I wonder how they handled console versions of Elite though, because you have a few more commands needed than buttons on a controller. I can only recommend the PC version because that's what I have, but I can say that a controller works very well (definitely better than mouse and keyboard alone) except you still have to have a couple keys bound to the keyboard. I think they even have a HOTAS system available for PS4 now so that is another option if you end up REALLY liking the game.
Still, they ported Wasteland 2 to consoles so I guess anything is possible. And the console version has good reviews.
I always prefer PC, but like I said, some games I get to my console if I can, just to let my rig live a few more years

I look at my PC in a kind of... it has the power it has to be able to play slightly older games at FULL power, while brand new, high demanding games goes to my PS
Boring, I know, but it's a compromise I can live with, especially after years of simply not playing anything newer than 2001