Blackfyre said:
Have you played the originals at all?
and that just there is the core problem why some on this site might lack the ability to form an objective view of FO3
No, the game isn't Fallout 1, i doubt Beth, ever wanted to make it as such nor do you need to know the originals to enjoy it or ciriticaly accept it. Its a spiritual successor of Fallout franchise and as such the game seams to be a huge success, on the road to be a GOY.
This just set off so many alarms I couldn't think straight, and was forced to register just to respond.

(I'm a long time lurker, but first time poster.)
Admittedly, the FO name does make it harder to judge the game on its own merit. But beyond that you're 100% wrong here.
EDIT: Ok, you're probably also not wrong about the success and GOTY part.
Have you read any of the discussions with Beth about their goals with this game or their reason for naming it FO3? They've reiterated time and time again that FO1 was their model. And every time they're asked why they chose to name it as a numbered entry in the series (as opposed to "Fallout: Who's Your Daddy?" or WTF ever) they respond that they weren't just trying to use the Fallout world for a spinoff or anything, they wanted to make it an official sequel in the series, NOT just a spiritual successor.
This is why so many Fallout fans are upset. I've read many people here agree that they wouldn't have such a negative attitude about this game if it
were just a spiritual successor. Instead, Beth has brazenly taken it upon themselves to call this game the next entry in the series, though it bears virtually no resemblance to the originals.
That said, I have not yet played FO3 and won't condemn it without trying it for myself. But, given my hatred for Bethesda after the way they turned TES into a bucket of bile, I really don't want hand my money over to them until I can try the game and find out if it's even worth playing.