Fallout 3 will, y'know, like...not be at E3

mortiz said:
They could post as fans and not as developers y'know? Since they're all huge Fallout fans...as they keep telling us.
That doesn't work. They're still Bethesda employees, and even though they're posting as fans, everyone will still view those remarks as made by a Bethesda employee who works on Fallout 3 since, well, that's what they are.
Si Teh Conspiracy!!!1 :P
Maybe all those "huge fallout fans" that flood this forum and say "I alwayz wet me pantz when thinking about Fallout in Firstperson" are actually the bethsoft guys posting anonymous :roll:
Kharn said:
Heh, maybe they are posting as fans right now, we just don't know it.

That wouldn't surprise me, it was the same shit trick MicroForté and Chuck tried.

To no use whatsoever.

And really, what's the point of having the developers speak themselves? Pete's doing a wonderful job of making them all look like idiots and Chuck II's on his own. So, I guess until he is done with his stupidity, the others are held in check.

This just points out how badly of a hold PR and marketing have on a game's development and interaction, to the detriment of PR, as otherwise those higher up would have had a gag order on Pete from making any more stupid remarks with weasel words.

Again, like the Interplay forums, the PR has more weight than the actual developers themselves. How fucking sad, and it shows how the development is treated.

I have always said, even back to my first doubts about FOT, that I would LIKE for the developers to prove me wrong. Really, if the design was all according to Fallout, then they could said what their intents were, without having to rely on Pete spewing PR garbage like Chuck.

Considering none of them can, and Pete doesn't care to while spinning the same line as Chuck, then it's a clear indication of how the development will go. In denial and trying to ignore the fans, while at the same time do their own shit, and then act miffed because people don't respond well to how the game was squeezed out of their colon.

Ultima IX all over again.