Fallout 3 screenshots galore

alec said:
Thing is: 200 years after the war is the most retarded timeframe to set FO3 in IF you desperately want to see ruins and old, heavily damaged wooden houses to render that post-apoc retro fifties atmosphere. If they had had a little common sense, they would have situated FO3 between FO and FO2.

As it is, FO3 should feature nothing but deserts, deserts, deserts, deserts and shantytowns.

Yes, the timeframe is broken, it is a clear mistake to set Fallout 3 200 years after the war and I have noted as much.

However, given that Fallout 3 is set 200 years after the war, what would you rather see: a resurgent society? An empty desert? Or a lot of ruins with a look similar to Fallout 1/2s?

I'd definitely vote for the latter. Ideally, Bethesda would have chosen a better timeframe for their game, but since they didn't, I'd rather still play a game with environments I can enjoy rather than one with stupid (resurgent) or unplayable (emptiness) environments.

The wooden shacks is a part of that. Ruined wooden houses with white picket fences are supposed to call out that feel of retro-50s. It's an admirable intention even if the execution is a bit shoddy. I'd call that one borderline: either you admit that in this case realism takes a second place to retro-50s (as it does at times in Fallout) or you hate it.

Objecting to a Fallout game having art deco ruins is just folly. No matter when it is set.

Take Van Buren. It was set in 2253, 176 years after the Great War. Yet Denver still had ruined skyscraper standing. Unlikely in real life, but hey, I want to explore post-apocalyptic skyscraper Dog Town/Denever, dammit.
Brother None said:
Ideally, Bethesda would have chosen a better time-frame for their game, but since they didn't, I'd rather still play a game with environments I can enjoy rather than one with stupid (resurgent) or unplayable (emptiness) environments.

I don't understand the logic of making the time-line for Fallout 3 200 years into the future at all. The screenshots show the ruined civilization as if it was still during the first Fallout storyline, or perhaps after the bombs dropped only yesterday. Adding two more centuries serves no purpose other than to say Fallout 3 will be its own story. Nobody cares if they haven't played the first Fallout! so why bother confusing people who have played the first game and keep track of the story time-line? From my perspective it is not important to keep a date the game is set by.
Noneoftheabove said:
I don't understand the logic of making the time-line for Fallout 3 200 years into the future at all. The screenshots show the ruined civilization as if it was still during the first Fallout storyline, or perhaps after the bombs dropped only yesterday. Adding two more centuries serves no purpose other than to say Fallout 3 will be its own story. Nobody cares if they haven't played the first Fallout! so why bother confusing people who have played the first game and keep track of the story time-line? From my perspective it is not important to keep a date the game is set by.

Because they thought it was a good idea. It's a mistake, most games have them.
If the gameplay and dialog was up to scratch would you care about all this "200 year and buildings still standing" blurb?

This seems tantamount to complaining the guns don't look realistic, which always seems to generate 10 page threads, yet seems so derp derp derp derp derp
Ausir said:
Godzilla wouldn't be able to survive since there is no source of viable nuclear energy, all the warheads have been spent and there is only residual radiation.

Maybe he only appears after you nuke Megaton?

He eats the nuclear cars that are standing around everywhere.
Per's Pic-titles always make me lol. So: lol!
I don't care that much about the whole 200 years and stuff still standing thing. I kinda agree with BN there. And I'd rather see some screenshots of the PC version. Or any kind of information on the PC version, anyway. I seriously hope it will look better than this.
Buxbaum666 said:
Per's Pic-titles always make me lol. So: lol!
I don't care that much about the whole 200 years and stuff still standing thing. I kinda agree with BN there. And I'd rather see some screenshots of the PC version. Or any kind of information on the PC version, anyway. I seriously hope it will look better than this.

Be careful, it might turn out that there is no PC version.

Just like the game itself, it was suppose to be RPG, but it turned out to be FPS...

Maybe Bethesda will want to punish us for pointing out their mistakes and supidity? Who knows...
Nah, don't be ridiculous, man. They've already announced a PC release and no gaming company cancels a massive number of sales just to spite a fansite.
Public said:
Maybe Bethesda will want to punish us for pointing out their mistakes and supidity? Who knows...
Punish? How's canceling the PC version that?

Wooz said:
Nah, don't be ridiculous, man. They've already announced a PC release and no gaming company cancels a massive number of sales just to spite a fansite.

Yeah, you're right. I was just messing, but...who knows :roll:

Punish? How's canceling the PC version that?

I said "their stupidity" ;)
Brother None said:

Well, if you consider Fallout 1/2/Van Buren according to that scale, they followed it quite well. Well, now add more years due to better construction techniques in the future. And don't forget: In a normal world, there are plants, animais... plants and animals would overun human civilization if it disapeared. IF. But in Fallout, almost anywhere has a desert climate, plants are few and animals are usually desert dwellers. And people still exist. So, I don't think the situation in Fallout 3 is too bad, at least regarding to buildings. Super-Market meds STILL IN PLACE since long ago and NOT LETHAL YET is pretty strange, though. Also, Fallout 3 has some elements that make it like as if the war happened, say, 10 years ago. I can imagine futuristic meds inside a proper container in, say, Sierra Military Base. But I can't imagine some meds in a Super Market that aren't properly guarded, yet not yet lethal and NOT SCAVENGED. That's the same issue with the "nukular cars": Fuel Cells, Fusion Reactors and batteries are rare, high-tech things. Any scavenger worth his salt would've rumaged though that car and sold these cells or reactors. With the Brotherhood of Steel in the turf + 200 years later, that's even more ridiculous. And these CAN'T BLOW WITH BULLETS, sorry. Don't even try that. One thing is to find a plasma rifle inside a old, still-working automated military base. The other thing is to find a plasma rifle inside a unprotected, totally acessible mail box that is older than some nations. Scavengers, that's all I can say. They would find it in a second.
I agree that maybe we could overlook one or 2 design mistakes, like the wood buildings and such, if they helped with the atmosphere or story.

The fact is BS is making too much mistakes, and i really don't feel like stretching my imagination so i can justify to myself why these thinks are there.

I will wait for the game to come out, wait for the modders to work on it, and maybe after 1 year i can play Fallout 3 like its meant for the fans.
Is it just me or do the people look way to clean for living in the wasteland? It might be the shitty quality of the pictures, but they all look like they all got a hot shower when they woke up in the morning.
Sure, their equipment/clothing looks worn, but they all have super cleanscrubbed skin.

Not to mention that their skin also has the texture of pink play dough.
JESUS said:
The fact is BS is making too much mistakes, and i really don't feel like stretching my imagination so i can justify to myself why these thinks are there.

Thanks Jesus. I always thought you were on our side.

new screens or not, its still looks like a mod for oblivion. and those character faces - ugly, like ever.

thank god there are a couple of post-apoc games like that coming out. stalker clear sky, borderlands, rage... one of them should be a worthwhile successor...