Fallout 3 vehicles

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Well here`s how Sayer sees vehicles on Fallout3:

I would like to see another car in a Fallout sequel. The car was useful and not crazy OMG powerful or "unrealistic", even within the setting. However, there probably should be only one car or possibly two (big and slow vs. small and fast).
However, Fallout 3 will probably have other... alternate means of transportation.
Forms of public transport perhaps... only work on certain days/times and costs money. They should be able to make cars now... If they can produce all sorts of other techinical-out-of-this-world shit. Then why can't they make a 200HP car powered on Microfusion cells with a massive assed wing called the PIMPMOBILE???
I think it'd all depend on the time and place of Fallout 3. If it was before Fallout 1, I'd seriously reconsider about putting any kind of car in place, technology was absolutely NOT very good, and the Brotherhood still kept all of it's technology for itself.

if it's in between FO1 and 2, I'd say it should be possible to find a thing like the highwayman in FO2, which would function in the same way, and had the same type of "atmosphere" and "character". Perhaps a harley would indeed be fun :)

If it's after FO2, who knows, But I'd still hate to see the extenisveness of vehicles as they were in FOT, because I found it kind of ridiculous to see all of those cars, jeeps, buggies and whatnot, in a post-nuclear wasteland, where I never saw any kind of fuel.....ever, besides the fusion cells(well, and that gas-station in FO2...). And I was always a bit reluctant with the car-combat thingie, it just didn't seem to fit(although I kind of thought that of at least half of FOT's looks), and wasn't really done well IMHO.

PS: Hurray, first post on the NMA boards!! 8)
Brotherhood of Steel had working forklifts. I assume they could be powered by a fusion battery.

Then again, they also had power armor, laser miniguns, and supercomputers. But you must remember that fusion batteries used radioactive material which may or may not be artificially created in breeder reactors, and there was a very limited supply of them in Fallout 1 - only a couple of shops where you can buy yourself a fusion battery.

There is of course pig shit. I mean, brahmin shit. Technically proficient organizations can create a shit processor that turns organic material into combustible gases, and pressure it into containers. I don't know if it's a viable option for people in Fallout universe though.
Maybie you could set it before F1, and ride that guy from the hub's donkey. Then he comes with his super uber plasma boss gun thingy and makes a bargain. You give him the donkey and you dont die. Then the raiders come and kill it. The cycle is complete :D

Sorry about that, ill be serious.
I'd like to drive a space ship, with a 30" cannon mounted on its roof. It would also have the ability to drop pancakes and other breakfast foods onto the heads of the enemies.

I read "DeathLands," so seeing another car(s) in Fallout would only make me happier. Perhaps some type of buggy or even a dirt bike of some sort.

Mohrg :twisted:
The only good use of vehicles in a F game i have ever found is the first vehicle mission in tactics. I thought it was a bit like the movie black hawk down. Your men skiding around a hostile city in a supply humvee. your gunner shooting at the guys on the rooftops, the men and women on the ground raining down molotovs on yor car. The most tense bit was when i went into the mines. I got out and fixed it while my gunners defended me with there lives.

Sadly this wouldnt work in F3, becuase tactics is a strategy game, and it would be crap in an rpg.
The true answer is....

Drum Roll Please

...Pig Shit!

Yes Pig shit. Pig Shit is full of methane, and methane could be an alternative fuel.
Methane gas is highly volatile.

Also, the old cars ran on energy cells. Not even gasoline, which might be possible to convert to methane, but energy cells...Because of this, methane gas might be used as an energy-source to run old diesel-engines, as might be used in some ancient generators, but as there are no diesel-cars, it'd be impossible to use it like that.
Cars run on energy cells? Then the word "gas" in Fallout 2's "Gas Station" means nothing?
APTYP said:
Cars run on energy cells? Then the word "gas" in Fallout 2's "Gas Station" means nothing?

according to the bible, electric and fusion cars were made when fuel resources actually depleted.
also when the fuel based APC and IFVs are no longer operatiional, efforts were focused on the Power Armour.
Fuck the Bible.
How would you explain the war for petroleum and uranium in the intro?
APTYP said:
Fuck the Bible.
How would you explain the war for petroleum and uranium in the intro?

It's not just the Bible, it's made kind of clear in Fallout itself.

As you know, the oil was almost depleted. Now tell me, if oil was really, REALLY scarce, don't you think people would convert from gas cars to electric cars? Hell, it's already being experimented with now, and we have plenty of oil left.

I'm guessing the oil that was being dug up wasn't really used as a fuel anymore...Perhaps to make plastics or so...Or to fuel appliances which can't be electric-based for some odd reason...

Oh, and fuel cells do need to be charged, and to do that you need an external power source...like uranium.
Actually, all of the fuel/fusion cell stuff only happened a couple of years before the war, acoording to the bible. And for as far as I know, only the US had access to it, so a war over resources would still be very logical.....

But I still find cars in Fallout a bit illogical, one or two of them may be plausible, but due to nuclear blasts, EMPs because of that and general lack of care for cars, almost all of the cars would probably be unusable, and a blue buggy with a machine-gun just doesn't seem to fit the setting....
The game gives the impression that BOTH petroleum and uranium were a precious commodity.

And army demands a lot of uranium for ammunition, fuel, and explosive ordinance. Couple that with population increase by the time war started and consider increased energy requirements which logically require more power, leading to construction of more nuclear power plants across the country. Uranium in the eyes of the government would become much more important than the oil, just like plastic was during WW2. Also I'd expect a lot of propaganda calling to use public transportation.

There's one problem I see with that - civilian energy weapons (which at least in our universe consume more energy than cars) and cars still being sold. The only explanations I have is that either they were all for rich people, or recent developments in the war lead the government to believe in better days and lower the energy prices.

Argh, my head hurts. Anyway, it's just a game. And, uh, in Fallout world filled to its ears with 'americana' electric cars just sound so... unamerican!
Just a quick correction. Fuel cells do not require uranium. They run off of hydrogen gas, which is plentiful. Ever heard of the "crazy conspiracy" about government's having cars that run off of water? Of course, we all know that is thermodynamically impossible. However, a fuel cell car will use the stored hydrogen and take oxygen out of the air itself to create water as a byproduct. It's a cheap and effective substitute for oil and nuclear reactors (although I don't think they had that idea back in the 50's).

If anybody is interested, I'd recommend checking out the leading fuel cell researcher in the world, =http://www.ballard.com/]Ballard Power based in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. I think some good ideas could be had there. Perhaps that could be part of a conspiracy which brought about the nuclear war--the invention of fuel cells was sabotaged by a private oil company bent on taking financial control of the world, but never accounted for a war over the only precious resources left.
hmmm, Fallout has the Micro Fusion Cells, but also the Small Energy Cells.

The MFC produce their own energy by Fusion. This, obviously, doesn't work on hydrogen gas, but just on deuterium and tritium, which is plenty...Though, I must note...If you get Fusion to work, you sure as hell won't need Fission power plants, so no need for uranium.

The SEC are like batteries, rechargeable or not, and those need to be charged, either by a Fusion or a Fission plant or by hydrogen gas, but definitely not by using up oil. Gee, that'd be silly.
I think that was just what they were commonly called. If you look at the picture (obviously), it's just a 9-volt battery. But then again, I'm talking about fuel cells in real life. In the Fallout world, they can make them anything they want to. ;)