Well, after some time without any notice here and in the RPGCodex, it is expected that this project is dead or on hold ( or the devs are just mean bunch for leaving us in the dark

) but it looks that they are still posting in their Facebook. Their last post was Feb 15 of 2015 and it shows a image from the Nursery. There are others news too, Hexer is not the project leader anymore because of his business, although it looks like he will come back, and it looks like the development is still going. IMO it will not be this year like I dreamed
I don't know this is necroposting ( probably is) but after so much time ( at least for me) without news of this project, it made me shiver and be kind of sad, to think Van Buren will still be only in paper is a sad thought for me and I still dream a little dream of it, but just to see new updates made me happy and hopeful.
So if anyone is still wandering if this is dead or no, well, it looks like not, let's see what the future holds and hope for the best.
If everything goes well they might even release it before Mutants Rising!

( Talking about it, how the old mutant is holding up?)