Brother None said:
Nonsense, alec. Fallout also featured old buildings still standing (in the Hub and L.A. boneyard). Fallout 2 did less so, but Fallout 2 had that horrible feel of reconstruction and society living again we really want to avoid.
Nonsense, Brother None. Fallout starts in 2161, 84 years after the Great War (2077). It seems perfectly acceptable to me that large concrete buildings, the kind we get a glimpse of in, for instance, Necropolis, would still "stand" after such a period, although decay would have already set in (as we can see).
Fallout 2 starts in 2241, 80 years after the events occuring in Fallout and 164 years after the Great War. As you say so yourself: FO2 featured less remnants of the old world, except for locations such as Vault City (but that's the magic of the G.E.C.K., I guess) or New Reno (fun city, but totally misplaced). 164 years after the Great War, the only thing making sense would have to be shantytowns and lots of rubble and debris.
Fallout 3 starts in 2277, 200 years after the Great War and what do we suddenly have? Wooden houses (wooden!), damaged by the war, but hey: still standing strong.
That doesn't make any sense whatsoever. None. And it doesn't matter whether the developers and - so to see - even you think that
the concept of buildings - including wooden shacks - still standing rubs pretty well with the typical view of post-apocalyptic society in the retro-50s sense of Fallout.
It doesn't matter a thing. It is absurd. That's all there is to say about it. FO2 already made horrible mistakes in that respect, where to my knowledge FO didn't. Instead of repairing those mistakes, FO3 will just add some more to the pile. I don't see how anyone can be glad with such decisions.
Thing is: 200 years after the war is the most retarded timeframe to set FO3 in IF you desperately want to see ruins and old, heavily damaged wooden houses to render that post-apoc retro fifties atmosphere. If they had had a little common sense, they would have situated FO3 between FO and FO2.
As it is, FO3 should feature nothing but deserts, deserts, deserts, deserts and shantytowns. And no rebuilding, 'cause without fuel rebuilding towns like we know them is completely out of the question on each and every level. But hey: deserts and deserts and small scale shantytowns wouldn't look very good in a FPS, now would they? Stuff like that could perfectly work in an isometric game (where you never get to see the horizon), but in a FPS it would make for nothing but emptiness, but of the wrong kind (not the sense of desolate emptiness FO gives you). And that's why we can see a D.C. Washington in ruins, even though it's 200 years since the bombs fell: it's eye-candy. It's simple cosmetics. And you know what? That just sucks. Like pretty much everything else FO3 seems to stand for.