Bernard Bumner
Still Mildly Glowing

I do have a certain sympathy for Bethesda's viewpoint on this one, because I can easily accept the argument that a demo wouldn't give a true sense of the gameplay.
Actually, they're almost damned if they do, damned if they don't. If they made a demo which is action-heavy, then they risk confirming the worst expectations of Fallout fans like us. On the other hand, a demo with more character-building content (like, for instance, a potted demo of the Vault section), might alienate that newer, action oriented, Bethesda fanbase that they've been building.
A balanced demo might simply require too many resources for a return that may well not be matched, especially given the huge positive hype they're already building up.
Actually, come to think of it, the number of bugged - rather, buggered - demos I've come across over the years is huge. Often, they've put me off buying games, because it seems that I might not be able to play the game. (And when I take a punt on them from the bargain bin, they sometimes work fine.) It is almost a wonder that anybody does release demos.
Actually, they're almost damned if they do, damned if they don't. If they made a demo which is action-heavy, then they risk confirming the worst expectations of Fallout fans like us. On the other hand, a demo with more character-building content (like, for instance, a potted demo of the Vault section), might alienate that newer, action oriented, Bethesda fanbase that they've been building.
A balanced demo might simply require too many resources for a return that may well not be matched, especially given the huge positive hype they're already building up.
Actually, come to think of it, the number of bugged - rather, buggered - demos I've come across over the years is huge. Often, they've put me off buying games, because it seems that I might not be able to play the game. (And when I take a punt on them from the bargain bin, they sometimes work fine.) It is almost a wonder that anybody does release demos.