recent triple A titles, once more its essentially a cleaned up Oblivion.
Which actually sums the game up pretty well. Its a cleaned up Oblivion. It makes a wonderful addition to the elder scroll series, but a fallout it is not.