Guess I still have some English classes to attend to.
Per said:</blockquote>Sunday Sun.<blockquote>
However, the weapons can be quite difficult to control and gameplay is very challenging in parts.
The Dutch Ghost said:Guess I still have some English classes to attend to.
The Dutch Ghost said:Guess I still have some English classes to attend to.
Eyenixon said:Aha, as a rare individual who has actually managed the frustrating task of successfully completing Lionheart despite its flaws and impossible difficulty without batting an eyelash, I think it would be appropriate to say that Fallout 3, in its infinite mediocrity, presents gameplay that is so infantile and despicably easy, that I actually forgot that I had placed the game on Very Hard from the get go and five hours in attempted to change the difficulty, only to realize it wouldn't get any harder.
Wasteland...(if you know your games, you'll know this was actually the first in the series)
Sicblades said:It's actually "more stupid." "Stupider" isn't a word.
L said:Putting two comparative words next to each other isn't grammatically incorrect in my book (which is the descriptionist view).