Fallout 3: Tools of Survival

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
IGN has a new Fallout 3 preview which focuses on the weapons available in the game, showing new artwork and screenshots as well as a weapons video and talking about combat and weapons for quite a bit. This seems to be the kick-off for a Fallout 3 week.<blockquote>But perhaps flinging garbage at unsuspecting citizens isn't your cup of tea. That's OK. I won't hold it against you. There are other options. Just out of the Vault, you'll find yourself with simple weapons. There's the 10mm pistol as the standard fallback. It's effective against things like Mole Rats, Blow Flys, and basic Raiders, but doesn't pack much punch or pizzazz. If you like weapons, you'll want to look for something better like a scoped .44 Magnum, a Sawed Off Shotgun, or a Hunting Rifle. Most of the basic guns will use 10mm ammunition which is quite plentiful throughout the game while the guns with a higher caliber of shot will have a limited number of rounds early on.

When you run out of ammo, and you probably will, you can revert back to some melee weapons. This is just as satisfying in VATS as long range combat, believe it or not. Bethesda modeled the slow-motion attack after Zack Snyder's 300 and it looks spectacular. Clubbing foes with baseball bats or police batons is hilarious, but you'll want something sharp in your hands. I grabbed a Ripper, a small one-handed chainsaw, and took a radiation poisoned dog's head straight off. Or there's the Chinese Military Leader's Sword. As Insider Editor-in-Chief Dave Clayman described it, "That was badass. I chopped &(#*$'s up." We weren't able to find it, but many of the game's makers we spoke to called out the Powerfist, a mechanical hand that amplifies your punching strength, as their favorite melee weapon.

I prefer the big guns though. These are their own category of weapon with an associated skill and will make any gamer that loves chaos giddy. The Flamer, a highly effective flame thrower, can be found early on with ample ammunition scattered throughout the world. Light a poor sap on fire and he'll keep burning and taking damage over time while you laugh and point. Within the first 6 hours of playing, I managed to amass an arsenal that included a missile launcher, a personal nuke launcher, and a chaingun. I could only afford one nuke to put in my launcher, but boy-oh-boy was that a lot of fun.</blockquote><center>

<embed src='http://videomedia.ign.com/ev/ev.swf' flashvars='object_ID=882301&downloadURL=http://xbox360movies.ign.com/xbox360/video/article/912/912280/fallout3weapons_092208_flvlowwide.flv&allownetworking="all%"' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='433' height='360'></embed></center>
Thanks to Ausir, which incidentally reminds me that if you want info on what weapons are in Fallout 3 there's no place like The Vault.
Thanks for the pimpage.

Also, "Blow Flys" instead of "Bloatflies" - lulz.

Also, I don't want this to be seen as cross-site trolling, but one would expect the IGN-hosted fansite to be the first to post news about it, and their wiki to be the first one to have the info. They could use better coordination there.
Sure, but it would make sense for them to notify the IGN-hosted fansite of new content about the game. Especially a sponsored fansite like PF.
*shrug* It's not like AtomicGamer or UGO tell us everything they're up to (ok, they do sometimes), though both always send us mails for their Fallout 3 articles (there's cool people working at both sites).

But we're just in their network, not really sponsored. So yeah. I dunno.
Saddened by the fact he had the nuke launcher within 6 hours of gameplay. I'd be really interested in how many rounds he had for it in that time as well...

,,,waiting for the mod that makes only 5 nuke rounds total and they are really hard to get...
Well I am a fan of the board with a nail in it. Thats my thing.

Laer pistol set a ghoul on fire.

Some Ghoul's looked and moved like those pesky goblins.

Mole rats are tiny in this one.
the power fist is passable.. kinda

that flamethrower looks surprisingly identical to one I've seen in GOW2 previews, and the "railspike" gun appears to be nothing more than an impracticle steampunk railgun made of junk.

As an avid instagib player/fan, I consider that railgun and it's cheesy design to be an insult to intelligent FPS gamers.
(not an oxymoron, I swear!)

on another note, it's a good thing there is a real H&K submachinegun to model the 10mm SMG after or it would undoubtedly look just like some gun from Halo or one of these cobbled together monstrosities that they're trying their best not to call crafted items.

God this is lame.
A cylinder with handles, a large nozzle, and tubes running to a backpack is not exactly a super exotic design. Both are just based on old army flamethrowers.

The title says - A Dog.

The VATS shows - Mole Rat.


Well I am a fan of the board with a nail in it. Thats my thing.

So what if I put ANOTHER nail on it, what happens?

And that Power Fist should be called something like Iron Fist or Piston Glove, whatever. Whatever it is, that`s NOT a power fist.

Really, I dunno who did this game art, but they probrably never played Fallout 1/2.
What the hell?

Chinese Military Leader's Sword?

May as well let me use Lu Bu's Vorpal Halberd of Cloud Murder or Cao Cao's Sword Of Chaos!

generalissimofurioso said:
What the hell?

Chinese Military Leader's Sword?

May as well let me use Lu Bu's Vorpal Halberd of Cloud Murder or Cao Cao's Sword Of Chaos!

A SUPERsledge??!?! Why don't they just call it a +1 mace? I don't know why they swapped out "Officer" for the more prosaic "Military Leader". You can see it in the inventory and it's called Chinese Officer's Sword.

Anyway people call it a chainsaw because it has chainsaw teeth and the fallout 1 description reads "Powered by a small energy cell, the chainblade rips and tears into it's target."

Slaugher Manslaught said:
And that Power Fist should be called something like Iron Fist or Piston Glove, whatever. Whatever it is, that`s NOT a power fist.

Really, I dunno who did this game art, but they probrably never played Fallout 1/2.
Probably because the original game art made no sense and wouldn't be any more effective than a steel gauntlet. Maybe you can figure out how to make a glove that only comes up to mid forearm make you punch harder.
Slaughter Manslaught said:
Well I am a fan of the board with a nail in it. Thats my thing.

So what if I put ANOTHER nail on it, what happens?
Then it becomes the ultimate BOARD WITH TWO NAILS IN IT!

Two nails is possible. three or more is jusy silly.
Anani Masu said:
ASUPERsledge??!?! Why don't they just call it a +1 mace? I don't know why they swapped out "Officer" for the more prosaic "Military Leader". You can see it in the inventory and it's called Chinese Officer's Sword.

A Supersledge makes sense, it's uses a kinetic storage and knockback system that makes perfect sense with SCIENCE! Chinese sword only works when you think of it like this China = Asia, therefore they use swords.

Anyway people call it a chainsaw because it has chainsaw teeth and the fallout 1 description reads "Powered by a small energy cell, the chainblade rips and tears into it's target."

Even though it's described as a vibroblade in that same description.

Probably because the original game art made no sense and wouldn't be any more effective than a steel gauntlet. Maybe you can figure out how to make a glove that only comes up to mid forearm make you punch harder.

I always figured it worked the same way the Supersledge did, it built up kinetic energy using energy cells and released it on impact via some sort of force field or something. Fits in better with SCIENCE! than just "It's a piston on a glove".
They're probably not using bloody mess in this video, I like it!
It doesnt look excessive, and they're not highlighting the violence wich makes it subtle and natural(but I still hate slow-mo with all my heart). As for the wepon designs I think they're kinda meh, not bad, but not good either. Nothing I'd remenber after playing it.
And what's this sword you're all talking about, did I missed something?