Fallout 3 vehicles

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Ehmmm, Ninja-whatever.
I can see why you may think those things might be cool, they would make no sense at all within the Fallout universe.

Fuel is depleted(which is why the fossile fuel-sounding FOT cars made very little sense), and WHY would you ever think that a deathclaw would let you ride on his back? For that matter, no animal would, horses are non-existant(for as far as we know) and brahmin walk so slow that it would make no sense to use them.
Re: Cars and animals :)

Ninjatrzydziestyosmy said:
Hi :!: :!:
I would see car's from FT:BOS ( Hammer's ) ,
bicycles and animals ( ride a Deathclav - :wink: ) .

Sory from my bad English

Firstly, the hummer doesn't fit the setting. Secondly riding a deathclaw?? Hello?! Am I the only one who thinks the deathclaws should be feared and not domesticated..
Damnit Odin, I was being polite and trying to convey the image of a non-hostile hardcore fallout fan.... Tsk....;)
In May 1963 Ministers reached agreement on three negotiating objectives for the round:
(a) Measures for the expansion of trade of developing countries as a means of furthering their economic development,
(b) Reduction or elimination of tariffs and other barriers to trade, and
(c) Measures for access to markets for agricultural and other primary products.
The working hypothesis for the tariff negotiations was a linear tariff cut of 50% with the smallest number of exceptions. A drawn-out argument developed about the trade effects a uniform linear cut would have on the dispersed rates (low and high tariffs quite far apart) of the United States as compared to the much more concentrated rates of the EEC which also tended to be in the lower held of United States tariff rates.
The EEC accordingly argued for an evening-out or harmonization of peaks and troughs through its cerement, double cart and thirty: ten proposals. Once negotiations had been joined, the lofty working hypothesis was soon undermined. The special-structure countries (Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa), so called because their exports were dominated by raw materials and other primary commodities, negotiated their tariff reductions entirely through the item-by-item method.
In the end, the result was an average 35% reduction in tariffs, except for textiles, chemicals, steel and other sensitive products; plus a 15% to 18% reduction in tariffs for agricultural and food products. In addition, the negotiations on chemicals led to a provisional agreement on the abolition of the American Selling Price (ASP). This was a method of valuing some chemicals used by the noted States for the imposition of import duties which gave domestic manufacturers a much higher level of protection than the tariff schedule indicated.
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Humans are quite inventive, you know. In the second worldwar my great grandfather tinkered a little with his car and he was able to drive on vegetable oils (sunflower oil, olive oil, whatever), even used oils. Some people even drove around in cars with a steam engine built on top of it.

So fuel driven cars should indeed be rare or even obsolete, but there could be some oddities in some cities. I also like the idea of some sort of public transport. I liked the train and the boats in Arcanum. It just seems logic to me that cities would indeed try to have some sort of safe connection with other cities. You can't really use brahmin caravans forever, can you?
Blade Runner said:
Humans are quite inventive, you know. In the second worldwar my great grandfather tinkered a little with his car and he was able to drive on vegetable oils (sunflower oil, olive oil, whatever), even used oils. Some people even drove around in cars with a steam engine built on top of it.

And why isn't your nick Mcguyver DNA ?
actually bicycles fit the theme. Bicycles are out there for ages and the only fuel u need is food, which gives energy to your legs.

they are cheap and easy to use, be it will be surely as funny as hell to see a guy in Power Armour riding a bicycle, if he cant ride the bicycle, he can use trainer wheels. :lol:
Ehh, I was assuming the guy meant a mtorcycle, instead of a bicycle.

But if he did mean a bicycle, well, it may fit the environment, but, ehmm......nah.
Re: Cars and animals :)

Odin said:
Ninjatrzydziestyosmy said:
Hi :!: :!:
I would see car's from FT:BOS ( Hammer's ) ,
bicycles and animals ( ride a Deathclav - :wink: ) .

Sory from my bad English

Firstly, the hummer doesn't fit the setting. Secondly riding a deathclaw?? Hello?! Am I the only one who thinks the deathclaws should be feared and not domesticated..

damn right. Thats why the talking deatchlaws (WTF) didnt fit in. Deathclaws are beasts that live off the flesh of others. and from F1 and F2 i think we can safely say they are not scavengers or vegitarians :D
There were bysicles in the previus games.

The Nuke'a Cola delivery boy :D

but yes there has to be some other trasnport then your feet i mean if you had to trawell through the desert would you prefer walking?
They could make solar powerd buggies or something.those would work theres enough sun in the middle of a desert and it would force you to stop and make a camp for the night witch would add something new to encounters
altough bicycles sound like a good idea...they're just not cool enough :)

but yeah, using steam, sun of man powered forms of transportation sound fare enough.
NgInE said:
altough bicycles sound like a good idea...they're just not cool enough :)

but yeah, using steam, sun of man powered forms of transportation sound fare enough.

Bicycles might not be cool, but they are practical and ultimately silly and funny. It will be hilarious to see 4 - 5 dudes in Power Armour riding a thin metal thing they call a bicycle / tricycle if they prefer.

steam ? water is too valuable, remember in FO1, the vault dweller had to leave vault 13 becos he needed to find the water purification chip. Water is still important as hell.
damn right. Thats why the talking deatchlaws (WTF) didnt fit in. Deathclaws are beasts that live off the flesh of others. and from F1 and F2 i think we can safely say they are not scavengers or vegitarians

maybe the problem is that Deathclaws have too mean of a name. from now on we should refer to them as 'cuddlefuzzes'.
[PCE said:
damn right. Thats why the talking deatchlaws (WTF) didnt fit in. Deathclaws are beasts that live off the flesh of others. and from F1 and F2 i think we can safely say they are not scavengers or vegitarians

maybe the problem is that Deathclaws have too mean of a name. from now on we should refer to them as 'cuddlefuzzes'.
nah that wouldent work. you would be so ashamed if you got you ass kickt by cuddlefuzzes :oops:
I think a nice "alternative" type of transportation would be the rails. especially if that involved your character welding a scrapped vertibird jet onto a truck bed with no tires on its wheels. Or it could be sail powered. eh.
Haha, cuddlefuzzes...
That's great.

Probably the only vehicles that would survive the war would be most tanks, which I'd assume were converted to energy, or if not, were using the standard diesel turbines... which would definitely fortify the need to secure more fossil fuels... similar to Germany and Africa in WWII.

Military transports might be stowed away somewhere, like the big transport trucks and some lighter vehicles (Hummer style... FO:T Hummer was cool).

Bikes, yeah, silly but if it works... it works.

Pickup trucks might be doable... carry 2 in the front 4 in the rear bed (2 if they are in power armor?). Definitely would like to see more stats for the cars like top speed, off road capability, seating.

Doesn't make sense that the highwayman could just blast right over mountains at top speed. You ever see how low that thing was to the ground? Maybe the maps would have some of the old highways and roads that you could use to go through the mountains and whatnot.

As for riding deathclaws... I dunno. If you were a 300 point master outdoorsman with high stats then maybe you might be able to tame a baby one... but even then I wouldn't do it for fun.

Although, how cool would it be to ride a deathclaw? I mean, you want badass... there you go. Hehe.